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วันศุกร์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Advanced Acquisition and Management of Petrographic Information from Reservoir Rocks Using the PETROLEDGE ® System by DE ROS, LUIZ FERNANDO; GOLDBER

The petrographic characterization of reservoir rocks provides information on their origin, evolution and quality. This information is essential for the development of accurate tri-dimensional models for oilfield simulation, development and production, as well as for the explanation and prediction of quality during exploration. However, in order to substantially contribute to decrease exploration risks and increase hydrocarbon production efficiency, petrographic reservoir characterization must include not only information on the volumes of detrital and diagenetic constituents and pore types, but also a detailed record of their habits, locations, modifications and paragenetic interrelations, which directly control porosity and permeability, as well as log and seismic signatures. With the aim of supporting the advanced petrographic characterization and evaluation of petroleum reservoirs, an intelligent database application named Petroledge® was created through a research and development project entitled PetroGrapher (Abel et al., 2004a; 2004b; 2005). The ultimate goal of Petroledge® is the precise and comprehensive description and interpretation of reservoir rocks and associated sedimentary rocks.
Description of the Petroledge® system
Petroledge® features include an optimized support for the petrographic description of clastic and carbonate reservoirs and other sedimentary rocks, following a standard workflow and technical petrographic nomenclature that insures consistency of stored information, security information access control for several classes of users, and a large expert knowledge base on sedimentary petrology that guides all system functions. The system guides sample description, according to a systematic order, allowing the standardization of geological terminology for all aspects of description, providing the automatic generation of textural, compositional and provenance classification diagrams, as well as interpretation of diagenetic environments. The information is stored and processed within a relational database system that is processed and distributed in a corporate environment. The system comprises several modules. The Identification Module controls the user permissions of data access and stores information on the spatial and geographical location of samples. The Textural Description Module provides standard nomenclature and format for the qualitative and quantitative description of sedimentary structures, texture and fabric, including structure type and scale of color, grain size, sorting, particle shape and fabric in macroscopic and microscopic scales. The compositional Quantification Module allows description and quantification of all important detrital, diagenetic and pore type constituents, which can be associated with several habits, locations, paragenetic relations and modifiers simply by clicking the mouse (Fig. 1). A large compositional nomenclature database is available, comprising the ontology of all primary, diagenetic and pore type constituents commonly found in both siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentary rocks.
Stageledge®, an electromechanical microscope stage fully integrated and controlled by the system, is available for automatic quantification (Fig. 1 inset). Stageledge® allows precise movement control of the thin section. A compositional map of the quantification pathway is recorded and associated with the described constituents. The Image Annotation Module allows the association of important petrographic features annotated onto photomicrographs with the corresponding textual descriptions and the coordinates in the compositional map (Fig. 2). The Interpretation Module provides automatic generation of petrologic interpretation, including compositional, textural and provenance classification diagrams (Fig. 3, left), as well as artificial intelligence inference on diagenetic environments (Fig. 3, right). The Exportation module: complete textual descriptions are exported in XML and HTML formats for easy integration with reports and documents. Data are exported as XLS, LAS or WITSML supporting easy integration with reservoir modeling products and further analysis through Excel or other spreadsheet or statistical programs.
Petrographic information stored in Petroledge®
The porosity, permeability, log and seismic signatures of reservoirs are controlled not only by the depositional structures, textures and types of primary and diagenetic constituents, but strongly as well by the habits, location, distribution and spatial interrelations (paragenetic relations) of constituents. Petroledge® allows the detailed description and quantification of structural, textural and compositional attributes, which are essential for reservoirs characterization and modeling. Figure 4 provides an example of how the petrographic aspects are described and stored by Petroledge®, what indicates the level of information detail available in the system. Such detail is essential for the evaluation of the role of specific constituents, their habits, locations, modifications and inter-relations on porosity, permeability, resistivity, acoustic properties, and on interpretations of sedimentary provenance, depositional and diagenetic environments, etc. In the example of Figure 4, the main diagenetic constituent is smectite, which displays different habits and paragenetic relations at A and B. At A, smectite occurs as an intergranular, continuous pore lining, whereas at B it is microcrystalline smectite replacing a volcanic rock fragment. The difference between the two smectite types would be described and stored by Petroledge® as: A: Diagenetic constituent , Habit , Location , Paragenetic relation , Paragenetic relation constituent ; B: Diagenetic constituent , Habit , Location , Paragenetic relation Paragenetic relation constituent . The two habits and locations of smectite imprint very different effects in terms of reservoir quality, since smectite at A impacts permeability significantly, whereas smectite at B has no influence on permeability whatsoever. Likewise, pore types may be described in detail using Petroledge®. Figure 4 C represents a shrinkage pore due to the contraction of smectite rims, and D, an intergranular primary pore. This information is recorded as: C: Macroporosity , Location , Paragenetic relation , Paragenetic relation constituent , Location ; D: Macroporosity , Location , Paragenetic relation .
PetroQuery® is an independent on-line analytical tool that provides easy multidimensional consultation on the stored petrographic information within the corporate environment. The PetroQuery® modules access a centralized petrographic data repository generated and controlled by Petroledge® in order to support exploration and production decision-making. PetroQuery® allows easy selection and combination of multiple query criteria (Fig. 5). For example, a query to identify samples from a specific oilfield in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, where enhanced porosity and permeability is controlled by dissolution during telodiagenesis, which is indicated by the presence of more than 1% intergranular kaolinite would be: Basin , Oilfield , Stratigraphic Unit , Diagenetic constituent , Habit , Volume % . The results of consultations can be saved and exported in standard data formats (.xls), or refined. For instance, the previous consultation could be refined to retrieve only the thin sections with intergranular kaolinite volume less than 5% or to perform any complex combination of criteria stored in the database.
Advantages of use of Petroledge®
Petroledge® allows the standardization of geological terminology for all aspects of rock description and provides a workflow for the detailed description and quantification of sedimentary rocks. Moreover, tools such as the Interpretation Module and PetroQuery® provide speedy and accurate interpretations of the petrographic data and efficient data recovery. The main differential that Petroledge® offers for the characterization of reservoirs, however, is that it enables the detailed record of habits, locations, modifications and paragenetic relations of constituents, sharing the whole information through the corporate database without loosing the complexity and semantic of the petrologic information. This is possible due the knowledge-engineering techniques applied to represent the information that is essential for the modeling of reservoir optimized recovery and quality prediction. The system is fully compatible with Oracle®, Sybase®, Informix®, MySQL® and other relational database systems, as well as with Windows®, Unix®, Linux® and Macintosh® platforms. Moreover, the ability to export as LAS and WITSML formats, commonly used in modeling applications, allows the easy retrieval and integration with other applications, such as for 3D reservoir modeling and flow simulation software.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Chiropractic Basics: The Straight Facts by Dr. Gregg D. Rubinstein

Expert Author Dr. Gregg D. Rubinstein Answers General Questions About Chiropractic
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a natural drug-free healing profession that focuses on eliminating pressure from the nervous system by maintaining proper alignment of the spine.
What is vertebral subluxation? Vertical subluxation is a misalignment of one of the bones in the spine that puts pressure on the nerve, causing pain and nerve system malfunction.
What are some of the effects of this misalignment? The effects must be understood by looking at the body as a whole. If you understand how the body works, there is the brain, the spinal cord and all the spinal nerves that exit from the adjacent vertebrae or in between the bones. When those spinal bones get misaligned, it puts pressure on the nerves. Those nerves sense pain and move muscles, so one can get muscle spasms and pain, but that is actually only 10 percent of what your nerve system does. The other 90 percent is controlling and coordinating every cell in every organ and system in your body. After breakfast, when you digest your food, that does not require active thought, but happens automatically via your nerve system. If there is pressure on your nerves, those processes can be slowed down. Your immune system is controlled by your nerve system as well, so if you have pressure on your nerve system, your immune system function will be suppressed and you will not be as healthy as you can be.
For example: Remember Christopher Reeves? If you looked at his lungs, they were totally healthy yet he could not breathe on his own. That was because he had an extreme amount of pressure on his spinal cord and therefore on his nervous system. If you put his legs under a microscope and examined them, they were totally healthy. What was missing? There was pressure on the nerves that control his legs so he got no nerve energy to his legs and they did not work. The same thing can happen with the nerves that go to any other part of your body.
What is innate intelligence? Innate intelligence is basically your body's infinite wisdom. Your digestive system works automatically. When a baby is born it knows that it needs to suck right away. That suckling reflex is inherent. That is inborn, genetic - innate. So your innate intelligence is the power that made the body and heals the body. The innate intelligence takes 23 chromosomes from Mom and 23 chromosomes from Dad and puts that genetic code together into a single cell. It is innate intelligence that directs that cell to form a perfect being with 10 fingers, 10 toes and everything symmetrical. All this is according to your DNA and innate intelligence is the expression of your DNA. Itis the life force within you that controls and coordinates your body. That's what helps you fight off disease and that's what helps you understand words and helps you process it. All that happens innately. Innate basically means inborn - so that is your inborn intelligence.

