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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Sometimes using a word can change the cultural reaction to its meaning by John Scott

There's an obscure branch of science called semiotics. It studies the process called communication. How a message is passed from one point to another using signs and symbols. So, birds and frogs sing to attract mates. Other species of animals and plants release chemicals into the environment to mark their territory, tell each other when they are fertile and ready for action, and so on. Humans have developed language so that meaning is attached to sounds or images. At the simplest level, everyone will recognize the noises made when people are in pain or happy. Groans and laughter are universal. But then it gets complicated because different languages used in different cultures produce different meanings for the same sounds or images. For example, the several hundred million people in Indonesia and Malaysia (more than currently live in the US) think that the three letters "air" mean "water". In fact, groups of letters can be given any meaning. Some of these meanings will be kind, others less so. To understand these meanings, you have to be in the culture. Someone who is not a native speaker will never understand all the different shades of possible meaning in a given language.
One of the most feared words is most cultures is "acne". It may only be four letters, but to people approaching puberty or their parents and family, this is something to dread. There seems to be no end to the cruelty of humans to each other. Once a difference emerges in a group, it's picked on as something terrible and the attacks begin. Only those who match the norms are safe. That means anyone whose skin suddenly erupts into pimples is treated as a plague carrier. Their personal hygiene standards are criticized and every aspect of their character is put under the microscope. This treatment is damaging to self-esteem. Confidence fades when you are victimized in this way. What should be a normal part of growing up that everyone accepts becomes a dangerous rite of passage. There are only two ways to deal with this problem. Either the culture must change to be more forgiving of difference or the medical profession must supply a "cure".
Against this background, it's fascinating to see the spread of "acne" as a brand. Now emerging from Sweden on to the world market comes Acne, the fashion label, and Acne Paper, the fashion magazine. The fashion house has just opened its first store in New York offering a wide range of own-label clothing from fashion jeans to stylish dresses and blazers. It's also working on furniture, music and movies. The magazine is also about design (and fashion). It's mainly European in style. The importance of the use of this word is that it may begin the process of changing culture. If more people wear the clothes, sit on the furniture, read the magazine and listen to the music, the horror of the word may start to fade. People will still be cruel to each other but they may pick on different features (or just use different words). Until we get this cultural revolution, you can always rely on the drug market for relief. Buy accutane online and find an effective treatment almost every time. Better still, using an online pharmacy lets you buy cheap accutane - treatment is always better value when it's affordable.

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

What Determines the Price of Engagement Rings? by Adriana Noton

Giving engagement rings are an age old tradition when taking the big step toward marriage. Over the years, the price of engagement rings has fluctuated. This is due to the quality of the diamond. When choosing how much to pay for an engagement ring, one should have a good understanding of what determines the price of diamond engagement rings
The price of an engagement is based on the diamond that it holds, although the setting also plays a factor. The diamond industry determines the value based on what is known as the "Four C's." The "Four C's stands for Color, Cut, Clarity, and Caret.
The following outlines a description of the "Four C's" when determining the price of an engagement ring:
Color: The color of a diamond is assessed based on the deepness of the color. The higher quality and more expensive diamonds are colorless. The more colorless a diamond is the more valuable it is. Grading is performed on a scale from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow.)
Cut: The 'cut' of the diamond means how the diamond was shaped to permit light to reflect from it. In a fine cut diamond, light enters the diamond and reflects directly into the eye of the person looking at it through a microscope or other stone examining device.
Clarity: Clarity is determined by assessing any flaws inside the diamond. The fewer amount of flaws, the higher quality the diamond. The scale for grading diamond's clarity is:
* Flawless (F): There are no inside or outside flaws. * Internally Flawless (IF): There is a bit of outer flaws, but no inner flaws. * Very Very Slightly Included (VVS1-VVS2): There are very tiny flaws that are hard to see when looking under a 10x magnification. * Very Slightly Included (VS1-VS2): There very small flaws that one can see with some difficulty only under a 10x magnification. * Slightly Included (SI1-SI2): There are flaws that can only be seen well under 10x magnification. * Included (I1-I3): There are flaws that one can see when looking at with the naked eye.
Caret: The caret refers to the size of the diamond.
The following are some approximate prices of diamond engagement rings:
* $1,000 to $2,000: diamonds between .30 and .57 carats. * $2,000 to $3,500: diamonds from .4 to 1 carat in 14 or 18 carat gold * $3,500 to $5,000: 1 carat diamonds in 18 carat settings
Before you buy a diamond engagement ring, make sure you will be getting an AGS Certificate or a GIA Certificate. This will ensure you are getting a real diamond that is worth what you pay.
Giving a diamond engagement ring to your special love will make the engagement experience even more memorable and romantic. Before you purchase the engagement ring, it is important that you understand what goes into assigning a price to the ring. You should not have to spend more money than what the ring is worth as you will have other important expenses to think about as you and your love begin a life together.

วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Importance of Ionic Plant Source Minerals by Marty Frye

The human body requires at least 60 minerals (70 is preferable) for optimal health. The human body also needs all 16 essential vitamins, 20 essential amino acids and 3 fatty acids.
Over the last 10 years, more attention has been given to minerals then ever before. Why? Minerals are vital to 95% of your organs. Many people have found this information, but are still confused about what form of mineral to take. Forms like chelated, ionic, colloidal, elemental, plant-derived, humic shale, rocks, and clay are thrown around like a baseball. All these forms have led to confusion about which one is the most effective. It is very important to note that minerals are stored in plants in an ionic state; it does not matter if they are called colloidal or ionic, and the fact is those minerals are IONIC.
The "Colloidal" form receives the most attention. Although "colloidal" and "minerals" get put together as if they are describing a specific type of mineral, this is farthest from the case. The term "Colloidal" denotes the microscopic size of the substances contained within a specific mineral. Let us take a closer look at Colloids. Colloids can be defined as particles of a substance, which are finely divided and mixed in a supporting substance like liquids, gels, gases, etc... Webster's Medical Dictionary defines a colloid as "a substance that consists of particles dispersed throughout another substance which are too small for resolution with an ordinary light microscope but are incapable of passing though a semi permeable membrane or as a mixture consisting of a colloid together with the medium in which it is dispersed."
It should be very apparent that materials, which are smaller in size are much easier for the body to digest and assimilate than those, which are larger. For example, protein that is in liquid form is easier for the body to breakdown than eating a slab of meat to get those proteins. The same can be said about pills, which must first be liquefied by your body before the materials in that pill can be used by the body. Once this has happened, the materials of that pill must be dispersed in some fashion so that enzymes and acids can produce chemical changes in its structure, which enable it to be assimilated. This effort is accomplished with those extra carrier molecules, which are synthetic by design.
Plant-derived minerals are fully bioavailable to the human body and the best way to get these essential minerals is to naturally extract them from the natural source. Another benefit of sourcing minerals from plants is that they do not need to be artificially broken down before the human body can use them.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Oral Cancer Screening by Jackson Sayers

ral cancer screening can detect different types of oral cancers before you even have symptoms. The earlier any type of cancer is detected, the better your chances of recovery. Cancers can spread very quickly, so by the time you even experience symptoms, it may be too late. An oral cancer screen can pinpoint abnormal cells or tissues that may be missed otherwise.
Malignant cells form anywhere in the oral cavity, the lips, the tongue or underneath the tongue, the throat, or the tonsils, causing oral cancer. If the disease starts in squamous cells, it is called squamous cell carcinoma.
If your doctor suggests an oral cancer screen, don't panic. This doesn't mean that you have cancer. Your doctor will perform the screening test, and if it comes back abnormal, you will have to undergo further diagnostic tests.
Oral Cancer Prevention
Unlike many other types of cancers, oral cancer has actually been decreasing in recent years. Oral cancer is most common amoung people over 45, although the number of new cases of oral cancer has increased in adults under the age of 40. Tobacco use (cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco) and heavy alcohol use increase your risk of developing oral cancer. Males face a higher risk of getting oral cancers. Sunlight is a risk factor for lip cancer. A strain of human papillomavirus (HPV) may also increase your risk.
There are a variety of oral cancer tests your physician might perform: looking for lesions or abnormal patches of cells in all areas of the mouth, staining lesions with a blue dye to determine how cancerous they might be, or gently scraping the mouth to collect cells to view under a microscope.

Male Yeast Infection Symptoms and Cures by Sandra Wilson

You're a circumcised male; yeast infections cannot happen to you, right? Wrong! One of the most popular myths that men believe in is that being circumcised will prevent a number of penile-related ailments, but don't kid yourself: circumcised or not, even you can suffer from a yeast infection.
Male yeast infections, often referred to as "male candida", are more common in men than you may think. Male candida typically happens when the candida fungus on our skin is allowed to grow out of control for a number of reasons:
- Antibiotics & steroids - Sex with an infected partner (vaginal and anal, since candida lives in all mucous membranes of our bodies) - Diabetes - Immunity disorder
When men have a yeast infection, they tend to mistake it as an STD like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. When you go to the doctor to find out if you have a yeast infection or not, your physician will do a quick swab test of any discharge in the area. He or she will then look under the microscope and be able to tell you within minutes whether you have an STD or a yeast infection. Most men are relieved to find out that they only have a yeast infection, and not an STD or STI. If you do find out that you have a yeast infection, and if you have a sexual partner, be sure to tell the doctor so he or she may be able to prescribe treatment for your partner as well.
So how do you go about treating your yeast infection? Men tend to go for the antifungal creams and ointments that are available. You may be familiar with some of the more popular ones, such as Monistat, Canesten, and Femistat. Your doctor will also be able to prescribe you a pill to take orally, such as Diflucan.
Not interested in medical treatments? There are a number of natural remedies on the market for men. Some of these you can pick up at your grocery store, like garlic and natural yogurt with "active cultures". These are both usually eaten (though the garlic may be a bit unpleasant). Check out other options, like diluted tea tree oil and boric acid.
As a final note, be sure to check with your health care professional before seeking any natural treatments.

