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วันเสาร์ที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What Buyers should know About Newport Beach Homes? by real estate expert

It is evident that Newport Beach is one of the world's best and luxurious cities to live. Newport Beach, incorporated in 1906, is a city in Orange County, California, United States 10 miles (16 km) south of Downtown Santa Ana. Newport Beach is one of the cities with lowest population density as its total population stands out to be 86,252. The city is currently one of the wealthiest communities in the United States and has even been ranked first in some categories. Areas of Newport Beach include Corona del Mar, Balboa Island, Newport Coast, San Joaquin Hills, and Balboa Peninsula. Newport Beach is an upscale community with a very high per capita income. But after Global Recession Newport Beach real estate market has slowed down. This means that the Newport Beach real estate market was affected and will continue to be affected by the recession differently than many other California communities. Prices on Prime Real Estate Properties have dropped down severely thereby undervalued homes that would have been sold at a higher price earlier. In this Real Estate Slump Market, Single family Newport Beach home prices in Newport Beach are doing much better than the OC Real Estate market at large. Orange County is going through a major price correction currently, but property values in Newport Beach are doing much better than most other cities in Orange County. With the home prices quickly decreasing at a steady pace, there is no better time than the present for you to begin considering buying Newport Beach Home. You will discover that there is no single strategy set in stone for all buyers to follow, but the more you learn the better you will be at becoming successful in the buying new homes. There are some tips for buying in Newport Beach Home. 1. Check out basic facilities and amenities to be provided e.g. Fitness centre, dining room, library, media room, bathrooms, laundry, hot/cold shower etc. 2. Credit is an important topic for home buyers. When buying a home you can be sure that mortgage lenders will review your credit with a microscope. 3. A checklist is a useful tool when buying a new house - especially when it's your first time going through the process. A good checklist will keep you on track and help you remember what features to look for when house hunting 4. Since you most likely will need to get a mortgage to buy a house, you must make sure your credit history is as clean as possible. A few months before you start house hunting, get copies of your credit report. 5. Get professional help Even though the Internet gives buyers unprecedented access to home listings, most new buyers (and many more experienced ones) are better off using a professional agent. Look for an exclusive buyer agent, if possible, who will have your interests at heart and can help you with strategies during the bidding process. So, after going through these tips one should have a clear idea buying Newport Beach Homes. For more information on Newport Beach Homes, Newport Beach Homes for Sales, Newport Beach Home Buying tips visit - Newportoc.com

What's In Dust? by CleanPro

Author: CleanProArticle Source: MiNeeds.com, where consumers get competitive bids from Cleaners or Maids. Read reviews, compare offers & save. It's free! Article Link: http://www.mineeds.com/Jamaica/CleanPro/Articles/Whats-in-DustTags: what's in dust?, dust particles, dust green, green cleaning, green clean, microfiber, microfibers, microfiber, clothes, microfiber products, PCB, PCBs, dust mites, mitesDid you ever wonder what's in dust? Even though you may not see dust around your home or office it's out there! You can see it when the sun's rays shine in your window. Using a traditional duster just spreads or moves the dust around. By the end of this article you'll know why that is bad and how to reduce or prevent it. Here is a list of the ingredients in dust according to Sixwise.com* Shed Human Skin Cells* Flame retardants like polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) * Paint particles* Cigarette smoke (and its toxic byproducts) * Pesticides* PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) * PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) * Fabric fibers from your clothes, carpets, upholstery, etc. * Sand and soil particles* Plant and insect parts (When dust is examined under a microscope, it is not at all unusual to spot ant heads or other insect body parts, say Arlian). * Mold spores* Pet dander and feathers* Dust mites and their feces* Viruses* Rodent waste* Construction debris (adhesives, sawdust, etc.) * Pollen* Bacteria* Asbestos* Heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercuryEW right! Now here is what you can do to trap and get ride of that nasty dust. Over the past few years microfiber clothes and products containing microfibers have been becoming more and more popular and all for good reason. Microfiber clothes and products can trap up to 400% of their weight in dust and dirt and can be laundered and reused several times which reduces waste. Simple buy your microfiber cloth or mint and either apply a small amount of cleaner or use them dry. You can dust your TV screen, wipe flat surfaces, use a separate one on glass for a great streak free finish, etc. The possiblities are endless. We use microfiber products in our Certified GREEN cleaning program and have reduced our supplies cost by 50%, help the environment by reducing waste (not using paper towels which by the way are bleeched), and we use all green product such as Clorox Green Works (c) to help our clients that suffer from allergies and are chemical sensitive. Green products work just as good as the regular cleaners. We believe in the Green movement so much that our whole company, CLEANPRO, has switched to Green products, Green cleaning techniques and Waste reduction and our cleaning technicians are green clean certified by The Green Clean Institute. So pick up a couple of microfiber clothes and go cleaning crazy. Article written by: Avinash Jadoonanan, President of CLEANPRO. www.cleanproclean.com Tell: 888-860-6669Was the Article Useful?I hope you enjoyed the article! Please rate it at the following link, your feedback is highly appreciated: What's In Dust?