วันจันทร์ที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The most effective techniques to implement in order to increase your ranking on the major search engines. by hardeep

The methods employed to increase your search engine rankings may seem like rocket science to you, so you have probably avoided dealing with this issue. I am here to tell you - the time has come to face your website! A high search engine ranking for your website is so essential that if you have the slightest desire to actually succeed in your business, there is no way you can continue to avoid this issue.
At least 85% of people looking for goods and services on the Internet find websites through search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The idea of optimizing your pages for high search engine rankings is to attract targeted customers to your site who will be more than likely to make a purchase. The higher your page comes up in search engine results, the greater the traffic that is directed to your website. That's what search engine optimization is about.
You can immerse yourself in all the technical information available online to figure out how to optimize your web pages to achieve higher rankings. Or you can look at a few simple items on your pages, make some small adjustments, and most likely see improved rankings quite rapidly. The first item you should examine is the title bar on your homepage. The title bar is the colored bar at the top of the page. Look at the words that appear there when you access your home page. To increase search engine rankings, the words on your homepage's title bar should include the most important keywords or phrases, one of which would include your company name.
Then click on all your links and examine the title bars on the pages you access. Each title bar on every single page of your site should contain the most important keywords and phrases taken from the page itself. However, avoid very long strings of keywords, keeping them to six words or less. Avoid repeating keywords more than once in the title bars, and make sure that identical words are not next to each other.
The next item to put under your microscope is your website content. Search engines generally list sites that contain quality content rather than scintillating graphics. The text on your site must contain the most important keywords - the words that potential customers will be typing into search engines to find your site.
Aim to have around 250 words on each page, but if this is not desirable due to your design, aim for at least 100 carefully chosen words. If you want to achieve a high ranking on search engines, this text is essential. However, the search engines must be able to read the text, meaning that the text must be in HTML and not graphic format.
To find out if your text is in HTML format, take your cursor and try to highlight a word or two. If you are able to do this, the text is HTML. If the text will not highlight, it is probably in graphic form. In this case, ask your webmaster to change the text into HTML format in order to increase your search engine rankings.
Next we come to what is called meta tags. I know this sounds like something out of science fiction, but it is really just simple code. Many people believe that meta tags are the key to high search engine rankings, but in reality, they only have a limited effect. Still, it's worth adding them in the event that a search engine will use meta tags in their ranking formula.
To find out if your page is set up with meta tags, you must access the code. To do this, click the "view" button on the browser menu bar, and select "source." This will pull up a window revealing the underlying code that created the page. If there are meta tags, they usually appear near the top of the window. For example, a meta tag would read: Meta name="keywords" content=. If you do not find code that reads like this, ask your webmaster to put them in. This may not do much for your search engine rankings, but any little boost helps.
Lastly, we come to the issue of link popularity. This is a factor that is extremely important in terms of search engine rankings. Almost all search engines use link popularity to rank your website. Link popularity is based on the quality of the sites you have linked to from your links page.
If you type in "free link popularity check" in a popular search engine, the search engine will then show you what sites are linked to your site. In the case that there aren't many sites linked up to yours, or that the sites that are linked up have low search engine rankings, consider launching a link popularity campaign. Essentially, this entails contacting quality sites and requesting that they exchange links with your site. Of course, this requires checking out the rankings of the websites you want to link up with. Linking to popular, quality sites not only boosts your search engine ranking, but it also directs more quality traffic to your website.
Search engine rankings are extremely important for a successful Internet marketing campaign. Before you go out and hire a search engine optimization company, try taking some of the simple steps listed above, and see if you can't boost your rankings yourself. Don't ever ignore this all-important factor in Internet marketing. Remember, the higher your search engine ranking, the more quality customers will be directed your way.
The methods employed to increase your search engine rankings may seem like rocket science to you, so you have probably avoided dealing with this issue. I am here to tell you - the time has come to face your website! A high search engine ranking for your website is so essential that if you have the slightest desire to actually succeed in your business, there is no way you can continue to avoid this issue.
At least 85% of people looking for goods and services on the Internet find websites through search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The idea of optimizing your pages for high search engine rankings is to attract targeted customers to your site who will be more than likely to make a purchase. The higher your page comes up in search engine results, the greater the traffic that is directed to your website. That's what search engine optimization is about.
You can immerse yourself in all the technical information available online to figure out how to optimize your web pages to achieve higher rankings. Or you can look at a few simple items on your pages, make some small adjustments, and most likely see improved rankings quite rapidly. The first item you should examine is the title bar on your homepage.
The title bar is the colored bar at the top of the page. Look at the words that appear there when you access your home page. To increase search engine rankings, the words on your homepage's title bar should include the most important keywords or phrases, one of which would include your company name.
Then click on all your links and examine the title bars on the pages you access. Each title bar on every single page of your site should contain the most important keywords and phrases taken from the page itself. However, avoid very long strings of keywords, keeping them to six words or less. Avoid repeating keywords more than once in the title bars, and make sure that identical words are not next to each other.
The next item to put under your microscope is your website content. Search engines generally list sites that contain quality content rather than scintillating graphics. The text on your site must contain the most important keywords - the words that potential customers will be typing into search engines to find your site.
Aim to have around 250 words on each page, but if this is not desirable due to your design, aim for at least 100 carefully chosen words. If you want to achieve a high ranking on search engines, this text is essential. However, the search engines must be able to read the text, meaning that the text must be in HTML and not graphic format.
To find out if your text is in HTML format, take your cursor and try to highlight a word or two. If you are able to do this, the text is HTML. If the text will not highlight, it is probably in graphic form. In this case, ask your webmaster to change the text into HTML format in order to increase your search engine rankings.
Next we come to what is called meta tags. I know this sounds like something out of science fiction, but it is really just simple code. Many people believe that meta tags are the key to high search engine rankings, but in reality, they only have a limited effect. Still, it's worth adding them in the event that a search engine will use meta tags in their ranking formula.
To find out if your page is set up with meta tags, you must access the code. To do this, click the "view" button on the browser menu bar, and select "source." This will pull up a window revealing the underlying code that created the page. If there are meta tags, they usually appear near the top of the window. For example, a meta tag would read: meta name="keywords" content=. If you do not find code that reads like this, ask your webmaster to put them in. This may not do much for your search engine rankings, but any little boost helps.
Lastly, we come to the issue of link popularity. This is a factor that is extremely important in terms of search engine rankings. Almost all search engines use link popularity to rank your website. Link popularity is based on the quality of the sites you have linked to from your links page.
If you type in "free link popularity check" in a popular search engine, the search engine will then show you what sites are linked to your site. In the case that there aren't many sites linked up to yours, or that the sites that are linked up have low search engine rankings, consider launching a link popularity campaign. Essentially, this entails contacting quality sites and requesting that they exchange links with your site. Of course, this requires checking out the rankings of the websites you want to link up with. Linking to popular, quality sites not only boosts your search engine ranking, but it also directs more quality traffic to your website.
Search engine rankings are extremely important for a successful Internet marketing campaign. Before you go out and hire a search engine optimization company, try taking some of the simple steps listed above, and see if you can't boost your rankings yourself. Don't ever ignore this all-important factor in Internet marketing. Remember, the higher your search engine ranking, the more quality customers will be directed your way.

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cutting your Home Bills: Save Money and the Planet by Adam Singleton

Two significant factors have made the majority of households in the UK consider finding ways to cut their energy consumption, water and other utility bills, namely rapidly rising prices and also concern over carbon emissions and the detrimental impact that is having on the Earth. But, out of those the one causing most immediate concern is the wallet-busting rises in the average bill over the past two years. The majority of the energy generated in the UK is derived from using fossil fuels, which is a finite source of power. As gas, oil and coal resources are depleted it is only natural that the price of each rises; it is a case of the purest form of supply and demand economics. Add in the fact that the UK is now a net importer of all those sources of power and there is the added peril that any price fluctuations are completely at the mercy of the supplying countries. In 2008 alone wholesale energy prices increased on the previous year by 66% for electricity and 60% for gas. Although those prices then dropped in 2009, the majority of the price falls are yet to be passed on by suppliers. In addition, the recession has started to hit home, adding a third factor to why people are examining how they can reduce household expenditure. Other regular bills such as home and car insurances, mobile phone plans and broadband packages have also come under the microscope as everyone looks to get more value from their household expenditure. There are many ways to reduce the total of outgoings each month starting with merely examining how we use energy within our home. For example, British Gas has determined that on average out of every £1 spent on heating in the UK 25 pence is wasted due to poor insulation of the home. So, by investing in better loft and wall insulation and draft exclusion we can reduce our heating bill by a quarter. Questioning the ways in which we use energy around the home is a good place to start. Do we need to keep heating up water at regular intervals just to let it cool down again, or can we become more disciplined and only switch it on when we need it? Turning lights and electrical appliances such as TVs off when leaving rooms also helps avoid wasting unnecessary electricity and powering down computers and other electrical devices rather than leaving them on standby when we aren't using can save a considerable sum each year. Saving power not only helps our pockets, it helps the planet, so we should all try to examine our current habits and change then for the better!

