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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Choosing A Microscope: Compound or Stereo microscope? by Kathy Brasch

Your application is the most important factor in choosing a microscope. What you need to see and what you want to do with that image will determine what kind of microscope you need. Microscopes typically come in two types: compound or stereo microscope.The most common is the compound microscope. It is the one most people visualize when they think about microscopes. A microscope with one eyepiece is called a monocular microscope; with two eyepieces it is called a binocular microscope, or it might have an additional camera tube and is called a trinocular microscope. The compound microscope has a number of objectives (the lens closest to the object being viewed) of varying magnification mounted in a rotatable nosepiece. It uses a light source beneath the stage to illuminate slides. These microscopes are generally used to view very small objects such as cells or bacterium. Magnification of compound microscope scopes range from 40X up to 1000X. Actual magnification can be figured by multiplying the power of the eyepiece by the power of the objective lens.The other type of microscope is called a stereo microscopeor dissecting microscope. It uses two eyepieces and two paired objectives. Stereo microscopes come in models that have full zooming capability and models that just have only two magnification settings. Stereo microscopes are particularly useful for biologists performing dissections, technicians building or repairing circuit boards, paleontologists cleaning and examining fossils or any one who needs to work with their hands on small objects. You can find stereo microscopes that have a built in light source from above, below, or none at all. Magnification is usually much less than that of a compound microscope, but is figured in the same way by multiplying the power of the eyepiece by the power of the objective lens.

How to Enhance Career Expansion by Harrison Barnes

There are basically two different perspectives for the word career. For the category A, a career means something that you have worked for to attain, something to show everybody that you are engaged, an excuse to get away from home. Something you make up as an argument for not spending more time with your family, just so you can mull around. However, for people in category B, it means life itself. It is their identity, their destiny and something they cannot imagine themselves without. For category A, career expansion is something you work on meticulously, plan in detail, and chart out. For category B, it is simply a favorable change in situation they find themselves as a result of their dedication, hard work, patience and an efficient display of wit. In the age where people market themselves as products, category B is clearly the market leader. Stagnancy is what repels an individual from one's job. Apart from setting you goals and ultimate aim, one needs to focus on developing a plan that maps out the path from one goal to the next within a specific time frame. However unrealistic this may seem, it keeps you on track and gives you a sense of assurance that you are on schedule at various points in your career.
In today's cut throat job chase, there is a very thin line that delineates the best from the better. After the throes of gate crashing into a career have died down, there is so little time for an assured slack down. Therein begins the game of persuasion, domination, and an occasional display of arrogance, which needs to be safely and swiftly certified an assertive attitude. Naturally, the spoils of a luxurious lifestyle, perks, privileged treatment; these are some of the factors that drive any career-oriented individual. However, after being easier said than done, this involves a lot of hard work, a lot more sacrifice, and never losing track of the big picture. A focused effort in developing your career will give everything that you have wished for till date says A. Harrison Barnes, the owner and creator of Employment Crossing.com.
Career expansion is more or less a game of nerves and strategy in the age of Do-Or-Be-Deleted. One needs to be prepared to go to any lengths in this game of career expansion. More than proving oneself better than the rest of the herd, the latest game plan is displaying others around in a poor light, so that, eventually you end up as the dominant species. Success today is more about the adage, "The show must go on." Rather, as a keen lifestyle observer stated, Success is all about portraying a series of successful images. Look the part until you get it is the new mantra of society. This is what A. Harrison Barnes has experienced.
Being the best will take you only so far. For a more rapid rate of expansion in your career, you need to prove your versatility to handle changes handed down by changing market trends. It would also include proving to your superiors that you are a reliable resource and have an influence on your colleagues. This is not easy. It is a struggle that one must anticipate when you set your sights on a successful career Once you win over them you will have what you have always desired, believes A. Harrison Barnes.
Being at the Right Place at the Right Time
Planning your strategy would include being at the right place at the right time. In the worst case scenario, it is necessary to cultivate the belief that you are where you are for a specific reason and that you are having an education on the facts of life in real time. A. Harrison Barnes says that it is not possible for any business to always move upwards or is continuously expanding. There are ups and downs in every business, yet one needs to take the lessons out every situation to form a base for your career expansion.
Contribute to the Expansion and get recognized
Your contribution to the expansion of the firm very much affects your personal career expansion believes A. Harrison Barnes. Though organizational growth acts as an automatic boost for your career growth, individual performances come under the microscope in challenging phases your organization goes through. It is in such situations that you prove to the management that you have what it takes to pull off an untested strategy to help the organization come out of the situation intact. Even important is documenting whatever steps you have taken on a day-to-day basis such that your contribution is noticed by the management. You need to project your contribution to the expansion of the company above the rest of the herd. This is what will provide you the leverage to your career expansion.
A. Harrison Barnes suggests you may have to start shifting gears if you do not see enough scope of growth or expansion in your career in the present organization. At the very least, the organization needs to provide you exposure to a new trend or technology that has just been introduced in your field of specialization. Once you decide that your career faces stagnation and is undergoing nothing beyond a probable slow death in the current scenario, your parameters for a different situation could include a prominent position in a start-up company. This could give you exposure to a platform where you polish on your leadership and man-management skills. Another favorable situation could be one that includes your role in working on a new project that has new implications in the current market scenario. This could give you a view-in on the procedures that go into place in implementing new strategies or making a new accessory fit in to your current work schedule. There is a lot you can learn in such scenarios.
Though there is nothing wrong in changing companies, a longer stint with an organization reflects a sense of stability when read from your resume. The decision to move out should come after all possibilities of growth have been ruled out through a careful and thorough introspection with friends or even a professional consultant.
Every career is dependent on the choices made by an individual. The right choices at the right time can help you progress your career in the direction you desire.