วันพุธที่ 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

A Life - based on programming.... Part 3 by Adrian Leach

Thoughts, Beliefs and our Body (Quantum Physics) What would it mean to discover that everything from the DNA of life, to the future of our world, is based upon a simple "Reality Code" that may be changed and be upgraded by choice? Until recently, it was thought that genes were self-actualising meaning genes could turn themselves on and off. As a result, most people today believe they are genetic automatons, and that their genes control their lives.
The research of Dr Bruce Lipton Ph. D introduces a radical new understanding of cell science. The new biology reveals that we ‘control' our genome rather than being controlled by it. It is now recognized that the environment, and more specifically, our perception or interpretation of the environment directly controls the activity of our genes. This explains why people can have spontaneous remissions or recover from injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities. It really is about "mind over matter".
This new perspective of human biology does not view the body as just a mechanical device, but rather incorporates the role of a mind and spirit. This breakthrough is fundamental in all healing because it recognizes that when we change our perception or beliefs we send totally different messages to our cells, causing a reprogramming of their expression.
Dr Bruce Lipton Ph. D says that this new science is called Epigenetic. It's been around for about 19 years (1990), but it's just now being introduced to the general public. For example, The American Cancer Society is an organization that has been looking for cancer genes for the last 50 years or so. But they've found that only about 5 percent of cancer has genetic linkage, leaving 95% that is not genetically linked. Recently the American Cancer Society released a statistic that said 60 percent of cancer is avoidable by changing lifestyle and diet. So now they are telling us, "It's the way you live, it's not your genes."
Within every one of our bodies at this very moment, there are billions of stem cells, embryonic cells designed to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs. However, the activity and fate of these regenerative cells are epigenetically controlled. That means they are profoundly influenced by our thoughts and perceptions about the environment. Hence our beliefs about aging can either interfere with or enhance stem cell function, causing us to physiologically regeneration or decline.
Cooperation and community are actually the underlying principles of evolution, as well as the underlying principles of cell biology. The human body represents the cooperative effort of a community of fifty trillion single cells. A community, by definition, is an organization of individuals committed to supporting a shared vision. Information from the environment is transferred to the cell via the cell membrane. Scientists thought that the cell nucleus was the brain of the cell. But in 1985 Dr Bruce Lipton Ph. D discovered that the membrane is actually the brain of the cell. The nucleus, as it turns out, is actually the reproductive centre.
The cell membrane (memory-brain!) monitors the condition of the environment and then sends signals to the genes to engage cellular mechanisms, which in turn, provide for its survival. In the human body, the brain sends messages to the cell's membrane to control its behavior and genetic activity. This is how the mind, via the brain, controls our biology.
For example, an important discipline in the health sciences is referred to as Psycho-neuroimmunology. Literally this term means: the mind (psycho-) controls the brain (neuro-), which in turn, controls the immune system (immunology). This is how the placebo effect works!
When the mind perceives that the environment is safe and supportive, the cells focus on growth. Cells need growth in order to maintain the body's healthy functioning. However, when confronted by stress, cells adopt a defensive protection posture. When that happens, the body's energy resources, normally used to sustain growth, are diverted to systems that provide protection. The result is that growth processes are restricted or suspended. While our systems can accommodate periods of acute (brief) stress, prolonged or chronic stress is debilitating because the body's energy demands interfere with the maintenance it requires, and this is what leads to dysfunction and disease.
In a state of shock or fear, stress hormones change the flow of blood in the brain. Under normal, healthy situations, blood flow in the brain is preferentially focused in the forebrain, the site of conscious control. However, in stress, the forebrain blood vessels constrict, forcing the blood to the hindbrain, the centre of subconscious reflex control. Simply, in fear mode we become more reactive and less intelligent.
Dr. Masaru Emoto From Dr. Emoto's work we are provided with factual evidence, that human energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet.
Dr Emoto has found that by placing a piece of paper with a word written on it will change the molecular structure of the water. A drop of the water is then placed in a dish and frozen. The resulting ice crystal is then observed through a Dark Field microscope. When beautiful and harmonious words are used like love or happiness, beautiful symmetrical crystals are observed. However, when words like hate or anger are written on the paper, the result on the water crystal is quite different. The crystals appear all disfigured and twisted.
To test this phenomenon Dr Emoto swapped the two labels around and found that the effects were reversed. Water is the very source of all life on this planet, the quality and integrity is vitally important to all forms of life. The body is very much like a sponge and is composed of trillions of cells that hold liquid. The quality of our life is directly connected to the quality of our water.
Water is a very malleable substance. Its physical shape easily adapts to whatever environment is present. But its physical appearance is not the only thing that changes, the molecular shape also changes. The energy or vibrations of the environment will change the molecular shape of water. In this sense water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly reflects the environment.
Our very thoughts, feelings, emotions and belief systems, if negative or limiting, will have a direct effect on our cells and immune system. This is yet more proof that we really are what we think! By making energetic changes we can the programming that created these negative beliefs and drastically improve every cell of our bodies to living a happier, healthier and longer life, now…
Dr. Bradley Nelson â€" “The Emotion Code” Dr. Nelson, author of “The Emotion Code,” believes that much of our suffering is due to negative emotional energies that have become ‘trapped’ within us, usually in our joints, when we are upset or stressed. Each emotion has a unique frequency and, when trapped in the body, causes the surrounding tissue frequency to change. This causes a disruption which leads to pain.
It is also Dr. Nelson’s experience that a significant percentage of all physical illnesses, emotional difficulties and self-sabotage are actually caused by these unseen energies. When we clear these trapped emotions the physical symptoms goes away.

วันจันทร์ที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Colon Cancer News - The Must Know Basics Of Screening by Nancy Tagore

Five Stages Of Colon CancerColon cancer is a cancer that affects the four to five feet of the upper large intestine. In Stage 0, the cancer hasn't grown past the mucosa of the colon. In Stage I, the cancer has grown through the mucosa but hasn't spread past the colon wall. In Stage II, the cancer has penetrated the wall of the colon, but hasn't yet spread further. In Stage III, the cancer has invaded the surrounding lymph nodes. In Stage IV, the cancer has spread to distant organs through the cancerous lymph nodes. Although 49,920 deaths occur from colorectal cancer each year, it's believed many of these deaths could have been prevented with early detection and treatment.Cancer Risk FactorsThere are many important risk factors for cancer of the colon that makes someone a good candidate for colon cancer screening. Age is one factor, as about 90% of people diagnosed with this cancer are over 50. People are also more at-risk if they have ever had colorectal cancer, polyps, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diabetes, acromegaly (a growth hormone disorder) or radiation therapy as part of another cancer treatment. Some studies have shown that a greater risk exists for people who eat diets low in fiber and high in fat/calories, or diets high in red meat/processed meats. Obese individuals and smokers have an increased chance of developing and dying from this type of cancer too. As with most health conditions, genetics also play a role in many cases.The Cause Of Colon CancerColon cancer is the uncontrolled growth, division and replication of altered cells, which stack up in the intestinal lining. In later stages, the cancer can penetrate the colon walls, spreading to lymph nodes and other organs. Precancerous growths, called colon polyps, appear as mushroom-shaped bumps or recessed lesions in the colon walls. There are three main types of colon polyps: inflammatory, adenoma and hyperplastic. Inflammatory polyps often come after having ulcerative colitis and are usually removed because they often become cancerous if left unattended. Adenomas are also removed to avoid cancer development. By contrast, hyperplastic polyps are rarely a cause for concern.Screening Procedures For Colon CancerThe most basic colon cancer screening is a stool blood test (or a fecal occult blood test), which allows a patient to take a kit home, create a sample and return that sample to the lab, where a doctor will examine the results under a microscope. Similarly, a stool DNA test will send the sample kit off to the laboratory for more in-depth analysis, which may be able to indicate DNA mutations or tumors that indicate the presence of cancer. A flexible sigmoidoscopy takes just a few moments, and involves a flexible, slender, lighted tube being inserted into the last two feet of the rectum and colon to see if any colon polyps are present. A barium enema uses a contrast dye and x-rays to evaluate the lining of the bowels. A colonoscopy is similar to the sigmoidoscopy, but the instrument allows the doctor the ability to search the entire colon and rectum for polyps, rather than just the lower portion. Lastly, a virtual colonoscopy uses a computerized tomography machine to take images of the colon, which is a less invasive than a conventional colonoscopy screening.