Having a Hair Transplant by Sarah Matthews

It's inevitable that a great number of us, both men and women, will witness at least some hair loss as we get older. But instead of accepting this sad fact of life gracefully, many of us fight against it. Thankfully, today we no longer seem to be fighting a losing battle: the success of hair transplants means that people who are not totally bald can successfully regain much of their former hirsute beauty.
Hair transplants work by taking "donor" hair from the back or sides of your scalp, then placing them in areas of your head where there is no hair, or where it is very thin. The idea is to have new hair begin to grow in places where it has stopped growing, making a thinning scalp a thing of the past.
It's estimated that as many as 90 percent of all men experience some hair loss, known as male pattern baldness, and that as many as one quarter of all women in the United States have thinning hair linked to hereditary reasons. We also experience hair loss due to illness, stress (such as stress-related alopecia), pregnancy, medical conditions, infection and age.
If your hair loss bothers you so much that you spend every waking hour dreaming about how to regain your former luxurious tresses, perhaps now is the time to finally do something about it.
Types of Transplants
Three main types of hair transplants are available, including:
Follicular Unit Micrografting. This is the most common type of "hair grafting", which has been around for years. Involves removal of donor strips of hair, usually from the back of the head, which are then grafted onto the place where hair loss has occurred, usually the front of the scalp. After a strip is removed the area is tightly sutured together, becoming unnoticeable due to surrounding hair.
The pieces are then cut under a microscope and implanted in the new area. Each unit has up to three hairs, which is the way hair grows normally, and the results are visible after the first session. The implants are placed naturally so a "line" of hair doesn't appear. In a "megasession" lasting five to seven hours, as many as 4,500 units are implanted at one time to achieve a fuller head of hair virtually in an instant.
The entire procedure is done in several sessions using local anesthesia with prescribed painkillers and antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection. Normal activities can usually be resumed within a week.
Follicular Unit Extraction. A relatively new technique in which a large incision to extract a donor strip of hair is not made. Instead, up to 3,000 units are meticulously extracted within a few days, one by one, using new instruments, then implanted onto the donor site.
This is good for people who may want to have their heads shaved in future without any visible scars, who may want to sport a Mohawk or for people with very curly hair. The growth rate is about 10 percent less than those who choose Follicular Unit Micrografting, and a session will take longer - as long as nine hours a day for two consecutive days. Cost is also more.
Laser Hair transplant. Hotly disputed and relatively new, described as "stat-of-the-art" and "cutting edge". It involves using lasers to make the slits to implant new hair. Proponents say it can minimize bleeding; opponents say it clogs the blood needed to nourish the grafts.
Please note that facial hair transplants are also available, for men who can't grow a beard, mustache or sideburns, and for both men and women who want more luxuriant eyelashes. Each facial area is unique, so each hair restoration program is as well. Don't go overboard and turn into a werewolf!
Some people are also beginning to experiment with PRP Therapy, or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, alongside hair transplants. This blood plasma is thought to be especially good for hair growth, as it contains certain growth factors in its bioactive proteins. Taken from the client's own blood, it is injected directly into bald patches. Still in its experimental stages.
Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatments
If you have lost your hair - or are in the process of losing it - that doesn't mean you have to resort to surgery. There are a host of other measures that can make you look better, including: Correcting a medical problem. If your loss of hair is due to an underlying medical condition, sort it out. Your doctor can ask questions about your diet, medications, illnesses, pregnancies etc. It may be easier to treat than you think! Wearing a wig. Call it a wig, toupee, hairpiece, mop, cat - it all boils down to the same thing. Some salons specialize in special wigs for people who have gone through chemotherapy or stress-related alopecia - their wigs are usually well made and they deal with clients in a sensitive manner. Check them out. Taking hair loss drugs. Rogaine (available without prescription) and Propecia (for men only, with prescription) are the two top-selling hair loss drugs, although many more are on the market. You'll have to use them for at least six months to see if there is any effect. Employing topical hair loss treatments. Many scalp treatments and shampoos are on the market. For most, their efficacy has not been proven. Some claim to nourish hair follicles, others claim to stimulate hair growth, still others purport to block DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, which causes male pattern baldness, in the scalp. Using cover-ups. Different types of aerosol spray-ons exist to cover up baldness. In the old days they looked like shoe polish sprayed on the back of your head; today they can be made of small fibers that look, so they say, like real strands of hair. Ummmm...... not! Cutting it all off. Easier for men than women, but isn't a Kojak-style crop far better than a Trump comb-over? Some women think bald is sexy...
Hair loss is incredibly common, but if you find your loss of hair hard to deal with, a transplant may be an option. Keep in mind, however, that a bad hair transplant is obvious from miles away - as is a badly fitted hairpiece or cheap, spray-on cover-up. Insist on the best, and know what you are getting into before you embark on any hair replacement solution. Good luck!

Overcome Infertility 90-- Types and Risks of Conventional Surgery In Treating Infertility by Kyle J. Norton

As we mentioned in previous article, If a couple can not get pregnant after 1 year of unprotected sex or carry the fetus to full term, they are considered as infertile couple. Most people under this circumstance, they will seek help from conventional doctor. After lengthy examination and diagnosis, if surgical problem is found, then the followings are recommended by their specialist depending to what has been diagnosed. In this article, we will discuss types and risks of conventional surgery in treating infertility.
I. Types of conventional surgery for infertility 1. Laparotomy microsurgery Laparotomy microsurgery is surgical procedure which helps to remove the endometrial scar tissues which in some ways interfere with the female fertilization process by reconstructing or repairing the Fallopian tube using a microscope.
2. Laparsoscope After a small incision, the laparoscope is inserted for the doctor to view the pelvic organs. If any abnormality is found, another incision is needed for the doctor to remove any scar tissue, endometriosis or cyst, etc. It helps your doctor to have a clean view of your abdomen and repair the blockage of the fallopian tubes, if necessary.This procedure is often used to treat female infertility with blockage of fallopian tubes and endometriosis .
3. Hyteroscope By using a fiber optic scope connecting to the hyteroscope and stretching the cervical canal, your doctor has a clean view of your uterine. If any abnormality is found such as fibroids, polyps, and scarring, hysteroscopy, they will be is remove, as they may obstruct the fertility processes. Hysteroscopy is routinely performed on an outpatient setting and the recovery time is typically between 2-3 days.
4. Falloposcope By inserting a tiny flexible fibre-optic scope through the cervix, uterus and into the Fallopian tubes, you doctor can view your fallopian clearly. It is performed in out patient setting, if your doctor suspects there are tubal obstruction problem which interferes with the egg fertilization. It is often used to determine whether fallopian corrective surgery or IVF is the better treatment for infertility.
II. Risks Like other surgeries, there are always some risks in reproductive diagnosis and surgery including a) Infection b ) Bleeding c) Reactions to anaesthesia d) Damage to the other reproductive organs such as. intestine or urinary tract
For the best pregnancy self help program review, please visit http://bestfertility.blogspot.com/ For series of Infertility Articles, please visit http://fertility-infertility.blogspot.com/

วันจันทร์ที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Best Forex Resources on the Web by Mike Sander

Looking for valuable tools and resources for learning about and updating your knowledge on forex might be a hard task unless you know where to look and what tools to use. Investors and brokers, trader and beginners all know one thing; they want to make money. This objective alone can motivate a person to great lengths and with the way the economy has been lately, I'm thinking about it learning more about forex myself.
It's a good thing that we have the internet; otherwise things would be a lot harder (like they used to be before technology was welcomed into homes.) Of course you could still go to your local library or book store and find books about forex and how to get into trading and such, if you don't have internet access, but these days most people do and for those of you who do, check these sites out for the best forex resources out there.
If you're a beginner setting out to appease your curiosity these web-sites you will find to be very helpful in answering your questions. Many of these web-sites offer demo or trial accounts that you can sign up for to even see if forex is right for you. There are also many forums and blogs you can sign up for that offer beginners a vast array of knowledge, insider tips and tricks and overall good information. www.forexblog.org, www.fxstreet.com, www.forexnews.com, www.forextips.com and www.forex.com, each of these websites offer online tutorials, videos, lessons charting trials, start-up kits and beginner resources. You will find each site to be informative and overflowing with more answers to your questions than you'll know what to do with.
If you've been in forex trading for a while or might even be a beginner who knows for sure this is the path you wish to take, then these websites will be extremely helpful to you. I've viewed each one of them thoroughly and found that they are easy to navigate and understand. If you're ready for the next step in forex trading and looking for a broker, you'll find the best out there here: www.forex.com, www.dbFX.com, www.fxsolutions.com, www.ibfx.com, www.forexclub.com; all companies have a solid background and can be asked for their credentials if curious.
And then when your ready to use calculators and charts for your forex journey the next web-sites will lead you to exactly what you need. They are easy to use and understand and even make your job a lot easier with understanding how currency works. Check out: www.oanda.com, www.xe.com, www.forexscale.com, www.forextips.com, www.forexdirectory.net or www.xe.net. You will find these websites so easy to use, you could do it sleeping.
Lastly, remember that forex trading is not something that is learned overnight. It's a hobby/ profession that takes time to learn and become successful at; at even some of the best still don't always make the right decisions. Forex Trading and investing is similar to the Stock Markets, you have to keep a close eye on things (like under a microscope close) and know when to call it quits. It's like this; take gambling for instance, if you loose a bet... you going to risk more to win it back? These resources help you to learn not to bet it all to loose it, they show you how to be smart and hopefully know when to stop.
Mike Sander
Get More Info Fap Turbo !