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Choosing A Microscope: Compound or Stereo microscope? by Kathy Brasch

Your application is the most important factor in choosing a microscope. What you need to see and what you want to do with that image will determine what kind of microscope you need. Microscopes typically come in two types: compound or stereo microscope.The most common is the compound microscope. It is the one most people visualize when they think about microscopes. A microscope with one eyepiece is called a monocular microscope; with two eyepieces it is called a binocular microscope, or it might have an additional camera tube and is called a trinocular microscope. The compound microscope has a number of objectives (the lens closest to the object being viewed) of varying magnification mounted in a rotatable nosepiece. It uses a light source beneath the stage to illuminate slides. These microscopes are generally used to view very small objects such as cells or bacterium. Magnification of compound microscope scopes range from 40X up to 1000X. Actual magnification can be figured by multiplying the power of the eyepiece by the power of the objective lens.The other type of microscope is called a stereo microscopeor dissecting microscope. It uses two eyepieces and two paired objectives. Stereo microscopes come in models that have full zooming capability and models that just have only two magnification settings. Stereo microscopes are particularly useful for biologists performing dissections, technicians building or repairing circuit boards, paleontologists cleaning and examining fossils or any one who needs to work with their hands on small objects. You can find stereo microscopes that have a built in light source from above, below, or none at all. Magnification is usually much less than that of a compound microscope, but is figured in the same way by multiplying the power of the eyepiece by the power of the objective lens.

How to Enhance Career Expansion by Harrison Barnes

There are basically two different perspectives for the word career. For the category A, a career means something that you have worked for to attain, something to show everybody that you are engaged, an excuse to get away from home. Something you make up as an argument for not spending more time with your family, just so you can mull around. However, for people in category B, it means life itself. It is their identity, their destiny and something they cannot imagine themselves without. For category A, career expansion is something you work on meticulously, plan in detail, and chart out. For category B, it is simply a favorable change in situation they find themselves as a result of their dedication, hard work, patience and an efficient display of wit. In the age where people market themselves as products, category B is clearly the market leader. Stagnancy is what repels an individual from one's job. Apart from setting you goals and ultimate aim, one needs to focus on developing a plan that maps out the path from one goal to the next within a specific time frame. However unrealistic this may seem, it keeps you on track and gives you a sense of assurance that you are on schedule at various points in your career.
In today's cut throat job chase, there is a very thin line that delineates the best from the better. After the throes of gate crashing into a career have died down, there is so little time for an assured slack down. Therein begins the game of persuasion, domination, and an occasional display of arrogance, which needs to be safely and swiftly certified an assertive attitude. Naturally, the spoils of a luxurious lifestyle, perks, privileged treatment; these are some of the factors that drive any career-oriented individual. However, after being easier said than done, this involves a lot of hard work, a lot more sacrifice, and never losing track of the big picture. A focused effort in developing your career will give everything that you have wished for till date says A. Harrison Barnes, the owner and creator of Employment Crossing.com.
Career expansion is more or less a game of nerves and strategy in the age of Do-Or-Be-Deleted. One needs to be prepared to go to any lengths in this game of career expansion. More than proving oneself better than the rest of the herd, the latest game plan is displaying others around in a poor light, so that, eventually you end up as the dominant species. Success today is more about the adage, "The show must go on." Rather, as a keen lifestyle observer stated, Success is all about portraying a series of successful images. Look the part until you get it is the new mantra of society. This is what A. Harrison Barnes has experienced.
Being the best will take you only so far. For a more rapid rate of expansion in your career, you need to prove your versatility to handle changes handed down by changing market trends. It would also include proving to your superiors that you are a reliable resource and have an influence on your colleagues. This is not easy. It is a struggle that one must anticipate when you set your sights on a successful career Once you win over them you will have what you have always desired, believes A. Harrison Barnes.
Being at the Right Place at the Right Time
Planning your strategy would include being at the right place at the right time. In the worst case scenario, it is necessary to cultivate the belief that you are where you are for a specific reason and that you are having an education on the facts of life in real time. A. Harrison Barnes says that it is not possible for any business to always move upwards or is continuously expanding. There are ups and downs in every business, yet one needs to take the lessons out every situation to form a base for your career expansion.
Contribute to the Expansion and get recognized
Your contribution to the expansion of the firm very much affects your personal career expansion believes A. Harrison Barnes. Though organizational growth acts as an automatic boost for your career growth, individual performances come under the microscope in challenging phases your organization goes through. It is in such situations that you prove to the management that you have what it takes to pull off an untested strategy to help the organization come out of the situation intact. Even important is documenting whatever steps you have taken on a day-to-day basis such that your contribution is noticed by the management. You need to project your contribution to the expansion of the company above the rest of the herd. This is what will provide you the leverage to your career expansion.
A. Harrison Barnes suggests you may have to start shifting gears if you do not see enough scope of growth or expansion in your career in the present organization. At the very least, the organization needs to provide you exposure to a new trend or technology that has just been introduced in your field of specialization. Once you decide that your career faces stagnation and is undergoing nothing beyond a probable slow death in the current scenario, your parameters for a different situation could include a prominent position in a start-up company. This could give you exposure to a platform where you polish on your leadership and man-management skills. Another favorable situation could be one that includes your role in working on a new project that has new implications in the current market scenario. This could give you a view-in on the procedures that go into place in implementing new strategies or making a new accessory fit in to your current work schedule. There is a lot you can learn in such scenarios.
Though there is nothing wrong in changing companies, a longer stint with an organization reflects a sense of stability when read from your resume. The decision to move out should come after all possibilities of growth have been ruled out through a careful and thorough introspection with friends or even a professional consultant.
Every career is dependent on the choices made by an individual. The right choices at the right time can help you progress your career in the direction you desire.

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Symptoms And Treatments by Alexander Blaine

There was a time when people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome were diagnoses as depressed or just lazy and lacking in energy. They were told to get a hobby or a new hairdo. The disease couldn't be seen under a microscope, so it didn't exist. Today...we know better. If you're suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome or suspect that you are, this article will alert you to the common symptoms and some treatments that you have available to you.
Chronic fatigue syndrome, clinically, is a prolonged length of time suffering from extreme tiredness or weariness and a lack of energy. According to doctors, to "qualify" for having this disease, you have to be unable to participate in at least 50% of your normal activities.
The main symptoms are fatigue or tiredness that have lasted for at least six months. It's normal to become tired from time to time. But symptoms lasting for this period of time are normally considered to be those associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. As far as exertion, if more than 50% of your activities cannot be carried out by 50% of the normal effort to do so, this is also considered to be, clinically speaking, chronic fatigue syndrome.
However, these symptoms alone don't tell the whole story. Other symptoms include headaches, forgetfulness, joint pain, lymph node tenderness, muscle aches, muscle weakness and sore throat. All these symptoms combined usually make up a profile of chronic fatigue syndrome. As I said, years ago we didn't understand this disease. Now we do.
But what about treatment? For now, there is no cure. The only treatment is common sense medicine and care. Rest when you're tired. There are some drugs that you can take for depression, commonly part of chronic fatigue syndrome, but these drugs can have very unpleasant side effects. An active social life and exercise greatly help people who suffer from this disease.
In my signature, you'll find some more information that will help you in battling chronic fatigue syndrome.

Phacoemulsification Abroad - Surgery Available And Competency Of Surgeons by Pankaj S. Nagpal

Phaecoemulsification / No-Stitch Cataract surgery in India
There has been a rapid evolution in cataract treatment over the past few years, which translates to added patient benefits, including improved visual outcomes and faster recoveries...
Phaecoemulsification is a quick outpatient procedure that corrects vision with little discomfort and rapid return to normal activities. It requires a tiny incision and breaks up the cataract with ultrasound waves. Next, a soft, flexible synthetic intraocular lens (IOL) is inserted into the lens capsule of the eye. There is also a multifocal lens option to provide distant, near and intermediate vision....
Q. How should I prepare for phacoemulsification ?
No special preparation is needed for phacoemulsifiaction. Your ophthalmologist should make sure there are no associated pathologies, which can interfere with the prognosis..
Q. What should I do during surgery ?
During surgery you will be lying on the operating bed. The operating microscope will be in front of you and you will always see the microscope's bright light. Your face will be covered with sterile drapes and oxygen will be provided under them. You should never touch these drapes...
Q. What should I do after surgery ?
It is important not to squeeze your eye the first couple of days after surgery. Normally there will be some foreign body sensation, similar to having an eyelash in your eye...
Safe Surgery; Speedy Recovery
Not long ago, cataract surgery required a hospital stay and was usually postponed as long as possible. Today, the procedure is performed on an out-patient basis and takes only a few minutes....
During the surgery, the cloudy lens is removed from the eye. In most cases, the focusing power of the natural lens is restored by replacing it with a permanent intraocular lens implant. ...
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Facts About Stretch Marks by David H. Urmann

Stretch marks are unsightly skin scars that occur when there are significant changes in the body, like getting pregnant. It can also be due to having a swingy weight.
In order to better understand stretch marks, you need to initially know what the human skin is made of. A normal skin of a human being is made up of 4 percent elastin fiber mesh and 80 percent collagen network. The elastin is a protein that allows the skin to stretch. It also provides flexibility.
Elastin form is similar to a "fishnet" network that enables it to stretch and resume back to its original state. Stretch marks are essentially damaged elastin fibers. It causes the scarring of certain points, especially in a woman's body.
One remarkable thing about stretch marks is that it is so distinguishable with the naked eye. However, if you use a microscope, it is undistinguishable because all you can see is just plain healthy and normal skin. Some may feel that when they touch their stretch marks it feels empty like there is no existing skin.
In vision and texture, there are differences between the normal skins of people who have stretch marks, with apparently no changes on the actual state of the skin.
There are certain theories that stretch marks are acquired during pregnancy. This is when the belly starts to stretch because of the growing baby inside, during weight gain, weight loss or puberty. Although these theories are still believed as true, there are still certain studies that prove otherwise.
The term "stretch marks" is labeled because of the misconception of its origins. The real causes of these marks are hormonal influences or simply hormones. When people gain or lose weight, their hormones are metabolized and produced by fat cells. These hormones resemble cholesterol and fat, thus, it occurs every time we lose or gain some weight. So, the hormones not only affect our body and moods but it also affects our skin.
There have been studies in some laboratories that helped doctors create stretch marks artificially. This has been done on healthy and normal skin by simply applying a strong topical corticosteroid cream. The results are still similar to stretch marks but without the losing or gaining weight factor on their test subjects.
The hormones are similar to steroids applied on the skin, causing stretch marks. By applying corticosteroid creams, we can manually create stretch marks. This provides proof that the skin's stretching does not, in any way, cause stretch marks.
There are various treatments for stretch marks. The most popular of which are laser treatments. Nonetheless, there are no treatments in the market that can make stretch marks go away and the skin to look normal again. Only laser treatment can get rid of red and white marks.
Other treatments can also improve the texture and lighten the marks. In other words, treatments only improve the state of stretch marks in the body but they don't remove it.
Laser treatments can be good for red stretch marks since lasers are highly effective in stopping the inflammation or swelling as well as reducing the redness of the skin. Thus, pulse-dyed laser treatment is considered the best laser treatment for this type of stretch mark.

