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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Why Should Anyone Believe You - Testimonials Have Power by Ingrid Cliff

Imagine for a moment a scientist, quietly working away in their musty chemical smelling lab late one evening, peering deep into their microscope. They stretch, rub their eyes, and put the next glass slide under the eyepiece. They blink. Sit up. They look around with their heart pumping. They quickly gaze back through the eyepiece. Surely it can't be true. They look again.
Yes! They have finally solved a medical riddle that has been plaguing mankind for generations. With this discovery they will save the suffering of hundreds of people each year creating health where there was previously sickness. Life where there was previously death. Hope where there was none.
Now ... do you think they have a responsibility for sharing this discovery with people? With testing to make sure it really was true. With actively seeking out people that could benefit from their discovery and sharing their knowledge? Do you believe that they should do everything in their power to shout their message from the rooftops so that even just one person can hear it?
What would happen if they told a few people of their discovery but didn't back it up with further studies, and when the word didn't get out as fast as they wanted, if they just bundled up their research and put it in a drawer. Would they be giving up? Would the world be a worse place for the loss?
Businesses are just like this scientist. The market is full of great products ... I mean there are really great products out there that quietly fade away. These products and services solve problems and create easy solutions that other products and services on the market don't.
Maybe these products and services are not the difference between life and death but they certainly are the solution to irritations, or things that bug people, so they still have value.
The thing to remember is if you have created something brilliant, there are people who need your product or service, and it is your responsibility to help them solve their problem they just need to know about you. But creating something great isn't enough. Just because you have created something fabulous doesn't mean people will automatically buy it.
People are naturally sceptical. We all grew up with the stories of "Chicken Little" and the "Boy who Cried Wolf" we may have been excited initially, but as we grew we want to see hard evidence before we get excited about pretty much anything these days.
We want proof that something works. So - scientists start gathering data from trials. They replicate their experiments and then move onto human trials. They gather statistics to see what worked and any side effects. They modify chemical compositions based on the trials and then finally release their findings and after a lot of research and effort, the product finally makes it onto the market.
In business, people need to do the same thing. We want to see the proof. We want to see the results of the clinical trials we are swayed more by the positive reviews of other people than by the announcement of the breakthrough. We want to see that it really does work.
Yet most businesses fail at this step. They create something great, tell people about it and wonder why they don't get the results they are looking for. They fail in gathering testimonials and proof that something actually does work. Their marketing material still focuses on the claims and the razzle-dazzle, with no proof behind it to back it up.
Until there is proof people's natural reaction is "Why should I believe you".
So if your online business is not converting or your marketing is not getting a great response take a good hard look at your material and ask yourself "Where's the Proof?" You need to take action to help people believe your claims.
Get some great heartfelt testimonials and regularly share them with people. I've seen this done by interspersing them with other writing, by a call-out box, by pages added on the end of the document. I've seen them written in chalk on a window or chalkboard and I have seen them filmed or recorded.
Take planned action to get testimonials. Take a leaf out the Big Brown Box's book and automate your testimonial getting. Ask people more than once if need be just get them.
Don't be afraid of comparison tests and product reviews these all add weight to your claims.
At the end of the day you want to celebrate sharing your discovery with as many people as you can, rather than quietly putting it away in a drawer. You want to answer the question why people should believe you as that is one of the greatest secrets to business success.