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Asbestos Removal - The Danger Is Within Your Family! by Ce Fung

Homeowners with acoustic asbestos ceiling question almost the sound effects of asbestos controlled surrounded by its supplies so as to When inhaled would cause Dangerous wellbeing Poisons.
If material Have more than 1% of asbestos, EPA defines as it's containing. Nevertheless, asbestos can no more than be positively identified by microscope. Many of the Houses built preceding to 1980s observe acoustic asbestos ceilings, and the confiscation of acoustic asbestos ceiling has grow to be commonly made representing environmental safety precautions.
Many houses contain acoustic asbestos ceiling in their bedrooms, living place to stay, with spray-applied textures. Nevertheless, asbestos supplies are and in pipe filling, shingles, floor tile, mastics, roofing, structural steel fireproofing, and so on.
University of Arizona Dept. Of Risk Management and Safety explains the hazards of asbestos in the following style.
"Asbestos is a respiratory hazard and espiratory/gastrointestinal carcinogen. Exposure to asbestos occurs as reparable fibers are released into the air and next inhaled. Since exposure occurs as asbestos is inhaled, the preeminent way to prevent exposure is to prevent asbestos fibers from right above ground.
Asbestos containing supplies are therefore on bad terms into two categories: Friable and non-friable. Friable capital so as to a material is able to be cut-rate to powder by dispense pressure. Asbestos containing supplies so as to are friable, by their nature, contain a much greater tendency to emancipation fibers. They require point control measures to prevent releasing fibers into the air. Conversely, non-friable asbestos containing supplies, by their nature, figure out not like to produce up their fibers into the air. This division of supplies necessity be mechanically impacted (power tools such as sanders, military exercises, chippers, saws, and so on.) to emancipation fibers. Asbestos containing textured ceiling supplies is a friable material."
Is Asbestos Ceiling Removal Hazardous?
Although breathing of asbestos fibers situation threats to individual wellbeing, except air contamination occurs to cause releasing of asbestos above ground and becomes friable, it would not affect milieu. Moreover, several layers of paint functional to the ceiling greater than the years serves to "seal" acoustic asbestos ceiling and withhold supplies from dangerously contacting occupants.
Homeowners be supposed to not unnecessarily force the ceiling by introduction furniture on top of the ceiling or by sad objects surrounding the milieu. When made improperly, asbestos becomes into above ground and increases the hazard of releasing its fibers to be inhaled. Because asbestos fibers are small and light, they can be floating in the air representing long periods of stage. Therefore, sloppy management of acoustic asbestos ceiling confiscation be supposed to not be preceded and a accredited asbestos abatement proficient necessity conduct confiscation.

วันพุธที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Bacterial Vaginosis Natural Remedy-How To Treat BV by Mary Hopkinson

A bacterial vaginosis natural remedy is an easy, quick and economical way to treat this unpleasant condition which can make a sufferer's life a misery!
Bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause of foul-smelling vaginal discharge. The symptoms can be mild and occasionally clear up by themselves. More often than not though, the condition worsens and can cause soreness and itching. For most women, the worst part is the smell. Many sufferers hate being in company and feel there is nothing they can do to get rid of the smell. Ironically, over-washing and douching can actually make matters worse!
There are two types of bacteria present in the vagina-good and bad. The condition is caused when the bad bacteria naturally present in the vagina becomes imbalanced and for some reason the good bacteria, which usually controls the levels, is ineffective. The very nature of BV means that conventional medicines are not the best option. What is required is something to boost the good bacteria so it can do its job and the best way to do this is by using a bacterial vaginosis natural remedy.
Antibiotics would kill off the bad bacteria but the problem is that they also kill of the good bacteria so as soon as the course of antibiotics is finished and the bacteria re-populates the vagina, there will not be sufficient good bacteria to control the balance and the symptoms will inevitably start again.
The Symptoms Of Bacterial Vaginosis
The main symptom is a foul-smelling, whitish-grey vaginal discharge. The smell is often most noticeable after sex and after the period but the smell will be there at other times too, but perhaps not as strong. Women can also have itching and irritation around the vaginal area.
Causes Of Bacterial Vaginosis
The condition is not usually caused by one type of bacteria, but generally an overgrowth of various bacteria which are present in the vagina. It is not a sexually transmitted disease, although sometimes a new sexual partner can bring on the condition as can using perfumed products around the vaginal area and douching-all these are thought to upset the natural balance. One study has shown that it is very common in women using intra-uterine contraceptive devices.
Who Gets It?
At least 1 in 10 women will have a pronounced case of BV in their lifetime and many more will have very mild cases which clear up on their own without even realizing. It can effect all women, including those who are not in a sexual relationship. Diagnosis Of Bacterial Vaginosis
Women who have previously been diagnosed with BV will recognise the symptoms. The discharge and fishy smell are characteristic and make bacterial vaginosis very likely. A doctor may take a swab of the discharge and will check the pH (acid/alkaline) level to confirm. The bacteria can also be tested under a microscope if necessary.
What Happens If It Is Not Treated?
If bacterial vaginosis is left untreated during pregnancy it can result in early labor or miscarriage. In addition, there is the chance of infection of the uterus after delivery. If you require any type of surgery, such as a vaginal hysterectomy or an abortion, the chances of infection increase. Bacterial vaginosis can also make you more likely to get HIV if you have sex with a partner with HIV.
One good bacterial vaginosis natural remedy is probiotic yogurt. This can be either eaten, or can be placed directly in the vagina via a tampon which has been pre-soaked. The live beneficial bacteria can help to directly replenish the body's own depleted supplies. Another natural remedy is tea tree oil. Adding a few drops to a warm bath can help to eliminate harmful bacteria.
Treatment should be sought for bacterial vaginosis if the condition has not gone away itself within a couple of days. As mentioned previously, antibiotics are not an ideal treatment as the condition comes back in 50% of women within three months. The best treatment by far is a bacterial vaginosis natural remedy as this will correctly rebalance the bacteria in the vagina within just three short days.
See Bacterial Vaginosis Natural Remedy, and you can be free of the embarrassment and indignity of this condition without delay.

Suggestions on buying a diamond ring by Mark Fisher

For many men buying a wedding ring is the big issue rather than wedding itself. So it has to be of great quality either as a present or purchase as your own wedding ring. Cost does not factor as far as the quality is concern. It can be less or more but consider all the possible factors before buying a diamond wedding ring. Keeping in mind certain things while shopping around for diamond wedding rings will help decide on the perfect ring for your bride. Here follows some tips and tricks:
Buy your diamond with real experience and with your own view. It is really a silly decision to choose a diamond after reading about it. So it would be more proper to buy a diamond with real experience or a first hand experience. Look at them first and compare with other diamonds. The beauty of a diamond cannot be sufficiently captured in words. The sense of beauty defers from man to man. So it is good to choose according to your choice your brides choice. Comfort level is another thing to look at while shopping. To make your shopping a comfortable and pleasurable experience the atmosphere of the store must be of good quality and the stock should match your desire and necessity.
Always examine the diamond with the microscope not with a loupe. All the defects and shortcomings will be detected through the particular technology. So, understand exactly what you are buying. You must not deserve to be cheated by the merchant when buying.
Make sure the sales consultant showing you the diamonds is a trained Gemologists or Diamondtologists. A properly educated consultant can make your diamond shopping simple and fun. Also make sure that the jeweler specializes in diamonds, not a part-timer claiming specialty. In fact, there aren't any half-time diamond specialists.
You should purchase your diamond separately from the ring and then set that diamond on the ring. You will get bigger diamond and also a good value.
The very much important things of a diamond are its color, clarity, carat weight and cut. Learn about these entire things prior your buying. Diamond shapes and certifications are also required to be learned. So doing a little research on net is profitable and enough.
Select a diamond that is graded in accordance with the GIA standards.
All the residents of America should buy diamond from AGS. It is the most prestigious and trusted association of diamond jewelers. American gem society ensure that all the members of this association observe strict regulations while selling diamonds and are ethical in diamond business.
Do not forget to ask about the certificates in order to verify the credibility of the gem. Inquire whether it is a conflict diamond or not.
You should also ask for a free lifetime warranty without any extra payment.
Your diamond purchase should come with a thirty-day money back guarantee from trustworthy jewelry stores. And last but not the least ask for her choice because it is all about her choice. With her consent win her heart with the diamond ring forever.

Asbestos Removal - The Danger Is Within Your Family! by Ce Fung

Homeowners with acoustic asbestos ceiling question almost the sound effects of asbestos controlled surrounded by its supplies so as to When inhaled would cause Dangerous wellbeing Poisons.
If material Have more than 1% of asbestos, EPA defines as it's containing. Nevertheless, asbestos can no more than be positively identified by microscope. Many of the Houses built preceding to 1980s observe acoustic asbestos ceilings, and the confiscation of acoustic asbestos ceiling has grow to be commonly made representing environmental safety precautions.
Many houses contain acoustic asbestos ceiling in their bedrooms, living place to stay, with spray-applied textures. Nevertheless, asbestos supplies are and in pipe filling, shingles, floor tile, mastics, roofing, structural steel fireproofing, and so on.
University of Arizona Dept. Of Risk Management and Safety explains the hazards of asbestos in the following style.
"Asbestos is a respiratory hazard and espiratory/gastrointestinal carcinogen. Exposure to asbestos occurs as reparable fibers are released into the air and next inhaled. Since exposure occurs as asbestos is inhaled, the preeminent way to prevent exposure is to prevent asbestos fibers from right above ground.
Asbestos containing supplies are therefore on bad terms into two categories: Friable and non-friable. Friable capital so as to a material is able to be cut-rate to powder by dispense pressure. Asbestos containing supplies so as to are friable, by their nature, contain a much greater tendency to emancipation fibers. They require point control measures to prevent releasing fibers into the air. Conversely, non-friable asbestos containing supplies, by their nature, figure out not like to produce up their fibers into the air. This division of supplies necessity be mechanically impacted (power tools such as sanders, military exercises, chippers, saws, and so on.) to emancipation fibers. Asbestos containing textured ceiling supplies is a friable material."
Is Asbestos Ceiling Removal Hazardous?
Although breathing of asbestos fibers situation threats to individual wellbeing, except air contamination occurs to cause releasing of asbestos above ground and becomes friable, it would not affect milieu. Moreover, several layers of paint functional to the ceiling greater than the years serves to "seal" acoustic asbestos ceiling and withhold supplies from dangerously contacting occupants.
Homeowners be supposed to not unnecessarily force the ceiling by introduction furniture on top of the ceiling or by sad objects surrounding the milieu. When made improperly, asbestos becomes into above ground and increases the hazard of releasing its fibers to be inhaled. Because asbestos fibers are small and light, they can be floating in the air representing long periods of stage. Therefore, sloppy management of acoustic asbestos ceiling confiscation be supposed to not be preceded and a accredited asbestos abatement proficient necessity conduct confiscation.