A Brief History Of Holograms by Lawrence Reaves

A hologram is created by capturing the light reflected from an object and reconstructing it so the subject appears to move relative to the position of the viewer of the hologram. This is what makes a hologram appear 3-dimensional but in fact it is not, it is a 2-dimensional representation just as an ordinary photograph.
In 1947, Hungarian physicist, Gabor Denes (known as Dennis Gabor in English) was playing in his lab with the results of pioneering technological advances dealing with the development of the electron microscope. Dennis Gabor was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his discovery but he had to wait until 1971 to receive the recognition he deserved.
The discovery was made in England at the commercial lab of British Thomas-Houston who filed a patent back in 1947, however the holographic light/optical technique did not attain any commercial significance until the development of the laser in 1960. With the invention of the laser, 3-dimensional objects were then able to be made and the technique was first discovered in 1962 by two sets of teams - one in Soviet Russia led by Yuri Denisyuk and in the US, led by Juris Upatnieks.
The initial holograms required illumination using the polarized light provided by a laser which severely restricted the use of the hologram. With the development of "Rainbow Transmission" holograms, ordinary white-light sources could be used to create the 3-dimensional replication and this opened the door to using holograms in everyday life. The holograms you see on credit cards and as security tags on product packaging are of this type. The rainbow transmission technique uses a surface print on a plastic film which is then backed by an aluminum mirror-coating to provide the backlight source of illumination - this is what creates the 3-dimensional image appear.
A refinement of the rainbow transmission hologram is the "reflection" or "Denisyuk" hologram. Here a multi-color image is reproduced and a white-light source from the same side of the viewer is only needed - this removes the need for the backlight coating which increases the cost of producing the hologram.
While static 3-dimensional images can be reproduced on a 2-dimensional medium, the science fiction concept of a 3-dimensional image being projected into a space is not yet with us. The ability to replicate a 3-dimensional image into a space holds a lot of attraction for television and film but while plenty of effort has been going into creating a 3-dimensional viewing experience, the reality is that this holographic development is still science fiction and not science fact. The 2008 holographic projection of CNN reporter Jessica Yellin during the Presidential elections last year may have given the impression of a hologram projection into space but in fact there was a merging of a video feed from the reporter which was then combined with the video feed created in the studio. In other words, it was a cheat, but still gave a good indication of the possibility of 3-d holographic movies and television may be able to bring to the movie theater or your living room within the next few years.

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Hair Transplant Terminology by Robert M. Bernstein, M.D., F.A.A.D.

