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วันเสาร์ที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The pH Buffer Systems of the Body by Martha Anderson

The pH Buffer Systems - By Martha Anderson
There are 6 pH buffer systems in the body to reduce acids. They work in layers.
Layer #1. The oxygen system- helps to neutralize acids. The efficiency of the body moving acids from the body determines what you can do physically. Legs will become rubbery during heavy exercise such as running a long race because the body can't move the lactic acid out of the body fast enough. The cells in the legs can't get enough oxygen to produce energy or power. If the oxygen can't keep up with the acid production and neutralization, we move into another system.
Layer #2. The Pancreas. The first role of the Pancreas is to produce sodium bicarbonate (SB) and potassium bicarbonate (PB). The pancreas releases the SB and the PB as the food empties from the stomach to the small intestine to neutralize the acid from the HCL used to digest protein or the acid would burn a whole in the small intestines. (Insulin production is the 3rd role of the pancreas.) The pancreas also releases enzymes into the small intestine to break down food further. These enzymes would die if acid weren't neutralized first.
Layer #3. Minerals. Minerals from the muscles and the bones and teeth are used to buffer acids to try to neutralize excess acids produced by the body and from the food and drinks, like coffee, alcohol and soda pop, we consume. The body's priority is to extend life so the body robs mineral from the bones and muscles and teeth to keep us alive. The result is muscle cramps, loose teeth, osteoporosis and arthritis.
Layer #4. Fat Gain. If the body can't keep up with the acids in the body, then the body starts to form fat to insulate the organs to keep them from being eaten thru by acids. The body's priority is to extend life so weight or fat is gained to extend the life of a very acidic person.
Layer #5. Dilution. When one retains water the body is diluting the acids surrounding cells so they are not as toxic.
Layer #6. Cannibalization. The body begins to cannibalize tissue of the body to buffer acids. This produces ammonia and this is the last ditch effort of the body to keep us alive. This is often seen in the very sick and very old people who are near death. The muscles begin wasting away and the person often emits an ammonia smell in the last stages before death.
Pain, Acidification and Alkalinazation
Pain is over acidification of the body caused by the buildup of lactic acid and other acids - the acid is eating at the cell wall and this causes pain. Also uric and lactic acid can build up in the blood. One drop of blood under a microscope of shows 1000's of uric and lactic acids pieces. They look like jagged pieces of glass. As they move through the walls of the arteries, the walls are scratched and then the body has to repair the scratches with cholesterol causing high blood pressure. Therefore, high blood pressure is an acid problem.
Diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2 is an acid problem. When you alkalize the system this will allow the pancreas to heal over a period of years. Beta cells can and will regenerate in one to two years.
If you clean up the biological terrain, the body can and will come back to homeostasis or in other words, it will heal itself as it was designed to do.
To find out more about alkalinity, pH and alkaline ionized water, go to: www.akaKangenwater.com and www.akaKangenwater.info
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For More Information on alkaline ionized water contact:
Martha Anderson 913-631-3615 (Greater Kansas City area)