วันจันทร์ที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

5 Most Popular Crocs Shoe Charms by Lala

Jibbitz, the beautiful little shoe charms from Crocs are now as popular as the shoe brand. Created by a creative and enterprising mother in 2005, Jibbitz is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Crocs. Jibbitz are used to accessorize and personalize the rubber clogs from Crocs. The popularity of the Jibbitz can be attributed to their fun character and how they allow people to make their colorful Crocs look even more interesting.
With over 1,100 designs to choose from, there's really something for everyone. This is why people have been happily inserting the little rubber decors onto their shoes' holes to make them more beautiful, to make a statement or to make their personalities shine with their footwear.
The most popular Jibbitz design so far remains the flowers. Jibbitz has over 300 designs for flowers alone. Little girls to grown women love decorating their shoes with colorful flowers because flowers really make the shoes more feminine and beautiful. They also go well with the Beach and Cayman designs as well as the more feminine designs such as the Mary Jane Crocs.
The next most popular Jibbitz design are Disney characters. Crocs, under license from Disney has released over 100 well-loved Disney characters from Mickey Mouse to the more contemporary Pirates of the Caribbean. Disney, in itself is a powerhouse and allowing Jibbitz to manufacture shoe charms for the popular shoes makes the shoe charms even more popular. Among the top selling Disney-themed shoe charms are the Disney Princesses and the characters from Winnie the Pooh. Crocs also releases special edition characters from Disney such as characters from the Tim Burton classic The Night Before Christmas.
Animals are also popular among Jibbitz-lovers because not only do they make the clogs more colorful and fun, they also allow a person to show what his favorite pets or animals are. Jibbitz has released a wide variety of animal designs from the more common cats and dogs to farm animals and even mythical creatures. Animals can also be used to define a person's profession that is, if a person works with animals.
Symbols Jibbitz are also wildly popular because they help people express themselves through their shoes. Hearts are among the most popular symbols because they do stand for a universal theme- love. Other popular symbols include the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the peace sign which comes in different colors, and the Smiley face. There are many more symbols you can buy from Jibbitz including the Horse Shoe, the Democratic Donkey and Elephant, the Sun, Tribal and Celtic Symbols.
Jobs Jibbitz are also popular. They come in a variety of designs mostly for professions that are known to patronize the footwear such as Chefs, Hospital workers and others. For the chefs , there's a chef's hat and a whisk. For healthcare workers there is the Chiropractic symbol, the medical symbol, the heart with stethoscope, and the tooth molar. There is also the less common Jibbitz, the Microscope, the Police Badge and many more Jibbitz that signify a person's profession.
Check out for Crocs Shoes On Sale

How Do You Know If You Have Yeast Infection by Propertyman

How do you know if you have yeast infection ? Click Here! A question most women ask especially if this is their first yeast infection. First, let us discuss what is yeast infection and what are the factors affecting yeast infection.
Yeast infection is caused by the fungus Candida Albans which are always present in the vagina. Increase growth or reproduction of Candida Albans leads to yeast infection.
There are many factors contributing to the propagation of yeast infection that women should know and some of them are:
Imbalance in your system due to antibiotics and stress Wearing tight undergarments or underwear materials that promotes sweating Pregnancy Taking Pills Frequent douching Hormonal replacement for menopause Diabetes or increased sugar level
Even with the knowledge of the different factors affecting yeast infection, you will still ask the question "how do I know if I have yeast infection?" especially if this is your first yeast infection. A doctor can tell you if you have yeast infection by examining your vaginal discharge under a microscope but initially you can tell that you have yeast infection if you have these symptoms. Severe itching, swelling and burning sensation in and around your vagina , so bad that you can hardly walk
Asking the question "how do I know if I have yeast infection" is very important to have the right diagnosis. While it is important to know all about yeast infection and to know that what you have is really yeast infection, finding cure for your yeast infection is of course your main goal to put an end to your sufferings. Prescribed medicines may cure yeast infection but if you experience recurring yeast infections don't ignore it as it may lead to chronic yeast infection. Most women have recurring yeast infection and this should not be ignored. If you have tried prescribed medicines and it brought you nothing but temporary relief, do not despair because yeast infection can be cured permanently. There is an all natural way and drug free treatment for yeast infection that treats not only the symptoms but the root cause of yeast infections
For further help on this subject please go here.Click Here!

วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Why Buy A Telescope? by Kozan Huseyin

Since the dawn of time, man has looked up at the heavens and wondered the beauty it may contain. Over the last few hundred years, the telescope has been an instrument which has allowed the heavens to come into our doorstep.
A telescope is an instrument that makes it possible to look at stars and the planets from the comfort of your own home. However, with the internet and NASA's website with a great collection of the objects in the skies, why buy a telescope?
A telescope is one which you can not become bored of. If you looked at 100 new space object a day, since the day you was born, in all your life, you would not have even come close to scratching the possibilities. A telescope also gives you the ability to learn and see something new every day.
Telescopes provide an expanded view. Each object you look at out of a solar system is one in which the light you are seeing is what happened sometimes millions of years ago! A telescope is truly an amazing instrument, which is the exact opposite of a microscope. A telescope allows the universe to come to you, in other words objects of long distance come closer, while a microscope puts small objects to become bigger so you can see.
Some of the greatest things you can see with a telescope are the moon and its craters. Looking at the moon on occasion with a telescope looks like snow has dropped on the surface of the moon. You can see so much detail in the craters, one which you can not see by plainly looking at the moon with the naked eye.
Saturn a planet which Galileo once said was a planet with ears! Saturn can be seen with its ring. Looking at Saturn over time, you can see it in different angles. You can see the moons of Saturn and the amazement is great.
Jupiter is a planet which really looks amazing. You can see the eye storm on Jupiter and also Jupiter's moons surrounding Jupiter. As you look at Jupiter over time, you can see the moons in different angles and as same as Jupiter revolving.
Pleiades, also called the Seven Sisters is a great view. When you take a look at the Seven Sisters with the naked eye, you may see seven stars in this group, however, with a telescope, much more can be seen. A sea of stars grouped together is what you can see with a telescope or a good set of binoculars.
The Messiah catalog was created to discern what comets are and what is not. The Messiah objects are one of the greatest list to work through. They number a number of deep space objects - like nebula and galaxies.
There is so much to see with a telescope, and one which really brings the universe to your doorstep. Granted viewing pictures of space objects on NASA's website and other places online can show you great detail and color, but there is nothing like navigating the heavens to find and see objects which most people will have never experienced with there eyes.
Choosing a telescope is not an easy choice to make and is one that really needs research. Take time in choosing a telescope, as most department store telescopes just don't fit the bill. Telescopes from department stores are ones which try to sell themselves on magnification. Magnification is not the best way of choosing a telescope, as a clear image is more important then simply magnification. If you want to buy a telescope which truly brings the universe to life, go to a specialist place that sells telescopes, and who know and love astronomy.

Uses And History of Optical Microscopes by Frank Lim

Optical microscopes use visible light and a system of lenses to magnify small samples that are usually un-seen to the bare eye. The optical microscope is the first, oldest and simples type of microscope (as opposed to the much more advanced electronic microscope). BTW, I found a site about digital microscopes in Spanish: microscopio digital. The first optical microscopes were created in the 18th century. Due to it's compact sizes, simplicity and relatively low price, the optical microscope is very popular, and can be found in use in many areas of biology. Optical microscopes mostly magnify objects for up to 1500 times.
The first optical microscopes were structured in a way that is called "the simple microscope". This structure utilizes only one pair of lenses to create a magnified image of the sample. Today, the simple structure is in use only in the magnifying glass, hand lens and the loupe.
The more advances optical microscopes, and the ones that are popular today, are what's called "compound optical microscopes". These microscopes use a system of many lenses, in order to "compound" and multiply the magnification, and therefore maximize it. The two main lens systems in an optical microscope are the objective lens (near the examined object), and the eyepiece lens (up near the eye of the scientist). Modern optical microscopes use multiple lenses both in the objective part as well as the eyepiece part. The old optical microscopes also used a mirror to provide illumination below the object. The modern optical microscopes use a strong lamp to provide constant and strong illumination.
So what are optical microscopes used for now a days? The main uses of compound optical microscopes include:
The examining small pieces of material, or even a smear or a squash preparation. This is due to the fact that the optical microscope uses light to pass beneath the object and enter the lenses. That's why the item is better be half-transparent. In other uses the optical microscope may be used to examine metal samples, in order to study the metal's structure. At low power, microscopes can be used to examine small living animals and plants. At high power, they can be used to examine bacteria.
It is important to note that the vast advancement in medicinal fields and biology in general, is owed to a large extent, to the invention of the optical microscopes. For example, the way the blood flows in our body was not fully understood until the microscope made in possible to examine small blood vessels behavior.