Follicular Unit The follicular unit of the adult human scalp is a naturally occurring entity that consists of 1-4, and occasionally 5, terminal hair follicles, 1, or rarely 2, vellus follicles, the associated sebaceous lobules, the insertions of the arrector pili muscles, its neural and vascular plexuses, and the fine adventitial collagen which surrounds, and defines, the unit (the perifolliculum).
Follicular Unit Graft A graft that is obtained by dissecting out the individual, naturally occurring follicular unit. This is also referred to as a follicular unit implant, a term which implies that (unlike most grafts) the ratio of hair/skin is greater in the follicular unit implant than in the original donor area, since some of the non-hair bearing tissue has been trimmed away in the dissection.
Micrograft A 1-2 hair graft. It may consist of naturally occurring one and two-hair follicular units or be derived from larger units which are subdivided.
Minigraft A 3-6 hair graft derived from either a single follicular unit, multiple follicular units, or multiple, partial follicular units. As suggested by Walter Unger, this may be further classified into small minigrafts of 3-4 hairs, and large minigrafts of 5-6 hairs.
Slit-graft A 3-6 hair graft derived from either multiple follicular units, or multiple, partial follicular units where the dissection technique specifically attempts to produce a linear arrangement of follicles, or follicular units. This may be further classified into small slit-grafts of 3-4 hairs, and large slit-grafts of 5-6 hairs.
Follicular Unit Dissection A technique in which naturally occurring, individual follicular units are dissected from donor tissue that has been removed as a single strip (rather than with a multi-bladed knife of more than two blades) in order to keep the follicular units intact. Some non-hair bearing tissue is removed to decrease the overall bulk of the implant. Stereo-microscopic dissection is required.
Mini-Micrografts or Slit-grafts Cut to Size A dissection technique whereby the donor strip is subdivided to produce grafts of specific sizes as defined by the number of hairs they contain and/or the size of tissue that will fit into a specific recipient site. The removal of excess skin is not required. The dissection can be performed with or without magnification and the donor tissue may be removed as a single strip or with a multi-bladed knife.
Follicular Unit Transplantation A method of hair restoration surgery where hair is transplanted exclusively in its naturally occurring, individual follicular units. Single strip harvesting and stereo-microscopic dissection are required. The grafts must be placed into small recipient incisions.
Mini-Micrografting A method of hair transplantation which uses grafts containing 1-6 hairs, in groups that do not necessarily correspond to the naturally occurring follicular units. The recipient sites may be either incisions, excisions (tissue removed), or both.
Two Terminology Extremes: Science vs. Marketing Soon after the publication, Seager suggested to add another term, the "Follicular Family Unit." (7) To paraphrase Dr. Seager:
When dissecting follicular units, it is sometimes unclear as to which unit a seemingly "stray" hair belongs. In other words, occasionally it is not completely obvious where one follicular unit ends, and an adjacent one begins. When one is specifically trying to create increased density, a stray hair would be included with an (unusually) close neighboring, larger follicular unit, containing possibly three hairs. This technique would create a four-haired unit, when there may have been no four-haired units there at all. One must find two separate units that look close enough to almost "belong together." If the two contiguous units are chosen correctly, the resulting unit can be very difficult, sometimes impossible, to distinguish from a naturally occurring follicular unit.
The key to success in this endeavor is the concept of the "Follicular Family Unit." If any ("non-family") two-follicular units are randomly doubled up, the resulting graft will be more the size of a minigraft, rather than a micrograft. It would need a larger recipient site, which would preclude dense packing because of both technical planting limitations and impairment of scalp vasculature. If, on the other hand, despite their larger size, they are forced into minute micrograft-sized recipient sites; they would be traumatized during attempts at insertion.
Although the term "follicular family unit" was introduced to account for the variability in the anatomy of the follicular unit and to take advantage of these variations in the surgery, other terms were not necessarily based on purely scientific considerations.
A blatant misrepresentation of the term follicular unit was "Follicular Unit Coupling - The Role of Slot Grafting in Hair Transplantation." (8) In this case, the author attached the new term to the original slot grafting method. This was a technique that used slit grafts harvested with a multi-bladed knife and then cut into thin pieces and placed into large slots of skin removed with a rectangular punch. The term was new and a marketing campaign followed, but the technique was the same as the original one, with no-attempt whatsoever to use, or preserve, follicular units.
Between these extremes, is the ongoing struggle to describe what we do in a clear, precise way - in the face of ever evolving concepts and techniques, and an ever increasing number of terms. The issue at hand is to be able to distinguish which terms are adding to the science and which are just blurring it.
Making Sense of the FU Salad From the opening list of acronyms, all used at the recent ISHRS meeting, it seems that we again need to step back and examine the new terms, to see which represent distinct ideas or techniques and which are, perhaps, redundant. What follows is a first-pass attempt at sorting out the six terms that, in our opinion, are the most confusing, and have the most overlap. They come in two groups: The first is FU Coupling, FU pairing, Double FUs (DFUs) and Multiple FUs (MFUs). The second group includes FUE and FIT.
With respect to the first group, we think that there are two distinct situations that doctor's are trying to communicate with these terms. The first is the technique of placing two separately dissected follicular unit grafts into one recipient site. This is distinct from the commonly used term "Doubling-up" which many doctors have used to refer to placing two micrografts in one site. Our suggestion is to use the term FU pairing to refer to the technique of placing two separately isolated follicular units into one recipient site. We suggest discarding the term FU Coupling as it has been incorrectly associated with slit grafting procedures in past literature and its use will be confusing.
The second situation is when a doctor places two (or more) follicular units, that have not been separated in the dissection, into one hole. In our view, this is clearly not follicular unit transplantation. The reason is that a main advantage of FUT was that in isolating FUs one would remove some of the non-hair bearing skin between FUs, to decrease the bulk of the graft. This, in turn, would allow the doctor to use a smaller recipient site, create less wounding, allow for safely transplanting a larger number of grafts in a single session etc, etc. Using multiple non-dissected follicular units, in our view, creates a larger wound and accomplishes none of these goals.
We are not suggesting that doctors should abandon this technique. Some excellent surgeons incorporate these grafts into their procedures. We are merely suggesting that it not be called FUT. Well then what should one call them? Our answer is to call them what they have always been called, namely micro-grafts, mini-grafts and slit grafts. If one argues that they are now different due to the use of the stereo-microscope, then we agree. In this case, the grafts should be called microscopically dissected micro-grafts, mini-grafts and slit grafts, to communicate the fact that follicular transection may be avoided. But these are still not follicular unit grafts any more than a pedicle flap is follicular unit transplantation. To avoid confusion, we suggest eliminating the terms DFUs and MFUs.
So what should we call eyebrow transplants? According to the technique used by most hair restoration surgeons, where they divide up the donor strip into single hairs, it should be called one-hair micrografting. If one uses the contra-lateral eyebrow for donor hair, then this can truly be referred to as FUT.
FUE and FIT The increased transection rate of FUE harvesting techniques that use a sharp punch (relative to single-strip harvesting and stereomicroscopic dissection) had some doctors immediately question whether this procedure should be classified as a type of follicular unit transplantation. (9) With the introduction of the blunt dissection technique by Harris, that significantly decreased damage to follicles and increased the preservation of follicular units, the argument for classifying FUE as a type of FUT is considerably stronger - but certainly not bullet-proof - since in some cases significant transection remains and in others the entire follicular unit cannot be captured. (10)
The Follicular Isolation Technique (FIT), is a term used by Cole and Rose that refers to an FUE technique that uses a punch with a "stop" to limit the depth of penetration. Although these authors and other physicians question the need for a depth-stop in the extraction technique, FIT is possibly a better term than FUE if the entire unit is not being captured. In our view, when the goal is just to extract hair, rather than intact follicular units, the term FIT is preferable.
Conclusion In sum, these authors suggest that the following four terms and definitions be added to the original classification.
Follicular Family Unit Two closely contiguous follicular units that are dissected as one graft, so that they can fit into the same size recipient site as the largest naturally occurring follicular unit normally used in the procedure.
FU pairing The technique of placing two separately isolated follicular units into one recipient site.
FUE Direct donor extraction procedures where the intent is to extract the entire follicular unit. If a depth stop is used, this should be indicated.
FIT Direct extraction procedures where the intent is to extract individual or multiple hairs smaller than the entire follicular unit. (In other words, the direct extraction of micro-grafts.) If a depth stop is used, this should be indicated.
Micro-grafts, mini-grafts and slit grafts that have been dissected microscopically to prevent follicular transection should be referred to just that, namely: microscopically dissected micro-grafts, mini-grafts and slit grafts. These authors do not feel that these procedures should be classified as a type of follicular unit transplantation. We also suggest that the terms FU Coupling, DFUs and MFUs are confusing and should be abandoned.
1. Headington JT: Transverse microscopic anatomy of the human scalp. Arch Dermatol 1984;120:449-456. 2. Bernstein RM, Rassman WR, Szaniawski W, Halperin A. Follicular Transplantation. Intl J Aesthetic Restorative Surgery 1995; 3: 119-32. 3. Limmer BL. Elliptical donor stereoscopically assisted micrografting as an approach to further refinement in hair transplantation. Dermatol Surg 1994;20:789-793. 4. Seager D. Binocular stereoscopic dissecting microscopes: should we use them? Hair Transplant Forum Int 1996; 6(4): 2-5. 5. Bernstein RM: Microscopophobia. Hair Transplant Forum International. 1998; 8(5): 23. 6. Bernstein RM, et al. Standardizing the classification and description of follicular unit transplantation and mini-micrografting techniques. Dermatol Surg 1998; 24: 957-63. 7. Seager D. Dense hair transplantation from sparse donor area - introducing the "follicular family unit." Hair Transplant Forum Intl 1998; 8(1):21-23. 8. Bernstein RM, Rassman WR, Marritt E, Seager D, et al: A slot by any other name. Hair Transplant Forum International 1999; 9(6): 175. 9. Rassman WR, Bernstein RM, McClellan R, Jones R, et al. Follicular Unit Extraction: Minimally invasive surgery for hair transplantation. Dermatol Surg 2002; 28(8): 720-7. 10. Harris JA. The SAFE System: New Instrumentation and Methodology to Improve Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Hair Transplant Forum Intl. 2004; 14(5): 157, 163-4.