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Symptoms And Treatments by Alexander Blaine

There was a time when people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome were diagnoses as depressed or just lazy and lacking in energy. They were told to get a hobby or a new hairdo. The disease couldn't be seen under a microscope, so it didn't exist. Today...we know better. If you're suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome or suspect that you are, this article will alert you to the common symptoms and some treatments that you have available to you.
Chronic fatigue syndrome, clinically, is a prolonged length of time suffering from extreme tiredness or weariness and a lack of energy. According to doctors, to "qualify" for having this disease, you have to be unable to participate in at least 50% of your normal activities.
The main symptoms are fatigue or tiredness that have lasted for at least six months. It's normal to become tired from time to time. But symptoms lasting for this period of time are normally considered to be those associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. As far as exertion, if more than 50% of your activities cannot be carried out by 50% of the normal effort to do so, this is also considered to be, clinically speaking, chronic fatigue syndrome.
However, these symptoms alone don't tell the whole story. Other symptoms include headaches, forgetfulness, joint pain, lymph node tenderness, muscle aches, muscle weakness and sore throat. All these symptoms combined usually make up a profile of chronic fatigue syndrome. As I said, years ago we didn't understand this disease. Now we do.
But what about treatment? For now, there is no cure. The only treatment is common sense medicine and care. Rest when you're tired. There are some drugs that you can take for depression, commonly part of chronic fatigue syndrome, but these drugs can have very unpleasant side effects. An active social life and exercise greatly help people who suffer from this disease.
In my signature, you'll find some more information that will help you in battling chronic fatigue syndrome.

Phacoemulsification Abroad - Surgery Available And Competency Of Surgeons by Pankaj S. Nagpal

Phaecoemulsification / No-Stitch Cataract surgery in India
There has been a rapid evolution in cataract treatment over the past few years, which translates to added patient benefits, including improved visual outcomes and faster recoveries...
Phaecoemulsification is a quick outpatient procedure that corrects vision with little discomfort and rapid return to normal activities. It requires a tiny incision and breaks up the cataract with ultrasound waves. Next, a soft, flexible synthetic intraocular lens (IOL) is inserted into the lens capsule of the eye. There is also a multifocal lens option to provide distant, near and intermediate vision....
Q. How should I prepare for phacoemulsification ?
No special preparation is needed for phacoemulsifiaction. Your ophthalmologist should make sure there are no associated pathologies, which can interfere with the prognosis..
Q. What should I do during surgery ?
During surgery you will be lying on the operating bed. The operating microscope will be in front of you and you will always see the microscope's bright light. Your face will be covered with sterile drapes and oxygen will be provided under them. You should never touch these drapes...
Q. What should I do after surgery ?
It is important not to squeeze your eye the first couple of days after surgery. Normally there will be some foreign body sensation, similar to having an eyelash in your eye...
Safe Surgery; Speedy Recovery
Not long ago, cataract surgery required a hospital stay and was usually postponed as long as possible. Today, the procedure is performed on an out-patient basis and takes only a few minutes....
During the surgery, the cloudy lens is removed from the eye. In most cases, the focusing power of the natural lens is restored by replacing it with a permanent intraocular lens implant. ...
Please log on to : http://www.indiahospitaltour.com/eye-surgery/phacoemulsification-cataract-eye-surgery-india.html
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Facts About Stretch Marks by David H. Urmann