Bacterial Vaginosis by Vincent List

What is bacterial vaginosis?
Bacterial vaginosis is an abnormal vaginal condition that is most often well-known by a fishy vaginal discharge. This is a end result from an overgrowth of habitual bacteria in the vagina. You may have heard of Gardnerella vaginitis. This is what this condition used to be called. It was named with the bacteria that were thought to cause the condition.
New study found that there are several assorted species of bacteria that live openly in the vaginal area. Gardnerella is not the only bacteria causing all the odor. The label of this condition has been changed to bacteria vaginosis to reflect these extra findings. When all the uncommon species of bacteria become imbalanced, you will notice a vaginal discharge that is associated with a fishy odor.
Bacterial vaginosis is not a STD. It is not passed by sex. It is very upsetting and unsettling, but it is not dangerous. If you notice an infrequent discharge, you should have it checked so you can rule out chlamydia and gonorrhea, which are serious infections.
What causes bacterial vaginosis?
Current study has determined it is an imbalance of natural vaginal bacteria that causes bacterial vaginosis. The obstacle is it is not feasible to determine which bacteria are out of balance. Consequently, locating the offending bacteria and eradicating it is not a solution.
Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?
The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are a foul, fishy odor and a grayish white discharge. The amount of the discharge varies so there is no amount that is considered "normal". There are no other symptoms. If you have a vaginal discharge that is abnormal for you, it is a good idea to see a health practitioner to rule out all other conditions. Some women with bacterial vaginosis will experience no symptoms at all.
How is bacterial vaginosis diagnosed?
Generally, your doctor will carry out a pelvic exam to rule out other, more serious, problems. A sample of the discharge will be collected to examine under a microscope. Bacterial vaginosis can be distinguished from other general problems, such as yeast, with this tiny exam.
There is a unique test your doctor can perform called a "whiff test". A drop of potassium hydroxide testing solution is added to the discharge. The end result is usually a strong fishy odor.
How do you treat bacterial vaginosis?
The most common medicine for bacterial vaginosis is antibiotics. Usually, one course of remedy is successful. A small percentage of women will experience recurrent symptoms within a month. Consequently, a second course of antibiotics will be prescribed.
As women, we know that taking antibiotics to treat this problem will almost absolutely cause another problem, yeast infection. This is why more and more women are seeking natural, herbal remedy pro this conundrum. With the antibiotics, you are trading one problem for another, more difficult, problem.
Are there complications of bacterial vaginosis?
Once bacterial vaginosis is treated, the problem is usually over. No special follow-up is necessary if the symptoms disappear. The infection is not transmitted sexually so sexual partners need not be treated.
If you are pregnant, bacterial vaginosis can cause premature labor, premature birth, infection of the amniotic fluid, and infection of the uterus. Your doctor will probably test for act manufactured orodiagnosis early in your pregnancy. Any strange discharge during pregnancy should be reported at once to your doctor.
Is there a natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis?
Some women who have experienced bacterial vaginosis and have used herbal or home remedies have found a way to battle and eliminate bacterial vaginosis. If you want to learn more about these natural remedies you can find it here www.bvtreatments.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What To Do In Case Your Pet Cat Has Ear Mites by faye bautista

You have just adopted a new kitten and named her Majesty. But now you have to say, Majesty, sure as heck is not acting like she is majestic. She's acting like her ears are driving her nuts and itching like crazy. What can be the cause? It may well be your cats ear mites are getting the upper hand.
If you're new to owning a cat you may not have ever dealt with ear mites on a pet before. It's not the end of the world, nor should you panic, when your see those tiny little critters crawling around on the inside of her Majesty's ears.
You should know this little critter in the ears of your pet is extremely irritating and can cause bad pain. In fact these little creatures are a parasite and can be a severe health issue for your feline.
One of the first signs that your Majesty may be infested with the mites is a rapid shaking of the head and a twitching of the ears. On top of that you will see her attempting to scratch the irritation away. One of the problems with this is the continuous scratching is of course breaking the skin inside her ears.
This causes tiny little scabs (dried blood) to form. Not only does the scratching break the blood vessels, it can cause scar tissue and permanent disfigurement of the ear. In addition the cats ear mites saliva causes the wax glands in her ears to work overtime. This wax of course builds up.
With the wax build up this contributes to the worsening odor which is emanating from Majesty's ear. Furthermore wax build up can cause damage to the ear drum and the ear canal. This in turn will be contributing to permanent hearing loss and the possibility of other health issues for Majesty.
All of these problems can be taken care of quite easily with the proper treatment.
Very likely when you talk with Majesties vet they will want to see her. And actually that's a pretty darn good idea. The quicker your beautiful pet is started on the proper treatment the quicker she will recover.
Your veterinarian will confirm the ear mites with a relatively simple test. This test may consist of looking down into Majesty's ear canal with an otoscope. The vet may even take a sample of your cats ear mites and examine it under a microscope.
Once your veterinarian has confirmed the infestation they will likely want to do an ear flush. This procedure may be repeated 3 or 4 times. With the right solution a very large percentage of the mites will be cleansed from Majesty's ear. She will feel almost instant relief, depending on the severity of the infestation.
In addition to the flushing the vet more than likely will recommend ear drops which will attack the mites. In a lot of cases the shaking of the head and the scratching will drop off significantly or stop all together. However, it is important for you to continue the treatment as the mite's eggs will continue to hatch up to a month after the initial kill.
It is true your cats ear mites can be dangerous to your cats overall health, but with proper treatment Majesty will become majestic again. Majesty said to tell you thank you for helping her.

Film Awards Can Add A Big Boost To Your Publicity Campaigns Say EPPS Workshop Panelists by George S. Mc Quade III @ MAYO Communications

"I believe it started at the Cannes Festival, but Slumdog Millionaire is a good example of how a little film with eight Oscars, received 87 other awards and 27 additional nominations can go a long way with a little buzz at the film festivals," said Moderator Hallace Davids, senior vice president, Special Events, Universal Pictures. Davids joined an Entertainment Publicists Professional Society (EPPS) panel on film festivals and the publicity they can generate.
Film awards have become an increasingly important part of movie campaigns, particularly for independent productions. About 75 EPPS members and publicist learned how to explore new business opportunities for small films at the International Cinematographers Group Union Local 600 sponsored event.
"There are many film festivals such as Toronto, Canada, Tribecca to LA Film festivals are major markets, but Santa Barbara and Palm Springs film festivals are another push on the awards circuits where directors, writers and producers are given awards, "said Davids. "There's a film festival in almost every city of the Universe," explained Davids.
"The first film festival I ever attended was in 1963, Sebastian Film Festival with Columbia Pictures at the time," said Leonard Morpurgo, vice president, Murray Weissman & Associates. Morpurgo just penned a new book entitled, "Of Kings and Queens and Movie Stars," available for $16.95 at Amazon.com. "For more than 40 years I've traveled the world as an international film publicist, acting as father confessor, whipping boy, friend-and sometimes enemy to Hollywood celebrities." "My most recent film festival, a couple of weeks ago was at the Newport Beach Film Festival, where we represented a small picture called 'Follow the Prophet,' which is looking for distribution. It is extremely hard for any film. We got a little, but I think it might become video on demand, maybe television, maybe theatrical, but don't tell my clients I said that. I have been involved in award as well as film festivals. In fact we were talking about the film 'Crash' for Lions gate at Murray Weisman & Associates. One reason it was successful was because it came from behind. At the film festivals it was Brokeback, Brokeback, and Crash."
"However, this year is was the other way around. We were on the film team of 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,' which got a lot of buzz and had 13 nominations. And then this damn 'Slumdog' came along and took it all away from us. It was the opposite of what happened last year," he said.
"A lot of these films end up self distributing, and go on video on demand (VOD - cable) and Online viewing," said Alice Zou, account executive mPRm Public Relations, who has handled such films as Atonement and The Visitor for theatrical distribution and festivals." "We're are seeing more and more independent films head to VOD, Online viewing and DVD distribution is becoming more and more popular among independent films."
"Film festivals don't make a lot of money, and they do it because they love it, but it is really about relationships and a lot of prayer," said Tanya Kersey, founder/executive directory, Hollywood Black Film Festival. "Universal and Showtime used to be huge sponsors, but festivals are struggling and many are going into debt. General Motors (which recently filed for bankruptcy) used to support Women in Film."
Kersey is celebrating her 10th anniversary of managing an annual film festival market to buy and sell films that has been billed as the "Black Sundance" film festival. It draws big celebrities such as Forest Whittaker, Sidney Poitier and Densel Washington. Nearly 100 Film Screenings (features, shorts, student, documentary, animation, music video) occur annually in Beverly Hills. The conference also features 20+ workshops, panel and roundtable discussions with around 100 speakers.
"Filmmakers use the festival to really get their films out there to let the industry know about them. They look for agents, managers and other production deals. The studios use them to build additional buzz and the films are written and directed by African American filmmakers in a competitive program,' said Kersey. She also noted that have been a lot of filmmakers, who are non-black, but have films that are black-themed and enter by invitational programs The Hollywood Black Film festival runs five days in June in Beverly Hills, CA.
"Different films have different reasons to be in these film festivals," said Davids. "Since I work at Universal Pictures, we don't have a lot of movies for the film festivals, because we have big popcorn movies that are not looking to go under the microscope of the film festival."
"If a movie goes to a film festival that is not well received, it can kill movie. If the movie goes there looking for distribution, breaks out into distribution it's on its way," she said.
Morpurgo recommended the "Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide (Paperback) by Chris Gore (Author), who is more widely known as someone who writes about film and has been making films since he was a kid he said in his book that sells for $14.95 also on Amazon.com. Morpurgo has traveled the world from California to Cannes for more than three decades with many of the greatest movie stars and celebrities of those decades.
The London-born author and publicist gives touching, funny and insightful stories about such legends as Cary Grant, Steve McQueen, the Duke of Windsor, Charlton Heston, Warren Beatty, Nicolas Cage, Leslie Caron, Peter O'Toole, Sir Laurence Olivier and Sir Alec Guinness to name a few.
"A publicists helps maneuver the waters filmmakers, and build up buzz for first time filmmakers who are going out to the festival circuit," said David Magdael, David Magdael & Associates, who works mostly independent films and documentaries and runs the film festival circuit as much as other publicists. "Every film festival is a little bit different, and every film is different, so we try to tailor what our attack and strategy is in working with the sales team and producers," he said.
"I personally like to get into the head of the filmmaker -why did he or she make this film- what are their expectations. Documentaries and independent films are not having a theatrical life right now, so the question always comes up, 'what do you want, what do you see," because the documentaries are not making money at the theatrical level at the moment. Back in the old days it was 'Fahrenheit 9-ll, 'Super Size Me' and others. It was a different time, and now it has changed, so those days are all gone. We work from the beginning from the time they get accepted into a film festival and sometimes through to the theatrical following," said Magdael.
Sundance is such a crazy festival, and it's more of a marathon than it is a sprint. And you're there for nine days with these newbies and it is just managing a lot of those expectations and making sure they are okay and working together with the sales team. You must make sure that the right people see the film, and that the trade reviewers see it in the right context, whether it be with an audience screening or press and industry screening. Several years ago we stood back and watch how the audience responded to 'Super size me' and we were turning away 250 at the door," said Magdael.