The Value of Regular Dentist Visits by Kenneth Shannon

If you think that brushing and flossing alone is enough to keep your teeth and mouth clean and healthy, think again. If you think that you can manage to have a clean and healthy mouth without the help of a dentist, then what are dentists here for?
Dentists play a big part in managing the personal dental care of individuals. Dentists check your teeth and mouth for signs of cavities and gum disease.
They will also help you maintain extra clean teeth and they will also teach you the proper ways of brushing and flossing. They can even demonstrate it to you so that you can really see how it is done.
Be Careful Of What You Eat And Drink Dentists would also give you important advices related to teeth and mouth care. Perhaps one of the most common advices that dentists give their patients is to be careful with what they eat and drink.
Eating and drinking sugary stuffs such as candies, cakes and soda can attract a lot of plaque to stick to your teeth. If you want to have healthy teeth, do try to eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more water than soda.
More Than Sprays And Breath Mints The world is full of instant solutions and shortcuts and dental care is not exempted from the variety of instant solutions.
A lot of breath mints and breath fresheners are available in the market today, offering instant fresh breath to individuals who are perhaps too busy to spend at least three minutes to brush their teeth.
If you are one of the many people who are seeking the aid of breath mints and breath sprays to give you fresh breath, you might want to change your approach to personal dental care because it will just do you more harm than good.
Aside from the fact that breath mints and breath sprays can't really rid your teeth and mouth of minute pieces of food debris, they are also not good for long term use.
The truth is, breath mints and breath freshener sprays are only good at masking mouth odors.
Sure, they can give you instant fresh breath that can probably last for a few hours, but when you look at your mouth through a microscope, you will really be disgusted and appalled by all the bacteria and food debris that can be found in your mouth and in between your teeth.
Simplest Yet Most Essential Brushing one's teeth may seem to be the simplest and most basic part of personal dental care but it is one of the most needed things to do to achieve clean and healthy teeth.
You see, in order for you to prevent cavities, you need to brush off the plaque stuck in your teeth brought about by the food and beverages that you ate and drank.
Brushing regularly can also save you a lot of unwanted trips to the dentist. Remember, breath mints and breath freshener sprays won't help in getting rid of the bacteria that causes plaque to build up in your teeth.
If you want to have a nice set of teeth without having to undergo awful toothaches and bad breath, take the extra mile to spend time for your personal dental care routine.

วันอังคารที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

7th Grade Science Project Ideas Made Simple and Fun by Dee Schrock

There are a number of 7th grade science project ideas that a student can choose from to demonstrate concepts learned in class. A few such projects include:* Collect water from a nearby stream or pond and view a drop of it under a microscope. Note what kinds of things you see and make drawings of them. Which are plants and which are animals? What is greater in your sample, plants or animals? What factors might affect the numbers of each that you find?* Draw a cell and label all of its parts. What function does each part of the cell serve? Are there differences between plant and animal cells? If do, what are they?* Name the four different blood groups found in humans. What type is the rarest? The most common? How does the blood type of a person's parents affect the outcome of their own (i.e. if a person with type A blood marries someone with type O, what type will any offspring have?* Draw a picture of a red blood call from a human and label all of its parts. Now draw a picture of the red blood cell from an animal, like a cow and label all of the parts. Are there any differences? If so, what part do you think these differences play in the function of the cell?* Build a 3D model of a single-celled animal from cake. Use different tints of frosting to make the different structures inside the animal. Licorice laces can be cut up to represent the cilia. Before the cake is eaten, hand out a sheet that has the different parts labeled with call-outs, but not filled in. Allow people to view the cake and fill in the papers as to what each structure is. Just before the cake is cut, put out a poster that shows what everything is. Let the person who has the most right answers for these 7th grade science project ideashave the first piece of cake.* Take a sample of cells from the inside of the mouth and view them under a microscope. Stain the material with a drop of food coloring. Describe what you see. Make a drawing of any clear cells and label all of the structures present.* Plankton is made up of several kinds of single cell plants and animals. Find out what they are and make drawings of several different kinds of each. What animals use plankton as a food source. What kinds of changes in the environment could change plankton's survival in the water? Has plankton levels risen or fallen in recent years? Why?* Different bacteria exist all around us. Where are they found? What role do they play? In what cases should bacteria be encouraged to grow? In what cases should they be discouraged? Give an example of how or why they should be encouraged, and why they should be discouraged.With a little bit of careful thought it is possible to find any number of 7th grade science project ideas that can be turned into a science project for the inquisitive student.

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Information about Reactive Arthritis by garden.landscapiidr

Reactive arthritis causes inflammation, pain and swelling of the joints, and usually develops after an infection, often in the bowel or genital areas. Being an auto-immune condition, the infection awakens the immune system, the normal role being to fight off infections to keep you healthy, however, this immune system activity continues after the infection has been cleared. Hence the name "reactive" as the condition is reacting to the presence of bacterial infections. This leads to swelling of the joints, although the joints themselves are not infected. About one in 10 people with specific types of bacterial infections will get reactive arthritis. Reactive arthritis was formerly known as Reiter's syndrome.
Reactive arthritis usually begins a few weeks after an infection, affecting many parts of the body and commonly include:
* pain, swelling and stiffness of joints, often the knees and ankles * pain and stiffness in the buttocks and back (also known as spondylitis, meaning inflammation of the spine) * pain in tendons, such as at the back of the heel (tendons are the strong cords that attach muscles onto bones) * rash on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet * pain and redness in the eyes.
Only specific bacteria may result in reactive arthritis. The most common are:
* chlamydia bacteria, which are transmitted during sexual activity * salmonella, shigella, yersinia or campylobacter bacteria, which cause food poisoning.
It is not known why some people who get these infections develop reactive arthritis and some do not. A certain gene called HLA-B27 is associated with reactive arthritis, especially inflammation of the spine. It most commonly strikes individuals aged 20-40, is more common in men than in women, and is more common in white men than in black men. This is owing to white individuals' being more likely to have tissue type HLA-B27 than black individuals.
Your doctor will diagnose reactive arthritis from your symptoms and a physical examination. Your doctor may also order blood tests for inflammation, such as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) tests. Blood tests may also help to rule out other types of arthritis. There are countless clinical symptoms, but the clinical picture is dominated by polyarthritis (any type of arthritis which involves five or more joints). There is pain, swelling, redness, and heat in the joints. MRI is effective for diagnosis. The urethra, cervix and throat may be swabbed in an attempt to culture the bacterial culprit. Cultures may be carried out on urine and stool samples. Synovial fluid from an affected knee may be aspirated to look at the fluid under the microscope and for culture. Also, a blood test for the genetic marker HLA-B27 may be given to determine if the patient has the gene. About 75 percent of all patients with Reiter's Syndrome have the gene.
Signs and symptoms:
For most people reactive arthritis disappears completely with time and causes no permanent joint problems. More than four out of five people with reactive arthritis will recover completely within three to 12 months. During this time you may find that your symptoms are worse some days and better other days. Most patients have severe symptoms lasting a few weeks to six months. 15 to 50 percent of cases have recurrent bouts of arthritis. While most people need some form of treatment, usually medicines, while symptoms are present, about one in five people need long-term treatment as their arthritis does not improve, or returns.
The main goal of treatment is to identify and eradicate the underlying infectious source with the appropriate antibiotics if still present. Otherwise, treatment is symptomatic for each problem. Analgesics, steroids and immunosuppressants may be needed for patients with severe reactive symptoms that do not respond to any other treatment. Your doctor will tailor your treatment to your symptoms and the severity of your condition. There is no way of predicting exactly which treatment will work best for you. Your doctor may need to trial several different treatments before finding the one that is right for you and will be able to supply you with more information about reactive arthritis