Staying Positive in the Midst of the Storms! by Shauntel Peak-Jimenez

So many times people are stuck in the rut of being discouraged because of the storms they are going through. So often we don't take the time to think about the fact that there is somebody who is going through something much worse than we are.
There is someone out there who would gladly trade places with us. No matter what we are going through it could always be worse, so we should always try to stay grateful, no matter how bad the storms seem.
There are far too many people walking around in defeat and I am even guilty of having done so myself. I had to train myself not to be discouraged about the cards of life that I had been dealt, because someone else has been dealt a worse hand. Through it all I had to learn to think positive during the storms of life and believe that one day my rainbow would come.
I used to look at other people and wonder why positive things seemed to happen for them and not for me, but as soon as I decided to change my mindset, that changed my life! I had to get it clear in my mind that if I decided to work hard at obtaining my goals and refused to quit regardless of my storms, that great thing would happen for me too.
I also decided to find the potential in my problems and the purpose in my pain. No matter how bad things seem there is something good that can come out of every storm. Even if it is something small, it can lead to big dreams.
I remember when my mom passed away I thought that I would never emotionally make it through that sad season in my life, but now I use her memory and the inspiration that she instilled in me, as empowerment to do great things! I decided not to let her passing break me, but to let it make me, and you have the power and strength to do the same thing, if you just remember that it could be worse, and that you can make it!
We have the choice to determine how the storms in our lives will affect us. Will they always produce dark clouds or will they always produce a rainbow? It is up to you! You have to make it up in your mind that you will stay positive through it all, and think about the greatness that will be produced from your storms. It is not easy to make it through the storms and that is why we can't do it alone.
First, we need God for he is always shelter from the storm, and then we need a strong support system of people who will be our umbrella of love and care. It may not seem like it will get better when you are in the storm, but if you continue to think positive you will see one day, that you came out better and not bitter!
You will be also able to reach out to someone else who is going through a storm and let them know that if they stay positive the winds may blow, but they will NOT get knocked down! When we look back at the storms in our lives we may wonder how we made it, but when we really look under the "I made it" microscope we can see that faith in God, and thinking positive brought us through. We can look at the storms of yesterday, and see how they made us who we are today, and how they will help us continue to grow tomorrow!
Please contact if you would like to use this article.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Facts About the Periodic Table by kayla

Throughout the history of mankind, we have tried to use science to understand the world around us. Science requires systems and clear definitions and methodology, and expression of ideas and concepts. Therefore, whenever a new understanding of science or injured, new ideas and systems must be designed and implemented. There is no better example of the use of the periodic table. Here are some facts about the periodic table of elements.
Long ago, in the 19th century, scientists discovered that different chemicals, materials and objects that have different characteristics and structures of matter that can be easily found or does not appear to be. Thanks to technologies like the microscope, scientists understand the first time, begin to see how different chemicals have. A like through an understanding of the various chemical elements as they were called, began to classify the different tables to build the team and defining the various components. This was the forerunner of the periodic table of elements today, which was designed by a Russian chemist named Dimitri Mendeleev in 1869.
The periodic table of elements developed over 200 chemicals, most of which occur naturally, but more and are only in the composition of the high-tech laboratories, institutes and schools worldwide.
Knowledge of the periodic table requires only a short time, the simplicity of the table is very effective. The data listed in order of atomic weights and are grouped under similar chemical properties. This allowed researchers to understand and assumptions about how elements react with one another simply by looking at the periodic table.
Knowledge of the periodic table of elements necessary for a variety of scientific fields. Clearly, knowledge of the periodic table of vital importance to chemists and chemical engineers. The periodic table is used in other disciplines such as biology and physics. Teach the periodic table of elements is a standard in the curriculum and the highest it should be understood by students of science in all schools. Knowledge of the periodic table at this level is more important than the understanding of scientific concepts and systems, and not the actual information of chemical components. Teachers promote the use of a framework for recording and understanding of the various components, as an example of how scientific thought. Knowledge of the periodic table of elements is less than factors such as standardization of scientific thought and procedure.

Brain Tumor , Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment by SANDEEP SINGH CHAHAL

The growth of abnormal cells in the tissues of the brain. Brain tumors can be benign non cancerous or malignant cancerous.
Brain tumors are classified depending on the exact site of the tumor, the type of tissue involved, benign or malignant tendencies of the tumor, and other factors. Primary brain tumors can arise from the brain cells, the meninges membranes around the brain, nerves, or glands.
Causes of Brain Tumor
The cause of primary brain tumors is unknown. This is because they are rare, there are many types, and there are many possible risk factors that could play a role. Exposure to some types of radiation, head injuries, and hormone replacement therapy may be risk factors, as well as many others. The risk of using cell phones is hotly debated. Genetic mutations and deletions of tumor suppressor genes i.e., genes that suppress the development of malignant cells increase the risk for some types of brain cancer. Inherited diseases that are associated with brain tumors include the following:
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 pituitary adenoma Neurofibromatosis type 2 brain and spinal cord tumors Retinoblastoma malignant retinal glioma Tuberous sclerosis primary brain tumors Von Hippel Lindau disease retinal tumor, CNS tumors
Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumor
Signs and symptoms can include the following: New onset or change in pattern of headaches Headaches that gradually become more frequent and more severe Unexplained nausea or vomiting Vision problems, such as blurred vision, double vision or loss of peripheral vision Gradual loss of sensation or movement in an arm or a leg Difficulty with balance Speech difficulties Confusion in everyday matter.
Computed tomography CT Scan A computerized xray machine is used to take a series of detailed pictures from many different angles. Dye may be injected to help to clarify organs and tissues. Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI Powerful magnets waves are used to make a series of detailed pictures. Patients are injected with a substance called gadolinium to highlight possible cancer cells. Angiogram. This imaging test uses a dye to visualize all the blood vessels in the brain to detect certain types of tumors.
Lumbar puncture,spinal tap. For this procedure, a special needle is placed into the lower back and into the spinal canal around the spinal cord. A small amount of cerebrospinal fluid, which surrounds the brain and spinal cord, can be removed and sent for testing.
Surgery is required to determine whether a brain tumor exists and what type of tumor it is. A small sample of tumor tissue may be surgically removed and examined under a microscope. This is called a biopsy. Sometimes a biopsy is done by making a small hole in the skull and using a needle to extract a sample of the tumor.
Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high,energy x-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancer cells. There are two types of radiation therapy. External radiation therapy uses a machine outside the body to send radiation toward the cancer. Internal radiation therapy uses a radioactive substance sealed in needles, seeds, wires, or catheters that are placed directly into or near the cancer. The way the radiation therapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated.
Read about Herbal Natural Home Remedies and Breast Enlargement Enhancement. Also read about Natural Cure for Diabetes

The Dangers of Untreated Yeast Infections in Women by Mike Youlo

Most women will at some point in their lives have to deal with a yeast infection. These infections are caused by the increased population of normally occurring fungi called yeast (candida albicans). The body can normally stave off an infection but under optimal conditions for the yeasts growth it will proliferate and flourish causing an infection.
Yeast Infection Symptoms
Yeast infection also known as Candidiasis is sometimes classified as with a group of vaginal infections called vaginitis. These are infection or diseases that affect the vagina. Symptoms for vaginitis can be generalized as itching and burning, pain in the vagina, redness of the vulva, swelling, increase in vaginal discharge, and discharge may have bad odor and look different. However, in some cases there are no symptoms. The pain is made worse while urinating and during sex. There may even be a rash on the vagina.
Causes of Yeast Infections
Yeats infections can be transmitted through sexual activity. Since yeast like moist and warm areas, infections can result from women wearing tight fitting underwear with improper hygiene care. The use of certain like antibiotics, steroids or birth control pills can trigger yeast infections by changing the natural pH balance in the body. Other causes include stress, lack of sleep, bad eating habits and some diseases such as diabetes and HIV/AIDS. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy or menstrual cycle may also change the body's pH balance and lay the groundwork for a yeast infection.
Problems related to Untreated Yeast Infections
It is important see a doctor especially if you are not sure if what you have is a yeast infection. The doctor will conduct a pelvic exam and take a fluid sample from the vagina. This sample will be tested and observed in a microscope which can be used to verify a yeast infection.
Yeast infections are bothersome; they interfere with the patient's lifestyle. If left untreated yeast infections will continue and affect a lifestyle negatively.
However, the biggest negative associated with untreated yeast infections is the possibility that what was assumed to be yeast infection may actually be something more sinister. There are many other conditions that have similar symptoms but may have worse consequences if left untreated. These diseases may continue to spread through sexual contact. Some of the diseases such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause serious health symptoms. Pelvic inflammatory disease is another condition that may arise indirectly as a result of untreated yeast infections. Pregnant women with vaginitis may even give birth prematurely jeopardizing the health of the newborn baby.
Treating Yeast Infections
Antifungal medications in the form of creams, tablets and suppositories are effective at getting rid of yeast infections. These are usually over-the-counter products. There are also prescribed oral medications that offer effective treatment. If the infection does not respond to treatment then it is possible there may be a more serious condition; a condition that may have not been diagnosed as in the case of the patient with the untreated yeast infection.

วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Gout Pain - Eliminate the Pain of Gout With These 3 Simple Tips by John Cielo

If you're suffering gout pain right now then you know just how excruciating it is. Gout pain can totally disrupt your life. When suffering a gout attack the immediate task has to be to get rid of the agonising pain as fast as possible. Here, you'll find out about 3 natural ways to get gout pain relief without the need for expensive drugs with their side effects.
Let's look first at what causes gout pain. The pain is the result of uric acid crystals which, when viewed through a microscope, look just like sharp needles. These crystals are deposited in your joints -- normally in the foot, but potentially any joint -- as a result of excess uric acid in your bloodstream.
Uric acid is the result of the metabolism of 'purines', which process helps to produce our energy and protein. When this process completes, the purines breakdown forming uric acid. Your kidneys then process the acid and flush it out of your body via urine. Sometimes though, the kidneys fail to do this effectively and you end up with excess uric acid in your bloodstream, which then deposits crystals in your joints, causing your gout pain.
But purines also exist in much of our food. And it's found in higher concentrations in red meat, meat extracts, liver, kidney, heart, brain, poultry, fish, shellfish, and many more foods. So you need to avoid foods with high concentrations of purines, whilst working on getting fast gout pain relief.
Here are 3 tips to help you eliminate gout pain without the need for drug-based medication...
Apply Hot / Cold Compresses
The application of alternate hot and cold compresses helps dissolve the uric acid crystals that are causing you gout pain in your joint(s).
Immerse your foot in a basin of hot water for 3 minutes. The temperature should be around 90 degs but test carefully first. Then immediately immerse in another basin of cold water with ice cubes for 30 seconds. Then immediately back into the hot basin for another 3 minutes, and so on. Do this for 20 minutes.
Note: Instead of a cold basin you could use a plastic bag with ice cubes as a compress.
Charcoal Poultice
Make a poultice using 1/2 cup of activated charcoal, 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed and warm water. Apply generously over the affected area. This will help draw out the toxins. Also take 1/2 -1 teaspoon of activated charcoal daily.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can help your symptoms, as a drink or applied topically. For a daily drink; 2 teaspoons each of vinegar and honey mixed together. To bathe the affected joint; 1 part cider vinegar and 6 parts hot water.
Note: It has to be raw, un-distilled apple cider vinegar with no additives, the kind you get from the health food store and some grocery stores.
Many people have reported good results with these 3 natural gout pain remedies. Hopefully, at least one will work for you, maybe all three will do the trick.
But, you still need to consider how to prevent your gout returning, because recurring gout can cause damage to your joints and kidneys. So, ideally, you want to achieve gout pain relief as fast as possible, and, prevent your gout returning again.
You can find out how to do this with an easy, step-by-step natural gout remedy report that thousands of ex-gout victims around the world have successfully used. And it doesn't matter if you have gout toe, ankle or knee etc., this report has everything covered.

Internet Millionaire's Paint By Numbers Marketing System Review by Edward Longfell

I have reviewed many marketing systems most of which are not worth the hype.
Unfortunately, in the world of online marketing you always feel like you are left holding the bag in the end.
Whether you have to purchase additional products or simply never get the full story to truly prosper... you are usually all alone in the end.
That is why I have to say with a sigh of relief, that is definitely not the case with Mr. Michaels system.
Internet marketing is a long and winding road that often leaves you frustrated and dead broke in the end.
I can't tell you how much money I have wasted on useless products... but if I were to take a guess, it would have to be in the tens of thousands of dollars range.
I am sick and tired of people getting ripped off online and that is the reason I had to put Mr. Michaels system under the microscope.
Instead of receiving hype, I received a real life Internet Millionaire's mind and soul to boot!
Mr. Michaels had the foresight to share his inside knowledge that had made him a millionaire over the last ten years to the masses.
Success is something that evades most online marketers due to the fact that misinformation is all over the Internet and most people don't have an effective online marketing strategy.
Mr. Michaels put a system together that teaches everything from the basics of developing your business concept to marketing your product in every imaginable way.
And if for some reason you can't find what you are looking for, all you simply have to do is send an email with your question to support and you will get it answered.
Not in 4 to 6 weeks like some systems, but within a day or two.
The system is not created like a novel, but rather educates in the form of 100's of hours of video content laid out in an easy to understand way so simple a 10 year old can master.
There is no substitution for the school of hard knocks and Mr. Michaels has been there and done that. By drawing from his successes, he has taken the guess work out of Internet Marketing and made it as easy as paint-by-numbers.
The great thing about this Millionaires system is that anyone can do it!
Money making has never been easier.
And if you are eager to explode your income, you can start with Mr. Michaels fast money making blueprints that will have you cashing checks within your first month as I can attest to.
Hats off to Mr. Michaels, his easy to follow online video tutorials will have you wanting for nothing except more videos to make even more money.

What you need to know about Moles by Ray Foulkes

Moles are common, usually benign growths on the skin, generally of the color black or brown. You may see moles in any area of the body, sometimes in groups and sometimes alone. Most moles will appear in your early childhood years, and/or during the first twenty years of your life. A few moles won't appear until later on in your life. Average people have at least a few moles before they reach adulthood. As the years go by, moles generally go through slow changes.
They may change color and/or become raised. Sometimes hairs will grow on a mole. Some moles remain virtually the same throughout your life, and others may disappear as you age. Causes: Moles are caused by cells in the skin growing together in clusters, instead of being spread around the skin. These cells, which are called melanocytes, make the pigment that gives your skin whatever its natural color is. Moles sometimes darken after you expose them to the sun, during your teen-age years, and during the months of pregnancy.
There are various types of common moles, described by the time they appear, and sometimes by their size or appearance. Congenital nevi refer to those that appear at the time of birth. About one percent of people have this type of moles. Moles that are developed at birth have a better chance of developing into melanoma (skin cancer) than moles that appear later. A freckle or mole should always be checked, if it changes size or appearance, to make sure that it hasn't developed into cancer. Dysplastic nevi are larger than average-sized moles, generally meaning that they are wider than the eraser on a pencil. Their shape is irregular, and they tend to be overall uneven in color, with light, uneven edges and darker brown centers. These moles are usually hereditary.
People who have this type of moles often have over 100 moles on their body, and these have a higher than normal rate of development into skin cancer. Treatment: Most moles, however, aren't dangerous. The only moles you should worry about are those that are different from the other moles you have, or those that don't appear until after you turn twenty years of age. Any change in a mole's shape, size, height or color should warn you to call your dermatologist to evaluate it. Also, have moles checked if they become painful or tender, or if they begin to appear scaly, itch, ooze or bleed. You can examine your own skin with a mirror, or have someone help you.
Pay close attention to any area of your body that is often exposed to the sun, like ears, face, neck, chest, arms and hands. If, over time, your moles don't change, there isn't much real reason for concern. If you want to have a mole removed for aesthetic reasons, you can speak with your dermatologist about that. If your dermatologist thinks that you have a mole that he or she should evaluate more fully, or remove, that doctor will simply remove the entire mole, or take a skin tissue sample to be examined under a microscope. This biopsy is a simple procedure, and cutting into the mole will not cause cancer to spread, if it is found that this mole is cancerous. If your mole is cancerous after the dermatologist does the biopsy, he or she will remove the rest of the mole by cutting it out, along with a small ring of skin around it that's normal. Then he or she will stitch the wound closed. There is no way known to prevent moles you are born with, but you can avoid potentially dangerous changes in moles and the appearance of more, by staying out of the sun, or protecting yourself against it with a good sunscreen.

Remodel Your Home with Sustainable Wood & FSC Ipe by George Amarillo

Environmentalists and eco-savvy shoppers who are looking to add a sense of flair to their homes may want to do some more research into sustainable woods. Truth is, despite all the misinformation that is paid for by composite decking companies, there is hardwood decking and hardwood flooring options out there that are eco-friendly. Many people have heard about FSC ipe, FSC decking and FSC flooring, In fact, with the Forest Stewardship Council and the United States Green Building Council promoting the use of sustainable and certified woods for use in green building projects, there is even more attention being paid to how wood is used and where it comes from.But, what makes wood like FSC Ipe sustainable?There are many reasons why FSC certified woods like ipe are sustainable. The process of becoming a certified FSC wood is a stringent one and there are many regulations and people out there that actually monitor how ipe wood is both cultivated and harvested. For instance, it's a common practice for FSC Chain of Custody companies to oversee the process from planting a seed, to milling the lumber, to shipping the ipe decking to your job site. In addition, it's also common for the Forest Stewardship Council to tell a lumber company, "In order to harvest this FSC ipe, you will need to plant tigerwood, cumaru, and some garapa in these designated areas." This way, there is overall ecological balance is maintained and strengthened. Here are some other unique ways FSC ipe is sustainable:
Can be harvested from fallen or dead trees
Is also harvested from ipe trees that no longer produce seeds
Planting five new trees for every one that has been cut
Selective logging and planting to maintain a balance that does not lead to deforestation
Whether you're thinking of building a deck, installing a floor, or building a brand new home using green building construction techniques and eco-friendly wood and materials, knowing the truth behind the claims will let you have peace of mind when you're spending your hard earned money. In addition, don't fall for the lies that composite decking companies tell when they say that they're products are truly eco-friendly. Why? All you have to do is research "composite decking problems" or "composite decking recalls" and you'll see that composite decking is an inferior product. But, while that alone doesn't make it non-eco-friendly, all you have to do is think of the bigger picture. If a composite deck is made of recycled plastics and wood fibers, the overall strength and resiliency of the deck is suspect and, it's reasonable to conclude, weak. If, after a couple of years, you have to replace some deck boards, or replace the entire deck itself because of maintenance issues, you will not only waste money, but also materials. All this waste is not good for the environment. However, if you built a hardwood deck with FSC ipe, you can rest assured that your deck will require no maintenance and will last for decades safely. By researching and buying FSC certified products like FSC ipe decking, or FSC ipe flooring, or any other FSC wood or eco flooring product, we can show the marketplace that the demand for sustainable wood is real and not just a fad. After all, with the environment becoming a huge focus for the world's economy and its population, the use of both renewable and non-renewable materials continues to be put under the microscope. Indeed, this is another reason why worldwide and local organizations like the FSC and the United States Green Building Council exist and why we should all endorse their efforts by buying these eco-friendly and sustainable wood products. Now, more than ever, it's critical that we all do our part to ensure that the wood products we use really do come from managed forests that practice sustainable forestry practices.

