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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Enhance Career Expansion by Harrison Barnes

There are basically two different perspectives for the word career. For the category A, a career means something that you have worked for to attain, something to show everybody that you are engaged, an excuse to get away from home. Something you make up as an argument for not spending more time with your family, just so you can mull around. However, for people in category B, it means life itself. It is their identity, their destiny and something they cannot imagine themselves without. For category A, career expansion is something you work on meticulously, plan in detail, and chart out. For category B, it is simply a favorable change in situation they find themselves as a result of their dedication, hard work, patience and an efficient display of wit. In the age where people market themselves as products, category B is clearly the market leader. Stagnancy is what repels an individual from one's job. Apart from setting you goals and ultimate aim, one needs to focus on developing a plan that maps out the path from one goal to the next within a specific time frame. However unrealistic this may seem, it keeps you on track and gives you a sense of assurance that you are on schedule at various points in your career.
In today's cut throat job chase, there is a very thin line that delineates the best from the better. After the throes of gate crashing into a career have died down, there is so little time for an assured slack down. Therein begins the game of persuasion, domination, and an occasional display of arrogance, which needs to be safely and swiftly certified an assertive attitude. Naturally, the spoils of a luxurious lifestyle, perks, privileged treatment; these are some of the factors that drive any career-oriented individual. However, after being easier said than done, this involves a lot of hard work, a lot more sacrifice, and never losing track of the big picture. A focused effort in developing your career will give everything that you have wished for till date says A. Harrison Barnes, the owner and creator of Employment Crossing.com.
Career expansion is more or less a game of nerves and strategy in the age of Do-Or-Be-Deleted. One needs to be prepared to go to any lengths in this game of career expansion. More than proving oneself better than the rest of the herd, the latest game plan is displaying others around in a poor light, so that, eventually you end up as the dominant species. Success today is more about the adage, "The show must go on." Rather, as a keen lifestyle observer stated, Success is all about portraying a series of successful images. Look the part until you get it is the new mantra of society. This is what A. Harrison Barnes has experienced.
Being the best will take you only so far. For a more rapid rate of expansion in your career, you need to prove your versatility to handle changes handed down by changing market trends. It would also include proving to your superiors that you are a reliable resource and have an influence on your colleagues. This is not easy. It is a struggle that one must anticipate when you set your sights on a successful career Once you win over them you will have what you have always desired, believes A. Harrison Barnes.
Being at the Right Place at the Right Time
Planning your strategy would include being at the right place at the right time. In the worst case scenario, it is necessary to cultivate the belief that you are where you are for a specific reason and that you are having an education on the facts of life in real time. A. Harrison Barnes says that it is not possible for any business to always move upwards or is continuously expanding. There are ups and downs in every business, yet one needs to take the lessons out every situation to form a base for your career expansion.
Contribute to the Expansion and get recognized
Your contribution to the expansion of the firm very much affects your personal career expansion believes A. Harrison Barnes. Though organizational growth acts as an automatic boost for your career growth, individual performances come under the microscope in challenging phases your organization goes through. It is in such situations that you prove to the management that you have what it takes to pull off an untested strategy to help the organization come out of the situation intact. Even important is documenting whatever steps you have taken on a day-to-day basis such that your contribution is noticed by the management. You need to project your contribution to the expansion of the company above the rest of the herd. This is what will provide you the leverage to your career expansion.
A. Harrison Barnes suggests you may have to start shifting gears if you do not see enough scope of growth or expansion in your career in the present organization. At the very least, the organization needs to provide you exposure to a new trend or technology that has just been introduced in your field of specialization. Once you decide that your career faces stagnation and is undergoing nothing beyond a probable slow death in the current scenario, your parameters for a different situation could include a prominent position in a start-up company. This could give you exposure to a platform where you polish on your leadership and man-management skills. Another favorable situation could be one that includes your role in working on a new project that has new implications in the current market scenario. This could give you a view-in on the procedures that go into place in implementing new strategies or making a new accessory fit in to your current work schedule. There is a lot you can learn in such scenarios.
Though there is nothing wrong in changing companies, a longer stint with an organization reflects a sense of stability when read from your resume. The decision to move out should come after all possibilities of growth have been ruled out through a careful and thorough introspection with friends or even a professional consultant.
Every career is dependent on the choices made by an individual. The right choices at the right time can help you progress your career in the direction you desire.