วันพุธที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Different Theories of Dyeing by Sarah Martin

Chemists have for a long time debated the question as to just what dyeing really is. The puzzle does not yet seem to be settled. Three theories have been advanced to explain the phenomenon of dyeing:
(1) The chemical theory
(2) The mechanical theory
(3) The solid solution theory
The chemical theory is based on the possibility that a definite chemical compound called a color lake is formed between the fibers of the material being dyed and the coloring matter of the dye. Supporters of this theory say that animal fibers, such as silk and wool, contain animal acids and have the power to react with acid and basic substances, and that they do react and change in color with acid and basic dyestuffs.
In the case of cotton fibers, which are inert chemically, an extra treatment with an acid or basic mordant is necessary in order to secure a change of color with dyes - the acid mordant going with the basic dyestuff, and the basic mordants (such as various metalic oxides) being used with acid dyes. There is very little direct evidence to prove the chemical theory. The fact that alcohol and some other solvents may remove the coloring matter, and leave the fibers unchanged, seems to break down the strength of the arguments for the chemical theory to some extent.
The mechanical theory is supported by possibility that the coloring matter may be composed of fine particles, which are invisible even with a microscope, that lodge between the tiny imaginary molecules that are supposed to be component parts of the fibers themselves.
However, it is known that a given dye produces varying tones and nuances on different fibers, which in some cases are fast to light and in others are fugitive. Adherents of this theory sometimes say that the size of the molecules of the dye and different fibers may vary, allowing the coloring matter to find a lodging place in some materials and not in others to such good advantage.
To support this theory it is pointed out that, in general, hot dyeing is more effective than cold dyeing. This may be due to greater expansion in the size of the molecules of one material than of the other, thus permitting them to unite to better advantage and to form a different and new color.
The mechanical theory is not thought by most chemists to be a satisfactory explanation of dyeing reactions on wool and silk, but some people still think that it really shows what takes place with cotton and possibly other vegetable fibers during the dyeing process. If dyeing were merely mechanical, it seems probable that repeated washings in boiling water would remove all the color. This cannot be done in many cases where permanent dyes have been used.
The solid solution theory, advanced by Witt, is more difficult to understand than either of the others, but it is now believed by many color chemists to be the most probable explanation. According to this theory, one solid substance, such as coloring-matter, may be dissolved by another solid, such as fiber, just as molten glass may be colored by absorbing certain pigments. The fibers that are being dyed act as solvents, which absorb certain coloring matter from the dye solution. In some cases, mordants, which are of three classes, may enter into the dyeing operation.

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Test your knowledge by Vicky Advani