Stretch marks are unsightly skin scars that occur when there are significant changes in the body, like getting pregnant. It can also be due to having a swingy weight.
In order to better understand stretch marks, you need to initially know what the human skin is made of. A normal skin of a human being is made up of 4 percent elastin fiber mesh and 80 percent collagen network. The elastin is a protein that allows the skin to stretch. It also provides flexibility.
Elastin form is similar to a "fishnet" network that enables it to stretch and resume back to its original state. Stretch marks are essentially damaged elastin fibers. It causes the scarring of certain points, especially in a woman's body.
One remarkable thing about stretch marks is that it is so distinguishable with the naked eye. However, if you use a microscope, it is undistinguishable because all you can see is just plain healthy and normal skin. Some may feel that when they touch their stretch marks it feels empty like there is no existing skin.
In vision and texture, there are differences between the normal skins of people who have stretch marks, with apparently no changes on the actual state of the skin.
There are certain theories that stretch marks are acquired during pregnancy. This is when the belly starts to stretch because of the growing baby inside, during weight gain, weight loss or puberty. Although these theories are still believed as true, there are still certain studies that prove otherwise.
The term "stretch marks" is labeled because of the misconception of its origins. The real causes of these marks are hormonal influences or simply hormones. When people gain or lose weight, their hormones are metabolized and produced by fat cells. These hormones resemble cholesterol and fat, thus, it occurs every time we lose or gain some weight. So, the hormones not only affect our body and moods but it also affects our skin.
There have been studies in some laboratories that helped doctors create stretch marks artificially. This has been done on healthy and normal skin by simply applying a strong topical corticosteroid cream. The results are still similar to stretch marks but without the losing or gaining weight factor on their test subjects.
The hormones are similar to steroids applied on the skin, causing stretch marks. By applying corticosteroid creams, we can manually create stretch marks. This provides proof that the skin's stretching does not, in any way, cause stretch marks.
There are various treatments for stretch marks. The most popular of which are laser treatments. Nonetheless, there are no treatments in the market that can make stretch marks go away and the skin to look normal again. Only laser treatment can get rid of red and white marks.
Other treatments can also improve the texture and lighten the marks. In other words, treatments only improve the state of stretch marks in the body but they don't remove it.
Laser treatments can be good for red stretch marks since lasers are highly effective in stopping the inflammation or swelling as well as reducing the redness of the skin. Thus, pulse-dyed laser treatment is considered the best laser treatment for this type of stretch mark.