วันพุธที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Determine A Diamonds Clarity by William Doyle

Clarity is a measure of the number of the flaws in the diamond as well as how visible they are and their affect on the diamond's overall quality. The characteristics that determine a diamond's clarity can affect its sparkle and brilliance. The flaws that diamonds can often have are often referred to as inclusions. The inclusions of a diamond range from white and black dots on the surface of the stone to small cracks within in the stone and crystalline growth within the diamond. If you are searching for something such as diamond stud earrings where the diamonds will most likely be even more visible than that of a ring, a higher clarity on the diamonds may be wanted to achieve a brighter sparkle.
The GIA has a grading scale regarding diamond clarity, and it goes off specific criteria that are used to differentiate between grades.
FL: Completely flawless.
IF: Internally flawless; only external flaws are present, which can be removed by further polishing the stone.
VVS1-VVS2: Very Very Slight Inclusions. Only an expert can detect flaws with a 10x microscope. By definition, if an expert can see a flaw from the top of the diamond, it is a VVS2. If an expert can only detect flaws when viewing the bottom of the stone it is a VVS1.
VS1-VS2: Very Slight Inclusions. One can see flaws with a 10x microscope, but not easily.
SI1-SI2: Slight Inclusions. Inclusions are easily visible under 10x magnification. These stones are often "eye-clean".
SI3: Slight Inclusions - This grade is only recognized by EGL and is not recognized by the GIA or other gemological institutions and may be graded by GIA as either SI2 or I1. SI3 diamonds never have any black inclusions or cracks visible to the unaided eye, but may have some very minor white inclusions which can be seen.
I1: Inclusions visible. An I1 clarity graded diamond will have a visible flaw which can bee seen with the unaided eye, but most of the time will only have one major flaw which will not be too obvious.
I2-I3: Inclusions high visible. These diamonds will have inclusions visible to the unaided eye and will have many black spots and appear cloudy.
Most of the flaws of a diamond are tiny imperfections that do not affect a diamond's brilliance. If you are on a budget, it might not be worth it to get a higher graded clarity diamond, such as a VS1, rather than an SI2 grade because both are more than likely going to look the same to the unaided eye. You are only going to start seeing the imperfections under 10x magnification. If you are getting some new diamonds in addition to a diamond ring, such as diamond stud earrings, or vice versa, it is important to get the same or very similar clarity on the added diamonds to make sure they will match better and sparkle the same.

Koi Health: Topical Minor Treatments & Salt Dips (Part 1 of 4) by Rod Isted

If during your routine observations of your koi you see any damage to the body or fins or the start of any ulceration, lesions, raised scales etc., resulting from mechanical impact, bacterial or parasitic action, these should be dealt with as soon as possible. Should remedy not be undertaken at an early stage, there is a likelihood of the damage site increasing in severity leading to extensive tissue damage and possible systemic infection and septicaemia. This can disable the vital organs leading to finally, the loss of your Koi.
Fin rot which is a general term for loss of fin tissue will be dealt with further in this section. However again, if this not dealt with effectively, it will continue to destroy the entire fin and fin rays until it eventually infects the body tissue of your Koi.
In order to 'Topically Treat' your Koi, raise and bowl-up your fish.
Before you commence any treatment, thoroughly examine your Koi. This should not just be limited to the site to be treated but turn the fish over and examine the underside for reddening or tissue damage. A mirror can also be used for underside inspection if you do not wish to invert the Koi.
Whilst your Koi is inverted, carefully open the gill covers using gentle pressure from your thumb on the underside of the fish adjacent to the gill openings. The gill plates (lamellae) should be dark red in colour (a bit like a piece of liver!). Look for parasite (edge damage), chemical (discolouration) and bacterial damage (decayed tissue, growths etc) and also for congestion (a build-up of mucous on the gill plates caused by irritation which will restrict the in-take of dissolved oxygen into the bloodstream).
Whilst the Koi is bowled-up, take a mucus scrape on the body just behind the gill cover (operculum) and check for parasitic activity. With experience, you will be able to take a mucus swap using a moist cotton bud from the inside of the gill cover but never touch the gill plates as they are easily damaged - this is not recommended for the novice. Your microscope (if you have or can borrow one) will become with experience, a very valuable aid.
Salt Dips
The are times after the examination of your Koi that it is evident that a salt dip would be beneficial. It may be to clear congested gills or to 'knock-back' or hold a parasitic problem until such time as the Koi is able to undergo further treatment. It is often the case that you will need to deal with not one but several problems. In these circumstances, you must tackle the most 'life threatening' problem first (such as a deep bacterial ulceration) and deal with a parasite infestation later. However, in cases such as Costia (which can cause havoc with your Koi's cardio vascular system), immediate 'holding' measures should also be taken at the same time via salt dips.
Two bowls should be used whenever carrying out any dips - the first bowl used for the medication process and the second bowl filled with un-treated pond (or tank) water. Should there be a need to curtail the treatment whilst it is in progress, you can immediately raise the Koi and return it to the fresh water container.
To undertake the salt dip, fill the first bowl with a measured amount of pond water (or from the water source where the Koi was removed) to a sufficient depth to cover the complete fish. Add salt at the rate of 3 ounces per gallon of water and mix well. Insert an air stone into the water. Carefully place the Koi into the saline solution and leave in the dip for between 10 to 20 minutes, depending upon how the fish copes with the treatment. Should gill disease be suspected, use a far weaker solution (1.5oz @ 10 mins).
Should the Koi become very stressed or go on its side and stay in this position (usually indicating a respiratory problem), it should be removed from the dip and returned to the second bowl containing the un-medicated water. After a few minutes, the dip treatment can be repeated (sometimes your Koi will settle down) and if the same result occurs, the dip can be diluted with fresh pond water. Very occasionally, it is necessary to use judgement between the possible 'lifesaving' benefits of the dip against the effects of stressing. However, never leave your Koi 'on its side' in the medication.
Upon completion of the dip, return your Koi to the bowl of un-treated water to recover prior to any further work, or its return to the pond. If use of an anaesthetic is required for the next stage of treatment, leave for 20 to 30 minutes to clear any residual salt traces before sedating. An air stone should also be placed in the water and the bowl netted.
Whenever undertaking any dip, NEVER LEAVE YOUR KOI UNATTENDED.
Minor Damage
Readily accessible minor damage to your Koi can be treated without anaesthising. You will require a bactericide (for body treatments), potassium permanganate (for fin damage), protective gloves and cotton buds.
Bowl-up your Koi, gently raise the fish with your hand underneath and dab the bactericide on the damaged area on the body, covering well. In cases of minor fin damage, use a very strong solution of potassium permanganate on the area requiring treatment. Allow to dry for as long as your Koi will allow you to!
For loose or dead scales, these can easily be removed using a cotton bud, carefully swabbing the area with a bactericide upon completion.
When working in inaccessible areas or when the treatment is likely to stress the Koi (you do not want your Koi flapping around all over the place which may result in further damage), a light sedation should be used.
We always prefer to use a liquid treatment applied by cotton bud in lieu of a spray aerosol as you can control the contact area of the medication. Always wear protective gloves when applying topical treatments.

วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Football Tips Betting - Bet Today and Win! by Christian Grisham

There are a lot of ways to get football tips betting. The Internet is one of the avenues where you can get an abundant supply of information, and this information is just a few taps and clicks away.
But wait. Before you start getting betting tips, are you sure that you know what you're getting into? Gambling is serious business. You are putting money on the line. So before you start making any bets, read about the topic. Again, the internet would be a great source of information. There are a lot of sites and articles on the web that would help you learn more about the business and the league. It would be best if you educate yourself first before you get down to business.
Football tips betting are often given by people who really closely study the game. There are people who take a lot of time and effort in studying each and every team's move. Every player is in check. It's like they're putting the game under a microscope. And they make sure that they know almost every trick that the team is going to make. These people are called handicappers.
Handicappers are the gurus of the business. They give you predictions about what could possibly happen in the next game. They would also let you in on the reasons why they think this would happen. These people have been in the business for quite a while. You may even think that all they do in their life is watch football and study football. If they had a religion, it could possibly be football.
Handicappers would base their predictions on the team's strengths and weaknesses. They could also base the predictions on the team's performance. It would depend on their game plan. The experience that these handicappers have had will tell them what to do and how to do things. If you are a novice and are just starting out with the business, you will find these people very helpful. They will do all the dirty work for you. And all you would have to do is take your time in deciding who to listen to and who to trust. Again, it would be good to read on the subject first before you start betting. The information that you will gain will make sure that you are veered away from the false information and the bad handicappers. Some people may offer you their services but only to find out that they are just stripping you of money. And we don't want that of course. So it would be best if you would read on the subject as much as you can.
Handicappers will charge a fee for their football tips betting. And it will depend on them how and how much you will be paying. Some handicappers would ask for a payment outright. But other handicappers would ask for some percentage of the winnings. You could ask them first before you really hire their services. It would be better to know that to not know.

Why Should Anyone Believe You - Testimonials Have Power by Ingrid Cliff

Imagine for a moment a scientist, quietly working away in their musty chemical smelling lab late one evening, peering deep into their microscope. They stretch, rub their eyes, and put the next glass slide under the eyepiece. They blink. Sit up. They look around with their heart pumping. They quickly gaze back through the eyepiece. Surely it can't be true. They look again.
Yes! They have finally solved a medical riddle that has been plaguing mankind for generations. With this discovery they will save the suffering of hundreds of people each year creating health where there was previously sickness. Life where there was previously death. Hope where there was none.
Now ... do you think they have a responsibility for sharing this discovery with people? With testing to make sure it really was true. With actively seeking out people that could benefit from their discovery and sharing their knowledge? Do you believe that they should do everything in their power to shout their message from the rooftops so that even just one person can hear it?
What would happen if they told a few people of their discovery but didn't back it up with further studies, and when the word didn't get out as fast as they wanted, if they just bundled up their research and put it in a drawer. Would they be giving up? Would the world be a worse place for the loss?
Businesses are just like this scientist. The market is full of great products ... I mean there are really great products out there that quietly fade away. These products and services solve problems and create easy solutions that other products and services on the market don't.
Maybe these products and services are not the difference between life and death but they certainly are the solution to irritations, or things that bug people, so they still have value.
The thing to remember is if you have created something brilliant, there are people who need your product or service, and it is your responsibility to help them solve their problem they just need to know about you. But creating something great isn't enough. Just because you have created something fabulous doesn't mean people will automatically buy it.
People are naturally sceptical. We all grew up with the stories of "Chicken Little" and the "Boy who Cried Wolf" we may have been excited initially, but as we grew we want to see hard evidence before we get excited about pretty much anything these days.
We want proof that something works. So - scientists start gathering data from trials. They replicate their experiments and then move onto human trials. They gather statistics to see what worked and any side effects. They modify chemical compositions based on the trials and then finally release their findings and after a lot of research and effort, the product finally makes it onto the market.
In business, people need to do the same thing. We want to see the proof. We want to see the results of the clinical trials we are swayed more by the positive reviews of other people than by the announcement of the breakthrough. We want to see that it really does work.
Yet most businesses fail at this step. They create something great, tell people about it and wonder why they don't get the results they are looking for. They fail in gathering testimonials and proof that something actually does work. Their marketing material still focuses on the claims and the razzle-dazzle, with no proof behind it to back it up.
Until there is proof people's natural reaction is "Why should I believe you".
So if your online business is not converting or your marketing is not getting a great response take a good hard look at your material and ask yourself "Where's the Proof?" You need to take action to help people believe your claims.
Get some great heartfelt testimonials and regularly share them with people. I've seen this done by interspersing them with other writing, by a call-out box, by pages added on the end of the document. I've seen them written in chalk on a window or chalkboard and I have seen them filmed or recorded.
Take planned action to get testimonials. Take a leaf out the Big Brown Box's book and automate your testimonial getting. Ask people more than once if need be just get them.
Don't be afraid of comparison tests and product reviews these all add weight to your claims.
At the end of the day you want to celebrate sharing your discovery with as many people as you can, rather than quietly putting it away in a drawer. You want to answer the question why people should believe you as that is one of the greatest secrets to business success.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