01 The theory of relativity was propounded by Albert Einstein 02 The principal metal used in manufacturing steel is Iron 03 An alimeter is used for measuring Altitude 04 Oology is the study of Birds eggs 05 Radioactivity was discovered by Henry Bacquerel 06 The metal used in storage batteries is Lead 07 The instrument used to measure the relative humidity of air is Hygrometer 08 Barometer was invented by Torricelli 09 The unit of power is Watt 10 Radium was discovered by Marie and Pierrie Curie 11 The existence of isotopes was discovered by Frederick Soddy 12 Dynamo was invented by Michael Faraday 13 The nuclear reactor was invented by Enrico Ferni 14 The law of gravitation was propounded by Sir Isaac Newton 15 Crescograph was invented by J.C.Bose 16 Crescograph is used to measure the Rate of growth of a plant 17 Galileo's first scientific discovery was Pendulum 18 Microscope was invented by Aaton Van Leewen Hock 19 The scientist who is known as father of modern biology is Aristotle 20 The first person to see a cell under microscope was Robert Hooke 21 The smallest flowering plant is Worffia 22 The four blood groups were discovered by Karl Landsteiner 23 Sodium was discovered by Sir Humphry Davy 24 The atomic number of oxygen is Eight 25 The basic building blocks of proteins are Amino acids 26 The botanical name of the cotton plant is Gossipium Hirsutum 27 An Electroscope is used to Detect charges on a body 28 The unit of loudness is Phon 29 An ammeter is used to measure Electric current 30 Plant that eat insects are called Insectivorous plants 31 Fruits that are formed without fertilization are called Parthenocarpic 32 Plants that flower only once in their lifetime are called Mono carpic 33 The botanical name for rice is Oryza Sativa 34 Penicillin is obtained from Mould 35 The largest tree in the world is Seguoia Gigantica 36 Herpetology is the study of Reptiles 37 Entomology is the study of Insects 38 Ornithology is the study of Birds 39 Ichtyology is the study of Fishes 40 Osteology is the study of Bones 41 The botanical name for brinjal is Solanum melongenal 42 The botanical name for onion is Allium Cepa 43 The study of sound is called Acoustics 44 The study of heavenly bodies is called Astronomy 45 The study of tissues is called Histology 46 Electric Lamp was invented by Thomas alva Edison 47 The fear of crowd is called Ochlophobia 48 The fear of books is called Bibliophobia 49 The fear of going to bed is called Clinophobia 50 The symbol of gold is Au 51 The symbol of sodium is Na 52 The symbol of Sr stands for Strontium 53 The symbol Rb stands for Rubidium 54 The symbol Md stands for Mendelevium 55 Calcium sulphate is commonly called Plaster of Paris 56 Sodium carbonate is commonly called Washing Soda 57 Sodium chloride is commonly known as Common Salt 58 The chemical name of Chloroform is Trichloromethane 59 The chemical name of baking powder is Sodium bicarbonate 60 The chemical name of bleaching powder is Calcium hypochlorite 61 The formula HCL stands for Hydrochloric Acid 62 The formula H2SO4 stands for Sulphuric Acid 63 The formula CHCI3 stands for Trichloromethane 64 The formula H2O2 stands for Hydrogen peroxide 65 A fungus which can only survive on other living organisms is called Obligate Parasite 66 A plant which lives in the dark is called Scotophyte 67 A plant adapted to live in dry places is called a Xerophyte 68 A plant adapted for growth in water is called a Hydrophyte 69 Bifocal lens was invented by Benjamin Franklin 70 Cement was invented by Joseph Aspdin 71 Laser was invented by Dr.Charles H.Townes 72 Electromagnet was invented by William Sturgeon 73 Rayon was invented by Sir Joseph Swann 74 Thermostat is an instrument used for regulating Constant temperature 75 The science of organic forms and structures is known as Morphology 76 Phycology is the study of Algae 77 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research was established in 1945 78 CSIR stands for Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 79 ISRO stands for Indian Space Research Organisation 80 The first human being to land on moon was Neil Armstrong 81 The first Indian in space was Rakesh Sharma 82 ISAC stands for ISRO Satellite Centre 83 VSSC stands for Vikram Sarabhai space Centre 84 The headquarters of ISRO is located at Bangalore 85 VSSC is located at Thiruvananthapuram 86 ISAC is located at Bangalore 87 National Science Centre is located at New Delhi 88 Central Tobacco Research Institute is located at Rajahmundry 89 Indian Institute of Horticultural Research is located at Bangalore 90 The Atomic Energy Commission was set up in August 1948 91 The first Indian Satellite was Aryabhatta 92 The first Indian Satellite was launched in the year 1975 93 ASLV stands for Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle 94 INSAT stands for Indian National Satellite 95 The fear of women is known as Gynophobia 96 The fear of men is known as Androphobia 97 The scientist who developed the Quantum theory was Max Plonck 98 The steam engine was invented by James Watt 99 The botanical name of tea is Camellia Sinensis 100 Logarithms were devised by John Napier 101 The acid used in a car battery is Sulphuric acid 102 The system for writing by blind people was invented by Louis Braille 103 The parachute was used for the first time by J.P.Blanchard 104 The German physicit who first demonstrated the existence of Radio waves was Henrich Hertz 105 The instrument that records the intensity of earthquakes is Seismograph 106 The laws of floating bodies was discovered by Archimedes 107 The density of milk is measured by a Lactometer 108 Fountain pen was invented by L.E.Waterman 109 The instrument used to measure the pressure of gases is the Monometer 110 Bhaskara I was a famous Astronomer 111 The first atomic power station established in India was the Tarapore Atomic Power Station 112 The role of heredity was demonstrated by Mendel 113 The instrument used to measure the concentration of salt water is the Salinometer 114 Spectroscopy is the study of Anders John Angstrom 115 Dactylography is the study of Finger Prints 116 A tangent galvanometer is used to study the Strength of direct current 117 The fruit of Oak is called Acron 118 ZETA stands for Zero Energy Thermonuclear Assembly 119 The formula C6H5OH stands for Phenol 120 Michael Faraday worked as an assistant under another scientist whose name was Sir Humphry Davy 121 Vulcanised rubber was invented by Charles Goodyear 122 The symbol Zn stands for Zinc 123 The symbol He stands for Helium 124 Celluloid was invented by A.Parker 125 Glider was invented by Sir George Caley 126 Safety matches was invented by J.E.Lundstrom 127 Radio valve was invented by Sir J.A.Fleming 128 Space Applications Centre is located at Ahmedabad 129 Atomic Energy Commission is located at Mumbai 130 Dynamics is the study of Movements of bodies 131 Statics is the study of Forces acting on bodies at rest 132 Mechanics is the study of Forces acting on bodies 133 Zoology is the study of Animal life 134 Botany is the study of Plant life 135 Psychology is the study of Human mind 136 The first American to orbit earth was John H.Glen 137 The electro-cardiograph was invented by William Einthoven 138 The molecular formula of cane sugar is C12H22O11 139 A compound which contains only hydrogen and Carbon is called a Hydrocarbon 140 The liquid used to preserve specimens of plans and animals is Formalin 141 The law of segregaton was propounded by Mendel 142 Auriscope is used to detect Ear disorders 143 The three states of matter are Solid,liquid and gas 144 The scientific name for blood platelets is Thrombocytes 145 The response of a plant to heat is called Thermotropism 146 The response of a plant to touch is called Trigmotropism 147 The symbol Zr stands for Zirconium 148 Nickel was discovered by Cronstledt 149 Manganese was discovered by Gahn 150 The common name for pottasium carbonate is Potash 151 Bismuth was discovered by Valentine 152 The biggest plant seed is Cocodemer 153 Toxicology is the study of Poisons 154 Virology is the study of Viruses 155 Paleontology is the study of Fossils 156 Calorimeter is used to measure Quantity of heat 157 Chronometer was invented by John Harrison 158 Stethoscope was invented by William Stockes 159 Spinning frame was invented by Sir Richard Arkwright 160 Al stands for Aluminium 161 Gd stands for Gadolinium 162 Ir stands for Iridium 163 Bi stands for Bismuth 164 The Chemical formula of sodium bicarbonate is NaHCO3 165 The chemical formula of common salt is Nacl 166 The chemical formula of washing soda is Na2CO3,IOH2O 167 The chemical formula of lime soda is CaCO3 168 The chemical formula of chloroform is CHcl3 169 The study of grasses is known as Agrostology 170 The study of antiquities is known as Archaeology 171 The study of the duration of life is known as Chronobiology 172 The study of bacteria is known as Bacteriology 173 Nylon was invented by Dr.Wallace H.Carothers 174 Electric razor was invented by Jacob Schick 175 The symbol of silver is Ag 176 The symbol of silicon is Si 177 The symbol of titanium is Ti 178 Calcium oxide is commonly known as Quick lime 179 A deviation of light passing from one medium to another is known as Refraction 180 An apparatus for generation of atomic energy is called a Reactor 181 A machine used for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy is called a Generator 182 The first Indian woman in space was Kalpana Chawla 183 The revolver was invented by Samuel Colt 184 The refrigerator was invented by J.Perkins

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How To Get Rid Of Moles by bcured