Staying Positive in the Midst of the Storms! by Shauntel Peak-Jimenez

So many times people are stuck in the rut of being discouraged because of the storms they are going through. So often we don't take the time to think about the fact that there is somebody who is going through something much worse than we are.
There is someone out there who would gladly trade places with us. No matter what we are going through it could always be worse, so we should always try to stay grateful, no matter how bad the storms seem.
There are far too many people walking around in defeat and I am even guilty of having done so myself. I had to train myself not to be discouraged about the cards of life that I had been dealt, because someone else has been dealt a worse hand. Through it all I had to learn to think positive during the storms of life and believe that one day my rainbow would come.
I used to look at other people and wonder why positive things seemed to happen for them and not for me, but as soon as I decided to change my mindset, that changed my life! I had to get it clear in my mind that if I decided to work hard at obtaining my goals and refused to quit regardless of my storms, that great thing would happen for me too.
I also decided to find the potential in my problems and the purpose in my pain. No matter how bad things seem there is something good that can come out of every storm. Even if it is something small, it can lead to big dreams.
I remember when my mom passed away I thought that I would never emotionally make it through that sad season in my life, but now I use her memory and the inspiration that she instilled in me, as empowerment to do great things! I decided not to let her passing break me, but to let it make me, and you have the power and strength to do the same thing, if you just remember that it could be worse, and that you can make it!
We have the choice to determine how the storms in our lives will affect us. Will they always produce dark clouds or will they always produce a rainbow? It is up to you! You have to make it up in your mind that you will stay positive through it all, and think about the greatness that will be produced from your storms. It is not easy to make it through the storms and that is why we can't do it alone.
First, we need God for he is always shelter from the storm, and then we need a strong support system of people who will be our umbrella of love and care. It may not seem like it will get better when you are in the storm, but if you continue to think positive you will see one day, that you came out better and not bitter!
You will be also able to reach out to someone else who is going through a storm and let them know that if they stay positive the winds may blow, but they will NOT get knocked down! When we look back at the storms in our lives we may wonder how we made it, but when we really look under the "I made it" microscope we can see that faith in God, and thinking positive brought us through. We can look at the storms of yesterday, and see how they made us who we are today, and how they will help us continue to grow tomorrow!
Please contact if you would like to use this article.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Facts About the Periodic Table by kayla

Throughout the history of mankind, we have tried to use science to understand the world around us. Science requires systems and clear definitions and methodology, and expression of ideas and concepts. Therefore, whenever a new understanding of science or injured, new ideas and systems must be designed and implemented. There is no better example of the use of the periodic table. Here are some facts about the periodic table of elements.
Long ago, in the 19th century, scientists discovered that different chemicals, materials and objects that have different characteristics and structures of matter that can be easily found or does not appear to be. Thanks to technologies like the microscope, scientists understand the first time, begin to see how different chemicals have. A like through an understanding of the various chemical elements as they were called, began to classify the different tables to build the team and defining the various components. This was the forerunner of the periodic table of elements today, which was designed by a Russian chemist named Dimitri Mendeleev in 1869.
The periodic table of elements developed over 200 chemicals, most of which occur naturally, but more and are only in the composition of the high-tech laboratories, institutes and schools worldwide.
Knowledge of the periodic table requires only a short time, the simplicity of the table is very effective. The data listed in order of atomic weights and are grouped under similar chemical properties. This allowed researchers to understand and assumptions about how elements react with one another simply by looking at the periodic table.
Knowledge of the periodic table of elements necessary for a variety of scientific fields. Clearly, knowledge of the periodic table of vital importance to chemists and chemical engineers. The periodic table is used in other disciplines such as biology and physics. Teach the periodic table of elements is a standard in the curriculum and the highest it should be understood by students of science in all schools. Knowledge of the periodic table at this level is more important than the understanding of scientific concepts and systems, and not the actual information of chemical components. Teachers promote the use of a framework for recording and understanding of the various components, as an example of how scientific thought. Knowledge of the periodic table of elements is less than factors such as standardization of scientific thought and procedure.

Brain Tumor , Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment by SANDEEP SINGH CHAHAL

