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วันพุธที่ 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

A Life - based on programming.... Part 3 by Adrian Leach

Thoughts, Beliefs and our Body (Quantum Physics) What would it mean to discover that everything from the DNA of life, to the future of our world, is based upon a simple "Reality Code" that may be changed and be upgraded by choice? Until recently, it was thought that genes were self-actualising meaning genes could turn themselves on and off. As a result, most people today believe they are genetic automatons, and that their genes control their lives.
The research of Dr Bruce Lipton Ph. D introduces a radical new understanding of cell science. The new biology reveals that we ‘control' our genome rather than being controlled by it. It is now recognized that the environment, and more specifically, our perception or interpretation of the environment directly controls the activity of our genes. This explains why people can have spontaneous remissions or recover from injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities. It really is about "mind over matter".
This new perspective of human biology does not view the body as just a mechanical device, but rather incorporates the role of a mind and spirit. This breakthrough is fundamental in all healing because it recognizes that when we change our perception or beliefs we send totally different messages to our cells, causing a reprogramming of their expression.
Dr Bruce Lipton Ph. D says that this new science is called Epigenetic. It's been around for about 19 years (1990), but it's just now being introduced to the general public. For example, The American Cancer Society is an organization that has been looking for cancer genes for the last 50 years or so. But they've found that only about 5 percent of cancer has genetic linkage, leaving 95% that is not genetically linked. Recently the American Cancer Society released a statistic that said 60 percent of cancer is avoidable by changing lifestyle and diet. So now they are telling us, "It's the way you live, it's not your genes."
Within every one of our bodies at this very moment, there are billions of stem cells, embryonic cells designed to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs. However, the activity and fate of these regenerative cells are epigenetically controlled. That means they are profoundly influenced by our thoughts and perceptions about the environment. Hence our beliefs about aging can either interfere with or enhance stem cell function, causing us to physiologically regeneration or decline.
Cooperation and community are actually the underlying principles of evolution, as well as the underlying principles of cell biology. The human body represents the cooperative effort of a community of fifty trillion single cells. A community, by definition, is an organization of individuals committed to supporting a shared vision. Information from the environment is transferred to the cell via the cell membrane. Scientists thought that the cell nucleus was the brain of the cell. But in 1985 Dr Bruce Lipton Ph. D discovered that the membrane is actually the brain of the cell. The nucleus, as it turns out, is actually the reproductive centre.
The cell membrane (memory-brain!) monitors the condition of the environment and then sends signals to the genes to engage cellular mechanisms, which in turn, provide for its survival. In the human body, the brain sends messages to the cell's membrane to control its behavior and genetic activity. This is how the mind, via the brain, controls our biology.
For example, an important discipline in the health sciences is referred to as Psycho-neuroimmunology. Literally this term means: the mind (psycho-) controls the brain (neuro-), which in turn, controls the immune system (immunology). This is how the placebo effect works!
When the mind perceives that the environment is safe and supportive, the cells focus on growth. Cells need growth in order to maintain the body's healthy functioning. However, when confronted by stress, cells adopt a defensive protection posture. When that happens, the body's energy resources, normally used to sustain growth, are diverted to systems that provide protection. The result is that growth processes are restricted or suspended. While our systems can accommodate periods of acute (brief) stress, prolonged or chronic stress is debilitating because the body's energy demands interfere with the maintenance it requires, and this is what leads to dysfunction and disease.
In a state of shock or fear, stress hormones change the flow of blood in the brain. Under normal, healthy situations, blood flow in the brain is preferentially focused in the forebrain, the site of conscious control. However, in stress, the forebrain blood vessels constrict, forcing the blood to the hindbrain, the centre of subconscious reflex control. Simply, in fear mode we become more reactive and less intelligent.
Dr. Masaru Emoto From Dr. Emoto's work we are provided with factual evidence, that human energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet.
Dr Emoto has found that by placing a piece of paper with a word written on it will change the molecular structure of the water. A drop of the water is then placed in a dish and frozen. The resulting ice crystal is then observed through a Dark Field microscope. When beautiful and harmonious words are used like love or happiness, beautiful symmetrical crystals are observed. However, when words like hate or anger are written on the paper, the result on the water crystal is quite different. The crystals appear all disfigured and twisted.
To test this phenomenon Dr Emoto swapped the two labels around and found that the effects were reversed. Water is the very source of all life on this planet, the quality and integrity is vitally important to all forms of life. The body is very much like a sponge and is composed of trillions of cells that hold liquid. The quality of our life is directly connected to the quality of our water.
Water is a very malleable substance. Its physical shape easily adapts to whatever environment is present. But its physical appearance is not the only thing that changes, the molecular shape also changes. The energy or vibrations of the environment will change the molecular shape of water. In this sense water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly reflects the environment.
Our very thoughts, feelings, emotions and belief systems, if negative or limiting, will have a direct effect on our cells and immune system. This is yet more proof that we really are what we think! By making energetic changes we can the programming that created these negative beliefs and drastically improve every cell of our bodies to living a happier, healthier and longer life, now…
Dr. Bradley Nelson â€" “The Emotion Code” Dr. Nelson, author of “The Emotion Code,” believes that much of our suffering is due to negative emotional energies that have become ‘trapped’ within us, usually in our joints, when we are upset or stressed. Each emotion has a unique frequency and, when trapped in the body, causes the surrounding tissue frequency to change. This causes a disruption which leads to pain.
It is also Dr. Nelson’s experience that a significant percentage of all physical illnesses, emotional difficulties and self-sabotage are actually caused by these unseen energies. When we clear these trapped emotions the physical symptoms goes away.