Mole removal is often done using surgical procedures. Firstly, We should learn how to identify a mole that could potentially be cancerous. The next step is to consult a dermatologist. He or she would either excise part of the mole, ie a small tissue sample for examination under the microscope. Depending on the extent of the abnormality; the dermatologist may remove the entire mole. So, please don't be surprised as this is necessary. Even if the mole proves to be cancerous, the procedure would not cause the cancer to spread. This simple procedure is what we call biopsy. Once it is confirmed to be cancerous, the outer rim or surrounding skin would be cut away as a precautionary measure and the wound would be stitched. Depending on where the moles appear, sometimes people actually love to keep them. Take for instance; celebrities could be famous because of their beauty moles. Such sort of moles beautify the individual's appearance rather than mar it. However, moles that grow under skin folds or come into constant contact with clothing can lead to abrasion and irritation. Some facial moles may be aesthetically ugly. Mole removal then becomes necessary. There are also cases where the moles simply fade away without treatment. It would do you well to check out your insurance policy to make sure that the medical bills incurred for skin mole removal can be covered. However, you need to know that if the moles are removed for cosmetic purposes, it is unlikely that insurers would compensate you. Common methods of removal are as follows. (1) The moles can be cut away or excised using a scalpel. Local anesthetic is applied on the area to numb the pain. The open wound would be stitched. (2) Moles can be cauterized ie burnt off. (3) Laser surgery is perhaps the cleanest and most sophisticated method of mole removal. But it can be really expensive if the number of moles to be removed is many. Turn to this as a last resort only if the moles cannot be treated in other ways. There are ways to live with moles, rather than to remove them totally. Stay away from the sun as it will prevent the moles from developing into malignant ones. Apply sunblock for UV protection when you are out of the house. Applying special cosmetics would also hide the moles if they are tiny and unnoticeable. Medicinal plants deliver profound results to cure a vast array of ailments; recent scientific studies demonstrate this very fact and show just how powerful they can be. The beauty of these naturally occurring extracts is that they not only deliver incredible results to eradicate specific ailments, but do so without undesired side effects. NeviCurative provides a safe and effective alternative to current medical treatments that can be invasive and expensive. It provides total clearance of moles without any recurrence, discomfort, or tissue damage. The therapeutic action of NeviCurative is accomplished via its rapid absorption into the skin where moles occur. The certified organic antimicrobial plant extracts in NeviCurative are lipophilic (easily absorbed into fatty tissue such as the skin) and have a low molecular weight. This allows them to pass readily through skin tissue and into cell membranes where they eradicate nevi. Natural substances can heal better than synthetic drugs because our bodies are designed to absorb and benefit from naturally occurring plant molecules. In comparison, synthetic substances are alien to our system and were only introduced in the last 80 years. Our bodies were not created to accept or metabolize these synthetic substances, which would explain why they are responsible for more fatalities than those suffered by US forces during the Vietnam War. Drugs clog receptor sites and confuse the system. The plant extract compounds represent molecules of life itself, which are in perfect biochemical harmony with the human system. Medicinal plants have been used for centuries and their therapeutic properties have been revealed during clinical observations. These properties have been validated through pharmacological tests on animals, isolated tissue samples, and cell cultures, proving that medicinal plants provide outstanding results in healing the human system. CURED researchers have analyzed hundreds of antimicrobial medicinal plant extracts to verify their capacity to eradicate melanomas and moles. NeviCurative contains a blend of organic plant extracts that have demonstrated the greatest effect against moles, in comprehensive scientific trials, while being well tolerated by skin tissue. To learn why this treatment works, please go to http://www.bcured.net.

วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What Is Influenza by Mervin Hester

Influenza better known as the "flu" is an infection of the respiratory tract that can affect millions of people. The influenza virus can be spread from person to person through coughing and sneezing of an infected individual.
Statistics show about 20,000 Americans die from influenza or influenza related pneumonia each year. Pneumonia and influenza are the sixth common cause of death in the United States. Elderly (65+) make up more than 90% of the 20,000 Americans who die from this illness each year.
A person may contract the influenza virus and not experience any symptoms for a few days. The incubation period for the influenza virus ranges from 1-4 days.
Is there more than one type of Influenza virus?
What is influenza?
There are three different kinds of Influenza viruses: Influenza A, Influenza B, and Influenza C. Influenza A can attack animals and humans, the remaining two (Influenza B and Influenza C) can only attack humans. Influenza C causes a very mild infection and does not provoke epidemics.
When observed through an electron microscope, influenza viruses are figured like filaments or spheres. Immunity to one strain of the influenza virus will not protect you against newly born strains of the virus, which has undergone minor changes or mutations.
The Influenza B and Influenza C virus may infect only human beings while Influenza A may infect several different types of animals. Influenza A virus can sicken many various types of animals, including humans, aquatic mammals, birds, horses, swine, and others.
At times when two different strains of viruses combine in humans or animals, they result in a new unique strain of virus with more immunity. The modern 2004 Influenza Vaccine is made of three strains, which include two strains of influenza A and one strain of influenza B.

วันจันทร์ที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Home Remedies For Scabies by Hayley Hewitt

Home Remedies to clear scabies is a much searched for product. I know how desperate I was. Watching my 5 year old suffer was really hard, especially since initially we had no idea what it was. At first, we did think it might be eczema returning to our family (which his brother had as a baby); a lot of the symptoms were the same. The one in particular, the night time itch! He was waking up in the middle of the night absolutely clawing himself until he bled.
After a couple of nights, I got him to the doctors who examined Harry. He looked at the pimple like bumps through a microscope and confirmed that Harry had scabies. He prescribed something to treat the critters, a cream which I took home and covered Harry in and left it on him all night, before rinsing it off the next morning. What he failed to tell me was that I should have washed Harry's sheets, steam vacuumed the house, washed cuddle toys, etc, etc. Initially I just went with his advice and didn't even think about home remedies for scabies - no excuse I know but I was desperate. The mites can not live longer than 48 hours or breed away from the human skin.
Needless to the say the horrible little bugs came back with full force about a week or so later. Thankfully, within that week I had been searching for information on the cream I had used on Harry, as usually I only like to use natural creams etc. This is probably due to the past experiences I have had using steroids, not good.
One thing to remember is that when you have treated yourself or the scabies patient the itch will get better but it wont go entirely for anywhere up to 6 months. It is rare for it to contniue this long though. For Harry the night time itch went within a couple of days and then the slight itches continued for about 3 weeks.
What I found on 'the cream' made me feel bad that I had used it. To start off, it says 'do not use when pregnant or if under 2', that's your first sign its no good and secondly it tells you to use a minimal amount, actually giving you the maximum (which isn't much) information to use. Now because I am (much to my husbands annoyance most times) an organised person I had looked into home remedies for scabies to be prepared for any future mites.

วันเสาร์ที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Overcome Infertility 105--Assisted Hatching In Conventional Medication by Kyle J. Norton

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term. Artificial insemination is defined as placing sperm of the male partner by using medical advance technological instrument into the female reproductive tract through a method other than sexual intercourse. It is used when the male partner is diagnosed with low sperm count and motility or when a woman is diagnosed with ovulation or cervical mucus problems In this article, we will discuss assisted hatching: definition, effects, side effects and risk of conventional medication.
1. Definition By using chemicals, mechanical technique or laser, your reproductive specialist helps the embryo to hatch out of its protective layering and increases the chance of implantation into the uterus.
2. What is assisted hatching The assisted hatching technique is only suggested to infertile couple who have failed IVF cycles , , a couple whose embryos have a particularly "hard to break into" outer layer or women older then 37 year of age. Under a microscope by using micromanipulation techniques and during the third day of embryo development, your reproductive specialist places a tiny chemical solution on the outer coating of the embryo. which helps to open a small hole. This tiny chemical solution begins to slowly digest the protective layering, creating a small hole and steroid antibody is given in the fourth days before embryo is transferred into the female partner uterus for implantation.
4. Risk a) Damage to the embryo. b) Fetal complications c) Birth defect a) Conjoined twins
For the best pregnancy self help program review, please visit http://bestfertility.blogspot.com/ For series of Infertility Articles, please visit http://fertility-infertility.blogspot.com/