About Bag Filters by Ross G

You might use a filter, but it's probable you are oblivious they come in many different shapes and sizes, one being in the form of a bag filter. Many applications use filtration bags as a standard.
Liquid bag filters are generally used as a less costly way to take out bulk solids from specific applications. These applications can be coolant filtration, paint strainers; many water pre-filter applications, and ink filtration.
There are a variety of different bag filter options. They generally come in two shapes, welded and sewn, and each has several unique end configurations. Standard bags are the average application of bag filters, but many custom bags are out there for several different filtering needs and applications.
Which type of filter bag you use depends on the application. Temperature, chemistry, and particle size all factor in when choosing one. A large number of filter bags are made from polypropylene felt, so that is a awesome place to start. A lot of people will go with polyester felt for hot temperature applications. For the extremely demanding forms, you should use absolute rated nylon mesh, or NMO. If you find yourself purchasing a bag filter and not getting the endurance of the bag you'd like, it's probably because you've misjudged the workload of the filter. An extreme working filter has its life abbreviated, and is not determined by hours used or gallons used. Bags that filter clean water could last as long as a year, while one filtering mud could last as little as a three minutes. It all requires the application. Also, a fresh bag may appear new to a standard viewer, but in the closer view of a microscope, it may be more extreme than first imagined.
To know when to change bags, identify the inlet pressure. As its surface area is used up, the pressure rises across the bag. When the pressure rises faster, the bag is used up and should be changed. Bags don't have a identifiable rule, but generally, you should get a new bag when you see an 8-12 PSI drop.

วันศุกร์ที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Confident Public Speaking by Rogger Nadal

For many people, public speaking can often appear to be a fate worse than dying; however, currently there are many hypnotic techniques that can erase this debilitating fear, and create excitement about public speaking. Imagine all of the opportunities that have fallen to the way side because of an irrational fear of speaking in public. Human beings are communicative by nature, so why does it appear so problematic for many, when doing so in front of others? Perhaps, it's the nagging feeling that he or she is being judged or scrutinized--or being placed under a microscope. Another irrational fear is that the speaker may irresistibly begin spouting personal information and not be able to stop. It's possible to quell this unreasonably potent fear among public speakers, and place them in a position of unrelenting power and confidence. It's absolutely possible to become a confident public speaker through hypnotherapy. Advanced hypnotherapy coupled with neuro-linguistic programming is the essential blend for achieving rational, calm, collected and intelligent thinking, while in the presence of a crowd. Hypnotherapy works on both the conscious and unconscious aspects of the mind. The positive results from hypnosis are seen in the way that the individual is uncommonly receptive to alternative modes of thinking; therefore, one can imagine the power that hypnosis has when an individual retains positive affirmations, and then unknowingly adopts these beliefs after being awakened from hypnosis. Hypnosis offers abundant hope to chronic pain sufferers, addicts, those dealing with mental illness, and a host of others--imagine what it can do for those with an irrational fear of public speaking. Overcoming fear of public speaking is absolutely essential for educators, members of clergy, political speakers, lawyers and other orators; it's essential to dismember this malevolent and crippling fear, and render it helpless through effective hypnosis.

วันอังคารที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Proper Nutrition For Athletes... by Mack M

Proper nutrition for athletes, couldn't be more important --They are held under a microscope. Gone are the 'good old days' of popping a few "greenies" for that much needed extra energy, every athlete needs... By the way.., greenies are amphetamines. Anyway, back in the day (1970s') they popped those things like Flintstone chewable vitamins.
But, today is a whole different story... Some athletes, unfortunately, try and cheat the system. Well, not try, they actually do. If you've spent any time around serious athletes, or a real gym... You should know.., most of these guys or gals will do just about anything, for an edge.
They got greedy, though.., and went a little to far, to say the least. Steroids. They went for the easy way out, or so they think... Steroids will KILL YOU! If you don't believe me, I have two words for you -- Lyle Alzado. Google it, if you ever feel the need to try and cheat the system and gain that "little extra."
These days, if you are a professional athlete, you are a fool if you attempt to use ANY performance enhancing drugs. Besides all the extremely dangerous health issues you will be forced to deal with later on in your life (not good ones, either!), you will be caught!
Today, proper nutrition for athletes couldn't be more important. Lets face it, athletes are not going to stop looking for, 'that edge." So, why not be smart about it..? With all the scientific research being done today, all the evidence is telling us Superfoods or Super Herbs are the only way to go.
Besides, all the general health benefits to these amazing superfoods... The 1993 Chinese Olympic Track Team broke all kind s of world records at the World Outdoor Track and Field Championships in Germany. Rumors of performance enhancing drugs, began immediately. German officials found No Use Of Banned Substances, though.
It was later discovered, the chinese team was taking a special diet of herbs and a tonic made from Cordyceps. Besides being one of the most revered herbs by the chinese, for it's medicinal qualities... They, are an excellent addition to any athletes training.
There are all kinds of supplements or dangerous drugs, on the market today, promising to help build muscle, or help your muscles recover quicker... When, if you just added something as simple as some chicken cooked with cordyceps, or maybe a tonic, to your training routine, there would be no need for ANY harmful substances, poisoning your body.
Look, I know, it's all about results, if you are an athlete -- "Second, means you lost." But, filling your body with dangerous chemicals means.., you die. Superfoods are not only an amazing addition to your training & diet -- they also can add some quality years to your life.
Don't get left behind... You should ALWAYS be striving for a better performance and proper nutrition for an athlete couldn't be more important. For all the latest cutting-edge nutritional information, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better resource, than the one at the link below. Good Luck!

วันเสาร์ที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What Buyers should know About Newport Beach Homes? by real estate expert

It is evident that Newport Beach is one of the world's best and luxurious cities to live. Newport Beach, incorporated in 1906, is a city in Orange County, California, United States 10 miles (16 km) south of Downtown Santa Ana. Newport Beach is one of the cities with lowest population density as its total population stands out to be 86,252. The city is currently one of the wealthiest communities in the United States and has even been ranked first in some categories. Areas of Newport Beach include Corona del Mar, Balboa Island, Newport Coast, San Joaquin Hills, and Balboa Peninsula. Newport Beach is an upscale community with a very high per capita income. But after Global Recession Newport Beach real estate market has slowed down. This means that the Newport Beach real estate market was affected and will continue to be affected by the recession differently than many other California communities. Prices on Prime Real Estate Properties have dropped down severely thereby undervalued homes that would have been sold at a higher price earlier. In this Real Estate Slump Market, Single family Newport Beach home prices in Newport Beach are doing much better than the OC Real Estate market at large. Orange County is going through a major price correction currently, but property values in Newport Beach are doing much better than most other cities in Orange County. With the home prices quickly decreasing at a steady pace, there is no better time than the present for you to begin considering buying Newport Beach Home. You will discover that there is no single strategy set in stone for all buyers to follow, but the more you learn the better you will be at becoming successful in the buying new homes. There are some tips for buying in Newport Beach Home. 1. Check out basic facilities and amenities to be provided e.g. Fitness centre, dining room, library, media room, bathrooms, laundry, hot/cold shower etc. 2. Credit is an important topic for home buyers. When buying a home you can be sure that mortgage lenders will review your credit with a microscope. 3. A checklist is a useful tool when buying a new house - especially when it's your first time going through the process. A good checklist will keep you on track and help you remember what features to look for when house hunting 4. Since you most likely will need to get a mortgage to buy a house, you must make sure your credit history is as clean as possible. A few months before you start house hunting, get copies of your credit report. 5. Get professional help Even though the Internet gives buyers unprecedented access to home listings, most new buyers (and many more experienced ones) are better off using a professional agent. Look for an exclusive buyer agent, if possible, who will have your interests at heart and can help you with strategies during the bidding process. So, after going through these tips one should have a clear idea buying Newport Beach Homes. For more information on Newport Beach Homes, Newport Beach Homes for Sales, Newport Beach Home Buying tips visit - Newportoc.com

What's In Dust? by CleanPro

Author: CleanProArticle Source: MiNeeds.com, where consumers get competitive bids from Cleaners or Maids. Read reviews, compare offers & save. It's free! Article Link: http://www.mineeds.com/Jamaica/CleanPro/Articles/Whats-in-DustTags: what's in dust?, dust particles, dust green, green cleaning, green clean, microfiber, microfibers, microfiber, clothes, microfiber products, PCB, PCBs, dust mites, mitesDid you ever wonder what's in dust? Even though you may not see dust around your home or office it's out there! You can see it when the sun's rays shine in your window. Using a traditional duster just spreads or moves the dust around. By the end of this article you'll know why that is bad and how to reduce or prevent it. Here is a list of the ingredients in dust according to Sixwise.com* Shed Human Skin Cells* Flame retardants like polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) * Paint particles* Cigarette smoke (and its toxic byproducts) * Pesticides* PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) * PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) * Fabric fibers from your clothes, carpets, upholstery, etc. * Sand and soil particles* Plant and insect parts (When dust is examined under a microscope, it is not at all unusual to spot ant heads or other insect body parts, say Arlian). * Mold spores* Pet dander and feathers* Dust mites and their feces* Viruses* Rodent waste* Construction debris (adhesives, sawdust, etc.) * Pollen* Bacteria* Asbestos* Heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercuryEW right! Now here is what you can do to trap and get ride of that nasty dust. Over the past few years microfiber clothes and products containing microfibers have been becoming more and more popular and all for good reason. Microfiber clothes and products can trap up to 400% of their weight in dust and dirt and can be laundered and reused several times which reduces waste. Simple buy your microfiber cloth or mint and either apply a small amount of cleaner or use them dry. You can dust your TV screen, wipe flat surfaces, use a separate one on glass for a great streak free finish, etc. The possiblities are endless. We use microfiber products in our Certified GREEN cleaning program and have reduced our supplies cost by 50%, help the environment by reducing waste (not using paper towels which by the way are bleeched), and we use all green product such as Clorox Green Works (c) to help our clients that suffer from allergies and are chemical sensitive. Green products work just as good as the regular cleaners. We believe in the Green movement so much that our whole company, CLEANPRO, has switched to Green products, Green cleaning techniques and Waste reduction and our cleaning technicians are green clean certified by The Green Clean Institute. So pick up a couple of microfiber clothes and go cleaning crazy. Article written by: Avinash Jadoonanan, President of CLEANPRO. www.cleanproclean.com Tell: 888-860-6669Was the Article Useful?I hope you enjoyed the article! Please rate it at the following link, your feedback is highly appreciated: What's In Dust?

