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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Dangers of Untreated Yeast Infections in Women by Mike Youlo

Most women will at some point in their lives have to deal with a yeast infection. These infections are caused by the increased population of normally occurring fungi called yeast (candida albicans). The body can normally stave off an infection but under optimal conditions for the yeasts growth it will proliferate and flourish causing an infection.
Yeast Infection Symptoms
Yeast infection also known as Candidiasis is sometimes classified as with a group of vaginal infections called vaginitis. These are infection or diseases that affect the vagina. Symptoms for vaginitis can be generalized as itching and burning, pain in the vagina, redness of the vulva, swelling, increase in vaginal discharge, and discharge may have bad odor and look different. However, in some cases there are no symptoms. The pain is made worse while urinating and during sex. There may even be a rash on the vagina.
Causes of Yeast Infections
Yeats infections can be transmitted through sexual activity. Since yeast like moist and warm areas, infections can result from women wearing tight fitting underwear with improper hygiene care. The use of certain like antibiotics, steroids or birth control pills can trigger yeast infections by changing the natural pH balance in the body. Other causes include stress, lack of sleep, bad eating habits and some diseases such as diabetes and HIV/AIDS. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy or menstrual cycle may also change the body's pH balance and lay the groundwork for a yeast infection.
Problems related to Untreated Yeast Infections
It is important see a doctor especially if you are not sure if what you have is a yeast infection. The doctor will conduct a pelvic exam and take a fluid sample from the vagina. This sample will be tested and observed in a microscope which can be used to verify a yeast infection.
Yeast infections are bothersome; they interfere with the patient's lifestyle. If left untreated yeast infections will continue and affect a lifestyle negatively.
However, the biggest negative associated with untreated yeast infections is the possibility that what was assumed to be yeast infection may actually be something more sinister. There are many other conditions that have similar symptoms but may have worse consequences if left untreated. These diseases may continue to spread through sexual contact. Some of the diseases such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause serious health symptoms. Pelvic inflammatory disease is another condition that may arise indirectly as a result of untreated yeast infections. Pregnant women with vaginitis may even give birth prematurely jeopardizing the health of the newborn baby.
Treating Yeast Infections
Antifungal medications in the form of creams, tablets and suppositories are effective at getting rid of yeast infections. These are usually over-the-counter products. There are also prescribed oral medications that offer effective treatment. If the infection does not respond to treatment then it is possible there may be a more serious condition; a condition that may have not been diagnosed as in the case of the patient with the untreated yeast infection.