Tinitis Learn How To Treat Tinitis by Jackson Stone

Tinitis: A persistent high pitched howling only you can hear. You can hear it twenty-four hours per day, 365 days a year. Often the noise is sufficient to make you're feeling you are losing your reason.In truth, on a less serious note one could call it an enormous agony in the ear! It could be of little comfort to Tinitis victims, but experts guess that roughly seventeen% of the population is right at this moment suffering from Tinnitus.If that isn't enough to stress about, virtually sixty % of people who have persistent tinnitus are discontented with their treatment. Learning to accept help from the right folk is elementary in your crusade to flee the claws of tinitis.It is vital that you find somebody you trust and are not terrified of. It's difficult to find somebody which will hear your difficulties and issues, particularly when working with something as complicated as Tinitis. The general public will hear you and feel sorry for you. This is just because they won't start to comprehend what you're going thru. These folk are not ignorant they are just humans, to them you're a possibly a picture of good health. Some folks may seem to not have an interest in your issues or they won't grasp the seriousness of your situation. Please remember, the majority can't even begin to get a grip on what you're going thru Fighting Tinitis regularly finishes up in complete disappointment. Anxiety and stresses just adds more fuel to the fire. There's an alternative solution. This is the point I hope to make with my electronic book My Best Chum Tinnitus.If you are suffering from prolonged tinnitus (with or without hearing impairment) you have likely been down each one way road there's in your quest for a cure. That is it though. There's no patent cure. It's that easy and that complex. You're the cure. This idea sounds too easy to be true. Not only are you able to learn how to accept tinnitus as part of your life but YOU can teach IT to be part of YOUR life. On this note there are some witticisms that spring to mind. There's a lot of truth in these words. Think about what it has achieved by taking over your life. Why not turn the tables and learn from it. TinitisGet yourself in the driving seat and take it for a ride. My concept isn't based mostly on medical facts. My speculation relies on eighteen months of distress and depression. At its peak I was suicidal. Perhaps one of the most significant steps I took in learning to come to terms with tinnitus was using its power to help me rather than destroying me. It cannot be seen under a microscope and it cannot be measured exactly. This might appear as simplified thinking, but if viewed as a power and it can be employed. I used its power to form a new person in myself. I used it to lose weight, to quit smoking, to stop panicking, to run a tiny marathon and to help others in overcoming this dilemma nothing has ever forced me to take a seat for tons of hours and write a book.Nothing has ever been worth the effort.Yes, there's a less complicated way out if you are prepared to try. The smartest thing is that you have nada to lose. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a specialist. I am Mr. Average..And a darn good coach!If you would like more information and in particular on how to rid your tinnitus click a link below.Tinnitis MaskersTinnitus Acupuncture

วันอังคารที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Information On Worms in Cats and Dogs by Thierry babineaux

Domestic pets such as cats and dogs are often affects by many species of worms such as roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and whipworms. In the U.K., dog and cat health is often infected by roundworm and tapeworm. Because some of these worms can also infect children, pets must be wormed on a regular basis. Worming pet dog or cat is a necessity because many of the worms that infect these domestic animals can also infect humans, especially children. Dog wormers and cat wormers must be given only after consulting your veterinarian. Before we take a look at some of the most commonly found worm species that infects dogs/cats, let's take a peek at how these worms infect humans.
Human Health and Worms Worms that infect the intestine of dogs and cats also pose serious health threats to humans. Dog wormers and cat wormers are important and must be given on a routinely basis to decrease the threat of the worms such as hookworms and tapeworms. In case the larvae of hookworm penetrate human skin, a condition called "cutaneous larval migrans" that leads to scarring and inflammation can pose serious health implications. Ascarid or roundworm eggs lead to a disease called "visceral larval migrans" if ingested. These larvae impregnate the intestinal wall in humans and can quickly gain size and infect any part of the body. More importantly, children are easily susceptible to serious infection by worms and are at serious risk if their play environment is where cats and dogs feces are littered.
A lone and adult Toxicara canis female worm sheds almost 100,000 eggs a day, which get ingested into to dog/cat environment via the feces. You must seek dog wormers and cat wormers advice from your veterinarian as well as ensure strict sanitation norms whenever your pet and kids come in close contact.
Worms Affecting Health In Dogs And Cats Stool sample of your dog or cat reveals the kind of worms the pet is infected with. Common worms that can be detected easily by a stool samples are roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. Roundworms and tapeworms can be seen in the stool by the naked eye. Fresh roundworms are whitish in color while hook and whip worms are too small to be seen without the aid of a microscope.
Worm infections in pets lead to diarrhea, or blood diarrhea, weight loss, dry hair, and an overall poor appearance. You dog/cat can also vomit out worms. That's why it's very important to give dog wormers or cat wormers to your pet and ensure they and your environment remains worm free.
Diagnosis of Worms in Dogs and Cats Early diagnosis is the key to successful flushing out worms from the body of the animal. While stool tests reveal the kind of worm that has infected the pet, specific dog wormers or cat wormers can be given to disinfect the body of the pet. All dog wormers or cat wormers don't work for every type of parasite. Some dog wormers react to specific kind of worms and same is the case with cat wormers.
Seek the advice of your veterinarian to give your pet best pet foods and the best kinds of dog wormers and cat wormers for the particular type of worm/s your pet has.

What Are The Procedures To Examine The Candida Yeast Infection? by Peri Witny

Candida yeast infections are of many types. Some of them could be diagnosed at the initial levels and there is no need to go for any test and exam because in healthy people, doctors can easily diagnose the infection. But there are some kinds of this infection which cannot be identified without having proper examination. When any woman gets itching underneath and gets discharge, it's for sure that it is a vaginal Candida yeast infection. In order to diagnose it, there is one examination called Gynecologic. This exam is especially designed for identifying vaginal Candida yeast infection.
In this exam, a special test called speculum exam is involved in which an instrument is used to hold the vagina so that it can be opened properly. Women have to go for this test, for it, they have to be stronger because through this test, they can get the pain but it's very important to do like this in order to get swab of the discharge. Not only swab of discharge has been taken from this test but also other material is being taken by the doctors in order to reach at root cause. After taking out the material, it will be mixed with potassium hydroxide on the slide in order to know whether there are yeast branches or not which can easily be seen in microscope.
After having this test, doctor will insert his two fingers into your vagina in order to check the status of your uterus and ovaries so that they would be able to know, if there is any problem with them. If you are married then make sure that you haven't done intercourse for one to two days otherwise your test will be difficult to move further. You have to follow your doctor as he said otherwise you will never find out the depth of your infection in your body which can take your life away as well.
When children get rash with scalloped edge, doctors take a specified area of this rash and mix it with the potassium hydroxide in order to determine the yeast branches. Through this test, doctors can get an idea that how severe this problem is in your children and how much medication is required to stop this infection. Urinary tracts are also required to identify the yeast infection properly. Children body is very delicate so they should be treated gently. Doctors care much about this thing and don't let the children to feel any pain.
People, who get severe Candida yeast infection, often have to suffer mental problems. For identifying this problem properly, doctors take CT scan and MRI tests in order to know whether yeast infection lies in patient's mind or not. Biopsy also has been taken for diagnosing this problem which is also very useful to distinguish between Candida yeast infection and other severe diseases which can occur in your body. After having these tests and exams, doctors can conclude that whether you have yeast infection problem or not. If you are having the problem then how much depth in it and from how much time, you are obtaining it in your body.

Diamond or Cubic Zirconia: Knowing the difference can save you money! by Bogdan D.