วันพุธที่ 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

A Life - based on programming.... Part 3 by Adrian Leach

Thoughts, Beliefs and our Body (Quantum Physics) What would it mean to discover that everything from the DNA of life, to the future of our world, is based upon a simple "Reality Code" that may be changed and be upgraded by choice? Until recently, it was thought that genes were self-actualising meaning genes could turn themselves on and off. As a result, most people today believe they are genetic automatons, and that their genes control their lives.
The research of Dr Bruce Lipton Ph. D introduces a radical new understanding of cell science. The new biology reveals that we ‘control' our genome rather than being controlled by it. It is now recognized that the environment, and more specifically, our perception or interpretation of the environment directly controls the activity of our genes. This explains why people can have spontaneous remissions or recover from injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities. It really is about "mind over matter".
This new perspective of human biology does not view the body as just a mechanical device, but rather incorporates the role of a mind and spirit. This breakthrough is fundamental in all healing because it recognizes that when we change our perception or beliefs we send totally different messages to our cells, causing a reprogramming of their expression.
Dr Bruce Lipton Ph. D says that this new science is called Epigenetic. It's been around for about 19 years (1990), but it's just now being introduced to the general public. For example, The American Cancer Society is an organization that has been looking for cancer genes for the last 50 years or so. But they've found that only about 5 percent of cancer has genetic linkage, leaving 95% that is not genetically linked. Recently the American Cancer Society released a statistic that said 60 percent of cancer is avoidable by changing lifestyle and diet. So now they are telling us, "It's the way you live, it's not your genes."
Within every one of our bodies at this very moment, there are billions of stem cells, embryonic cells designed to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs. However, the activity and fate of these regenerative cells are epigenetically controlled. That means they are profoundly influenced by our thoughts and perceptions about the environment. Hence our beliefs about aging can either interfere with or enhance stem cell function, causing us to physiologically regeneration or decline.
Cooperation and community are actually the underlying principles of evolution, as well as the underlying principles of cell biology. The human body represents the cooperative effort of a community of fifty trillion single cells. A community, by definition, is an organization of individuals committed to supporting a shared vision. Information from the environment is transferred to the cell via the cell membrane. Scientists thought that the cell nucleus was the brain of the cell. But in 1985 Dr Bruce Lipton Ph. D discovered that the membrane is actually the brain of the cell. The nucleus, as it turns out, is actually the reproductive centre.
The cell membrane (memory-brain!) monitors the condition of the environment and then sends signals to the genes to engage cellular mechanisms, which in turn, provide for its survival. In the human body, the brain sends messages to the cell's membrane to control its behavior and genetic activity. This is how the mind, via the brain, controls our biology.
For example, an important discipline in the health sciences is referred to as Psycho-neuroimmunology. Literally this term means: the mind (psycho-) controls the brain (neuro-), which in turn, controls the immune system (immunology). This is how the placebo effect works!
When the mind perceives that the environment is safe and supportive, the cells focus on growth. Cells need growth in order to maintain the body's healthy functioning. However, when confronted by stress, cells adopt a defensive protection posture. When that happens, the body's energy resources, normally used to sustain growth, are diverted to systems that provide protection. The result is that growth processes are restricted or suspended. While our systems can accommodate periods of acute (brief) stress, prolonged or chronic stress is debilitating because the body's energy demands interfere with the maintenance it requires, and this is what leads to dysfunction and disease.
In a state of shock or fear, stress hormones change the flow of blood in the brain. Under normal, healthy situations, blood flow in the brain is preferentially focused in the forebrain, the site of conscious control. However, in stress, the forebrain blood vessels constrict, forcing the blood to the hindbrain, the centre of subconscious reflex control. Simply, in fear mode we become more reactive and less intelligent.
Dr. Masaru Emoto From Dr. Emoto's work we are provided with factual evidence, that human energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet.
Dr Emoto has found that by placing a piece of paper with a word written on it will change the molecular structure of the water. A drop of the water is then placed in a dish and frozen. The resulting ice crystal is then observed through a Dark Field microscope. When beautiful and harmonious words are used like love or happiness, beautiful symmetrical crystals are observed. However, when words like hate or anger are written on the paper, the result on the water crystal is quite different. The crystals appear all disfigured and twisted.
To test this phenomenon Dr Emoto swapped the two labels around and found that the effects were reversed. Water is the very source of all life on this planet, the quality and integrity is vitally important to all forms of life. The body is very much like a sponge and is composed of trillions of cells that hold liquid. The quality of our life is directly connected to the quality of our water.
Water is a very malleable substance. Its physical shape easily adapts to whatever environment is present. But its physical appearance is not the only thing that changes, the molecular shape also changes. The energy or vibrations of the environment will change the molecular shape of water. In this sense water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly reflects the environment.
Our very thoughts, feelings, emotions and belief systems, if negative or limiting, will have a direct effect on our cells and immune system. This is yet more proof that we really are what we think! By making energetic changes we can the programming that created these negative beliefs and drastically improve every cell of our bodies to living a happier, healthier and longer life, now…
Dr. Bradley Nelson â€" “The Emotion Code” Dr. Nelson, author of “The Emotion Code,” believes that much of our suffering is due to negative emotional energies that have become ‘trapped’ within us, usually in our joints, when we are upset or stressed. Each emotion has a unique frequency and, when trapped in the body, causes the surrounding tissue frequency to change. This causes a disruption which leads to pain.
It is also Dr. Nelson’s experience that a significant percentage of all physical illnesses, emotional difficulties and self-sabotage are actually caused by these unseen energies. When we clear these trapped emotions the physical symptoms goes away.

วันจันทร์ที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Colon Cancer News - The Must Know Basics Of Screening by Nancy Tagore

Five Stages Of Colon CancerColon cancer is a cancer that affects the four to five feet of the upper large intestine. In Stage 0, the cancer hasn't grown past the mucosa of the colon. In Stage I, the cancer has grown through the mucosa but hasn't spread past the colon wall. In Stage II, the cancer has penetrated the wall of the colon, but hasn't yet spread further. In Stage III, the cancer has invaded the surrounding lymph nodes. In Stage IV, the cancer has spread to distant organs through the cancerous lymph nodes. Although 49,920 deaths occur from colorectal cancer each year, it's believed many of these deaths could have been prevented with early detection and treatment.Cancer Risk FactorsThere are many important risk factors for cancer of the colon that makes someone a good candidate for colon cancer screening. Age is one factor, as about 90% of people diagnosed with this cancer are over 50. People are also more at-risk if they have ever had colorectal cancer, polyps, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diabetes, acromegaly (a growth hormone disorder) or radiation therapy as part of another cancer treatment. Some studies have shown that a greater risk exists for people who eat diets low in fiber and high in fat/calories, or diets high in red meat/processed meats. Obese individuals and smokers have an increased chance of developing and dying from this type of cancer too. As with most health conditions, genetics also play a role in many cases.The Cause Of Colon CancerColon cancer is the uncontrolled growth, division and replication of altered cells, which stack up in the intestinal lining. In later stages, the cancer can penetrate the colon walls, spreading to lymph nodes and other organs. Precancerous growths, called colon polyps, appear as mushroom-shaped bumps or recessed lesions in the colon walls. There are three main types of colon polyps: inflammatory, adenoma and hyperplastic. Inflammatory polyps often come after having ulcerative colitis and are usually removed because they often become cancerous if left unattended. Adenomas are also removed to avoid cancer development. By contrast, hyperplastic polyps are rarely a cause for concern.Screening Procedures For Colon CancerThe most basic colon cancer screening is a stool blood test (or a fecal occult blood test), which allows a patient to take a kit home, create a sample and return that sample to the lab, where a doctor will examine the results under a microscope. Similarly, a stool DNA test will send the sample kit off to the laboratory for more in-depth analysis, which may be able to indicate DNA mutations or tumors that indicate the presence of cancer. A flexible sigmoidoscopy takes just a few moments, and involves a flexible, slender, lighted tube being inserted into the last two feet of the rectum and colon to see if any colon polyps are present. A barium enema uses a contrast dye and x-rays to evaluate the lining of the bowels. A colonoscopy is similar to the sigmoidoscopy, but the instrument allows the doctor the ability to search the entire colon and rectum for polyps, rather than just the lower portion. Lastly, a virtual colonoscopy uses a computerized tomography machine to take images of the colon, which is a less invasive than a conventional colonoscopy screening.