The growth of abnormal cells in the tissues of the brain. Brain tumors can be benign non cancerous or malignant cancerous.
Brain tumors are classified depending on the exact site of the tumor, the type of tissue involved, benign or malignant tendencies of the tumor, and other factors. Primary brain tumors can arise from the brain cells, the meninges membranes around the brain, nerves, or glands.
Causes of Brain Tumor
The cause of primary brain tumors is unknown. This is because they are rare, there are many types, and there are many possible risk factors that could play a role. Exposure to some types of radiation, head injuries, and hormone replacement therapy may be risk factors, as well as many others. The risk of using cell phones is hotly debated. Genetic mutations and deletions of tumor suppressor genes i.e., genes that suppress the development of malignant cells increase the risk for some types of brain cancer. Inherited diseases that are associated with brain tumors include the following:
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 pituitary adenoma Neurofibromatosis type 2 brain and spinal cord tumors Retinoblastoma malignant retinal glioma Tuberous sclerosis primary brain tumors Von Hippel Lindau disease retinal tumor, CNS tumors
Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumor
Signs and symptoms can include the following: New onset or change in pattern of headaches Headaches that gradually become more frequent and more severe Unexplained nausea or vomiting Vision problems, such as blurred vision, double vision or loss of peripheral vision Gradual loss of sensation or movement in an arm or a leg Difficulty with balance Speech difficulties Confusion in everyday matter.
Computed tomography CT Scan A computerized xray machine is used to take a series of detailed pictures from many different angles. Dye may be injected to help to clarify organs and tissues. Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI Powerful magnets waves are used to make a series of detailed pictures. Patients are injected with a substance called gadolinium to highlight possible cancer cells. Angiogram. This imaging test uses a dye to visualize all the blood vessels in the brain to detect certain types of tumors.
Lumbar puncture,spinal tap. For this procedure, a special needle is placed into the lower back and into the spinal canal around the spinal cord. A small amount of cerebrospinal fluid, which surrounds the brain and spinal cord, can be removed and sent for testing.
Surgery is required to determine whether a brain tumor exists and what type of tumor it is. A small sample of tumor tissue may be surgically removed and examined under a microscope. This is called a biopsy. Sometimes a biopsy is done by making a small hole in the skull and using a needle to extract a sample of the tumor.
Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high,energy x-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancer cells. There are two types of radiation therapy. External radiation therapy uses a machine outside the body to send radiation toward the cancer. Internal radiation therapy uses a radioactive substance sealed in needles, seeds, wires, or catheters that are placed directly into or near the cancer. The way the radiation therapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated.
Read about Herbal Natural Home Remedies and Breast Enlargement Enhancement. Also read about Natural Cure for Diabetes

The Dangers of Untreated Yeast Infections in Women by Mike Youlo

Most women will at some point in their lives have to deal with a yeast infection. These infections are caused by the increased population of normally occurring fungi called yeast (candida albicans). The body can normally stave off an infection but under optimal conditions for the yeasts growth it will proliferate and flourish causing an infection.
Yeast Infection Symptoms
Yeast infection also known as Candidiasis is sometimes classified as with a group of vaginal infections called vaginitis. These are infection or diseases that affect the vagina. Symptoms for vaginitis can be generalized as itching and burning, pain in the vagina, redness of the vulva, swelling, increase in vaginal discharge, and discharge may have bad odor and look different. However, in some cases there are no symptoms. The pain is made worse while urinating and during sex. There may even be a rash on the vagina.
Causes of Yeast Infections
Yeats infections can be transmitted through sexual activity. Since yeast like moist and warm areas, infections can result from women wearing tight fitting underwear with improper hygiene care. The use of certain like antibiotics, steroids or birth control pills can trigger yeast infections by changing the natural pH balance in the body. Other causes include stress, lack of sleep, bad eating habits and some diseases such as diabetes and HIV/AIDS. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy or menstrual cycle may also change the body's pH balance and lay the groundwork for a yeast infection.
Problems related to Untreated Yeast Infections
It is important see a doctor especially if you are not sure if what you have is a yeast infection. The doctor will conduct a pelvic exam and take a fluid sample from the vagina. This sample will be tested and observed in a microscope which can be used to verify a yeast infection.
Yeast infections are bothersome; they interfere with the patient's lifestyle. If left untreated yeast infections will continue and affect a lifestyle negatively.
However, the biggest negative associated with untreated yeast infections is the possibility that what was assumed to be yeast infection may actually be something more sinister. There are many other conditions that have similar symptoms but may have worse consequences if left untreated. These diseases may continue to spread through sexual contact. Some of the diseases such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause serious health symptoms. Pelvic inflammatory disease is another condition that may arise indirectly as a result of untreated yeast infections. Pregnant women with vaginitis may even give birth prematurely jeopardizing the health of the newborn baby.
Treating Yeast Infections
Antifungal medications in the form of creams, tablets and suppositories are effective at getting rid of yeast infections. These are usually over-the-counter products. There are also prescribed oral medications that offer effective treatment. If the infection does not respond to treatment then it is possible there may be a more serious condition; a condition that may have not been diagnosed as in the case of the patient with the untreated yeast infection.