So what is the difference between diamond and cubic zirconia? Why is cubic zirconia (CZ) quickly becoming more popular as a desirable substitute for diamond? Gemologists can agree that CZ comes closer than any other gem material to matching the characteristics of a diamond.
Most people, even trained gemologists, cannot tell the difference between diamond and CZ, with the naked eye. Moreover, to the untrained eye, CZ looks identical to a good quality diamond. However, under closer inspection, CZ appears to have slightly less brilliance (or sparkle) than a diamond, and more fire, or flashes of color.
CZs were originally developed by the Russians, for their space program. They were developed as an alternative to diamonds that were used in the optics of their lasers. CZs have a refractive index, dispersion and hardness so close to a diamond it's uncanny.
So what are some key features that can guide you in telling the difference between diamond and CZ? Do keep in mind, though, in order to accurately distinguish the two gems, gemological equipment such as microscope, or loupe, must be used for testing and verification.
To start, let's take a look at the hardness factor: Did you know CZ ranges between 8.5 to 9.0 on the Mohs' hardness scale whereas diamond, one of the hardest materials known to man, is rated 10, lying at the top of the hardness scale?
Furthermore, glass (or sand) is rated approximately 5 to 6 on the hardness scale, therefore, dust and dirt will not scratch CZ. Indeed, CZ can scratch glass just like regular diamonds, making it more resistant to chipping.
One great difference between diamond and CZ is weight. CZs are heavyweights in comparison to diamonds; a CZ will weigh approximately 1.75 times more than a diamond of equivalent size. So basically, a piece of CZ the same size as a one-carat diamond weighs about 1.75 carats. Well...isn't that interesting?
Contemporary production of CZ is virtually flawless, whereas diamond usually contains impurities and inclusions, or have some sort of defect, be it a feather, included crystal, or perhaps a remnant of an original crystal face (e.g. trigons).
In regards to color-more precisely, the lack of color-only the rarest of diamonds are truly colorless, as most have a tinge of yellow or brown to some extent. By comparison, CZ in most cases can be made entirely colorless, equivalent to a perfect "D" on diamond's color grading scale.
Also, under close inspection with a loupe, the facet shapes of some CZs appear different from diamonds. Both gems disperse light a little differently. Dispersion is just a scientific term for the breaking up of light into its spectral colors. With a dispersive power greater than diamond (0.060 vs. 0.044), the more prismatic fire of CZ can be seen by even an untrained eye.
Dispersion occurs based on the gem's refractive index. In this case, refractive index simply indicates how much a beam of light will bend, based on the direction in which it is traveling when it passes between two materials of different optical densities (such as between diamond and air; or between CZ and air). Being that CZ has a refractive index of 2.176, compared to a diamond's 2.417, diamonds are therefore said to be brighter than CZ.
Another difference between the two gems is that CZs are thermal insulators-meaning, they reduce the rate of heat transfer-whilst diamonds are among the most efficient thermal conductors-meaning, they allow heat to easily pass through them. Without testing the gems' heat conductivity, it can be difficult to tell them apart.
Remember, it is a 50/50 guess to identify a gem by visual inspection; it is not a scientific method of authentication. That is why even certified and degreed gemologists use gemological equipment for testing and verification.
You will also be glad to know that CZs are not only durable and inexpensive, but just like diamonds, they come in any color of the rainbow, making them even more desirable.
There have been many instances to see if jewelers can tell the difference between diamond and cubic zirconia, just by examining the gems with the naked eye. Over and over again, it was inconclusive; jewelers could not tell the difference just by looking at the gems. So you can now understand why the difference between diamond and cubic zirconia rests in the price, and in the mind...

What are Some Common Treatments for Mesothelioma? by Erica Grundin

Treatments for mesothelioma vary and there is far more information available than can be covered thoroughly, here. So, you are encouraged to read up on as much information as you can find as well as ask your doctor for recommendations specific to your needs, and why he recommends the treatments he does. With that in mind, let this article direct you to some reliable sources of information to help you fully understand your medical team's recommendations and all of your options before you choose a course of treatment.
There is a very nice and thorough Guide for Malignant Mesothelioma available from the American Cancer Society that you can read online or download as a PDF file. This guide, along with several other sources gives good explanations of this disease, treatment options, and much more information. The treatment options available to you may differ significantly from other people's, based upon a number of factors. These include:
* What part of your body is involved. * The stage of the mesothelioma. * The degree of metastasis-how far it has spread. * The type of cells, as identified with a microscope. * Your age. * Your preferences.
You may hear some discouraging information about treatment or survival statistics, but don't give up hope. Many of these statistics include survival rates based on early treatment outcomes, which can skew the current rates. Specialists and researchers are having more and more success with newer methods of treatment, and those in leading cancer centers are making notable progress.
The most common treatments for mesothelioma include:
* Surgical removal of the cancerous cells. This is the most common treatment. Surgery might be done to remove cancerous portions of the mesothelial lining, some of the adjacent tissue, possibly an entire lung (pneumonectomy), part of the diaphragm, or the affected portions of the peritoneal lining and adjacent tissue. * Chemotherapy, drugs to destroy the cancer cells. Most chemotherapy drugs are administered by intravenous injection (IV) over several treatments scheduled several weeks apart. In peritoneal mesothelioma, heated chemotherapy may be administered after surgery. * Radiation therapy to destroy the cancer cells. X-rays can kill cancer cells and shrink tumors, which improves the success of surgery. * A combination of two or three of the above treatments
Palliative treatments of mesothelioma intended to relieve symptoms and control pain may include surgery or radiation therapy along with procedures such as paracentesis or thoracentesis (depending upon the location of the cancer), and pleurectomy to remove part of the tumor, but not all of it. These latter treatments involve draining fluid from the affected areas and then injecting drugs to prevent accumulation of more fluid in those spaces.
Other treatments come in the form of clinical trials. These are treatments that are being studied by researchers to see if they are effective and if so, how effective under varying conditions. If you are interested in taking part in a clinical trial you can learn more from the Cancer Information Service (CIS) at 1-800-4-CANCER. You will need to talk to your doctor about current trials and your eligibility for these. You can also download the National Cancer Institute's booklet "Taking Part in Cancer Treatment Research Studies."

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What Is A Yeast Infection And What Are The Causes? by Lala

A yeast infection is an infection caused by yeast of the species Candida. It is also referred to as candidiasis, which mostly infects women. It causes vaginal infections and some common mouth infections especially to people who have poor immune system and those who have been taking antibiotics.
A person becomes increasingly susceptible to yeast infection if they take large amount of antibiotics, have undergone organ transplants, has AIDS infection or artificial joints.
Candida albicans, along with the other forms of yeast, commonly grow in the vagina, mouth and rectum. A yeast infection occurs if a person's immune system is unbalanced. This invites yeast like organisms to grow.
If you want to find out if you are affected with candidiasis, it is strongly advised that you see a doctor. Usually, a doctor or a clinician will take a sample of your oral plaque or vaginal discharge and examine the material under a microscope. Once examined, the doctor will be able to identify whether signs of infection are present and the current stage in the life cycle of the yeast infection.
It has been found yeast infections affects three out of four women. In the United States, nearly 50% of college women have been diagnosed with yeast infection at the early age of 25 and almost 5% of those diagnosed go on to develop chronic yeast infections. Candidiasis can be easily treated but you should know and understand how it can be prevented so it will not lead to serious infections.
During pregnancy, a woman has increased levels of estrogen which causes the increased production of glycogen in the vagina. At this time, increased yeast growth is often observed. If a pregnant woman is observed to have signs of candidiasis, she may pass the infection to her newborn baby in the form of thrush. This can be seen as white patches present in the baby's mouth at birth.
So if you are pregnant and you have signs of yeast infection, you should see your doctor for the appropriate treatment.
Read more Natural Cure for Yeast Infection and Yeast Infection Bacterial Vaginosis ! Does Your Painful Sex or Sexaul Dysfunction and Your Vagina Smell?

Why We Like Hillary Clinton by Tristan Andrews

Many people like Hillary Clinton because she is a strong minded, educated, and intelligent politician. A lot of feminists like her because she is a female politician that is liberal. Others respect her long history of working for the disenfranchised as a lawyer and politician.
The Jewish Republican coalition likes Hillary Clinton because she said that Obama was naive in stating he would talk with leaders of countries like North Korea Syria, Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba. Indeed, their support of Hillary makes sense since their people personally know what being oppressed is all about.
Some people like Clinton because she is ambitious and understands the hard world of politics. Thus, she doesn't agree with the whining that Democrats do concerning the way Republicans campaign. Some people find this a good turn in the way Democrats campaign.
Others like her because they distrust the media crowd that denounces her and likes Obama. Many like her because her supporters don't come from the media and because that same media cuts them down as drinkers of six packs. Many people that dislike this cutting down of Middle America like Hillary.
People that don't care for the elitist crowd in the Democratic Party like Hillary because she is proud of her Middle class roots; just what is wrong with being Middle Class is her question and theirs. The mass media isn't in touch with a lot of American citizens and their lives and views.
Some of the reasons that even some conservatives like Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State are that she is a strong-minded woman that will back the United States on foreign policy. She has a bulldog tenacity that is needed in that position. Others like the fact that as the Secretary of State she isn't using her following and tenacity to influence the senate because she is a liberal. Though a liberal, she is one that believes in America and will fight for the U.S.
The same people like her being Secretary of State because she isn't in Congress influencing domestic policy. At least these people see her strengths and admire them, while not liking her domestic ideas.
Those that like Hillary detest the fact that the flaws of the other candidates are mostly brushed aside, but the same people that do this brushing put a microscope to Hillary's flaws.
People that appreciate knowing a topic when you discuss it like Hillary because she is very well informed. Others appreciate that she has experience in such battles as universal health care. Experience has made her wiser and having a wiser person in any government position is a good thing.
The folks that like Hillary appreciate a politician that can articulate their position and has experience in the trenches. Many Middle Class people like her because she doesn't disparage them but believes in them. If experience counts for anything in people's minds then her extensive experience in law and politics is one reason why those that understand how important experience is like Hillary Clinton.