A Brief History Of Holograms by Lawrence Reaves

A hologram is created by capturing the light reflected from an object and reconstructing it so the subject appears to move relative to the position of the viewer of the hologram. This is what makes a hologram appear 3-dimensional but in fact it is not, it is a 2-dimensional representation just as an ordinary photograph.
In 1947, Hungarian physicist, Gabor Denes (known as Dennis Gabor in English) was playing in his lab with the results of pioneering technological advances dealing with the development of the electron microscope. Dennis Gabor was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his discovery but he had to wait until 1971 to receive the recognition he deserved.
The discovery was made in England at the commercial lab of British Thomas-Houston who filed a patent back in 1947, however the holographic light/optical technique did not attain any commercial significance until the development of the laser in 1960. With the invention of the laser, 3-dimensional objects were then able to be made and the technique was first discovered in 1962 by two sets of teams - one in Soviet Russia led by Yuri Denisyuk and in the US, led by Juris Upatnieks.
The initial holograms required illumination using the polarized light provided by a laser which severely restricted the use of the hologram. With the development of "Rainbow Transmission" holograms, ordinary white-light sources could be used to create the 3-dimensional replication and this opened the door to using holograms in everyday life. The holograms you see on credit cards and as security tags on product packaging are of this type. The rainbow transmission technique uses a surface print on a plastic film which is then backed by an aluminum mirror-coating to provide the backlight source of illumination - this is what creates the 3-dimensional image appear.
A refinement of the rainbow transmission hologram is the "reflection" or "Denisyuk" hologram. Here a multi-color image is reproduced and a white-light source from the same side of the viewer is only needed - this removes the need for the backlight coating which increases the cost of producing the hologram.
While static 3-dimensional images can be reproduced on a 2-dimensional medium, the science fiction concept of a 3-dimensional image being projected into a space is not yet with us. The ability to replicate a 3-dimensional image into a space holds a lot of attraction for television and film but while plenty of effort has been going into creating a 3-dimensional viewing experience, the reality is that this holographic development is still science fiction and not science fact. The 2008 holographic projection of CNN reporter Jessica Yellin during the Presidential elections last year may have given the impression of a hologram projection into space but in fact there was a merging of a video feed from the reporter which was then combined with the video feed created in the studio. In other words, it was a cheat, but still gave a good indication of the possibility of 3-d holographic movies and television may be able to bring to the movie theater or your living room within the next few years.

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Hair Transplant Terminology by Robert M. Bernstein, M.D., F.A.A.D.

Follicular Unit The follicular unit of the adult human scalp is a naturally occurring entity that consists of 1-4, and occasionally 5, terminal hair follicles, 1, or rarely 2, vellus follicles, the associated sebaceous lobules, the insertions of the arrector pili muscles, its neural and vascular plexuses, and the fine adventitial collagen which surrounds, and defines, the unit (the perifolliculum).
Follicular Unit Graft A graft that is obtained by dissecting out the individual, naturally occurring follicular unit. This is also referred to as a follicular unit implant, a term which implies that (unlike most grafts) the ratio of hair/skin is greater in the follicular unit implant than in the original donor area, since some of the non-hair bearing tissue has been trimmed away in the dissection.
Micrograft A 1-2 hair graft. It may consist of naturally occurring one and two-hair follicular units or be derived from larger units which are subdivided.
Minigraft A 3-6 hair graft derived from either a single follicular unit, multiple follicular units, or multiple, partial follicular units. As suggested by Walter Unger, this may be further classified into small minigrafts of 3-4 hairs, and large minigrafts of 5-6 hairs.
Slit-graft A 3-6 hair graft derived from either multiple follicular units, or multiple, partial follicular units where the dissection technique specifically attempts to produce a linear arrangement of follicles, or follicular units. This may be further classified into small slit-grafts of 3-4 hairs, and large slit-grafts of 5-6 hairs.
Follicular Unit Dissection A technique in which naturally occurring, individual follicular units are dissected from donor tissue that has been removed as a single strip (rather than with a multi-bladed knife of more than two blades) in order to keep the follicular units intact. Some non-hair bearing tissue is removed to decrease the overall bulk of the implant. Stereo-microscopic dissection is required.
Mini-Micrografts or Slit-grafts Cut to Size A dissection technique whereby the donor strip is subdivided to produce grafts of specific sizes as defined by the number of hairs they contain and/or the size of tissue that will fit into a specific recipient site. The removal of excess skin is not required. The dissection can be performed with or without magnification and the donor tissue may be removed as a single strip or with a multi-bladed knife.
Follicular Unit Transplantation A method of hair restoration surgery where hair is transplanted exclusively in its naturally occurring, individual follicular units. Single strip harvesting and stereo-microscopic dissection are required. The grafts must be placed into small recipient incisions.
Mini-Micrografting A method of hair transplantation which uses grafts containing 1-6 hairs, in groups that do not necessarily correspond to the naturally occurring follicular units. The recipient sites may be either incisions, excisions (tissue removed), or both.
Two Terminology Extremes: Science vs. Marketing Soon after the publication, Seager suggested to add another term, the "Follicular Family Unit." (7) To paraphrase Dr. Seager:
When dissecting follicular units, it is sometimes unclear as to which unit a seemingly "stray" hair belongs. In other words, occasionally it is not completely obvious where one follicular unit ends, and an adjacent one begins. When one is specifically trying to create increased density, a stray hair would be included with an (unusually) close neighboring, larger follicular unit, containing possibly three hairs. This technique would create a four-haired unit, when there may have been no four-haired units there at all. One must find two separate units that look close enough to almost "belong together." If the two contiguous units are chosen correctly, the resulting unit can be very difficult, sometimes impossible, to distinguish from a naturally occurring follicular unit.
The key to success in this endeavor is the concept of the "Follicular Family Unit." If any ("non-family") two-follicular units are randomly doubled up, the resulting graft will be more the size of a minigraft, rather than a micrograft. It would need a larger recipient site, which would preclude dense packing because of both technical planting limitations and impairment of scalp vasculature. If, on the other hand, despite their larger size, they are forced into minute micrograft-sized recipient sites; they would be traumatized during attempts at insertion.
Although the term "follicular family unit" was introduced to account for the variability in the anatomy of the follicular unit and to take advantage of these variations in the surgery, other terms were not necessarily based on purely scientific considerations.
A blatant misrepresentation of the term follicular unit was "Follicular Unit Coupling - The Role of Slot Grafting in Hair Transplantation." (8) In this case, the author attached the new term to the original slot grafting method. This was a technique that used slit grafts harvested with a multi-bladed knife and then cut into thin pieces and placed into large slots of skin removed with a rectangular punch. The term was new and a marketing campaign followed, but the technique was the same as the original one, with no-attempt whatsoever to use, or preserve, follicular units.
Between these extremes, is the ongoing struggle to describe what we do in a clear, precise way - in the face of ever evolving concepts and techniques, and an ever increasing number of terms. The issue at hand is to be able to distinguish which terms are adding to the science and which are just blurring it.
Making Sense of the FU Salad From the opening list of acronyms, all used at the recent ISHRS meeting, it seems that we again need to step back and examine the new terms, to see which represent distinct ideas or techniques and which are, perhaps, redundant. What follows is a first-pass attempt at sorting out the six terms that, in our opinion, are the most confusing, and have the most overlap. They come in two groups: The first is FU Coupling, FU pairing, Double FUs (DFUs) and Multiple FUs (MFUs). The second group includes FUE and FIT.
With respect to the first group, we think that there are two distinct situations that doctor's are trying to communicate with these terms. The first is the technique of placing two separately dissected follicular unit grafts into one recipient site. This is distinct from the commonly used term "Doubling-up" which many doctors have used to refer to placing two micrografts in one site. Our suggestion is to use the term FU pairing to refer to the technique of placing two separately isolated follicular units into one recipient site. We suggest discarding the term FU Coupling as it has been incorrectly associated with slit grafting procedures in past literature and its use will be confusing.
The second situation is when a doctor places two (or more) follicular units, that have not been separated in the dissection, into one hole. In our view, this is clearly not follicular unit transplantation. The reason is that a main advantage of FUT was that in isolating FUs one would remove some of the non-hair bearing skin between FUs, to decrease the bulk of the graft. This, in turn, would allow the doctor to use a smaller recipient site, create less wounding, allow for safely transplanting a larger number of grafts in a single session etc, etc. Using multiple non-dissected follicular units, in our view, creates a larger wound and accomplishes none of these goals.
We are not suggesting that doctors should abandon this technique. Some excellent surgeons incorporate these grafts into their procedures. We are merely suggesting that it not be called FUT. Well then what should one call them? Our answer is to call them what they have always been called, namely micro-grafts, mini-grafts and slit grafts. If one argues that they are now different due to the use of the stereo-microscope, then we agree. In this case, the grafts should be called microscopically dissected micro-grafts, mini-grafts and slit grafts, to communicate the fact that follicular transection may be avoided. But these are still not follicular unit grafts any more than a pedicle flap is follicular unit transplantation. To avoid confusion, we suggest eliminating the terms DFUs and MFUs.
So what should we call eyebrow transplants? According to the technique used by most hair restoration surgeons, where they divide up the donor strip into single hairs, it should be called one-hair micrografting. If one uses the contra-lateral eyebrow for donor hair, then this can truly be referred to as FUT.
FUE and FIT The increased transection rate of FUE harvesting techniques that use a sharp punch (relative to single-strip harvesting and stereomicroscopic dissection) had some doctors immediately question whether this procedure should be classified as a type of follicular unit transplantation. (9) With the introduction of the blunt dissection technique by Harris, that significantly decreased damage to follicles and increased the preservation of follicular units, the argument for classifying FUE as a type of FUT is considerably stronger - but certainly not bullet-proof - since in some cases significant transection remains and in others the entire follicular unit cannot be captured. (10)
The Follicular Isolation Technique (FIT), is a term used by Cole and Rose that refers to an FUE technique that uses a punch with a "stop" to limit the depth of penetration. Although these authors and other physicians question the need for a depth-stop in the extraction technique, FIT is possibly a better term than FUE if the entire unit is not being captured. In our view, when the goal is just to extract hair, rather than intact follicular units, the term FIT is preferable.
Conclusion In sum, these authors suggest that the following four terms and definitions be added to the original classification.
Follicular Family Unit Two closely contiguous follicular units that are dissected as one graft, so that they can fit into the same size recipient site as the largest naturally occurring follicular unit normally used in the procedure.
FU pairing The technique of placing two separately isolated follicular units into one recipient site.
FUE Direct donor extraction procedures where the intent is to extract the entire follicular unit. If a depth stop is used, this should be indicated.
FIT Direct extraction procedures where the intent is to extract individual or multiple hairs smaller than the entire follicular unit. (In other words, the direct extraction of micro-grafts.) If a depth stop is used, this should be indicated.
Micro-grafts, mini-grafts and slit grafts that have been dissected microscopically to prevent follicular transection should be referred to just that, namely: microscopically dissected micro-grafts, mini-grafts and slit grafts. These authors do not feel that these procedures should be classified as a type of follicular unit transplantation. We also suggest that the terms FU Coupling, DFUs and MFUs are confusing and should be abandoned.
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